英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-04-17 18:07:26 英语词汇 我要投稿



  9.You will be meeting her presently(不久、立刻). (answer: A)

  A. shortly:adv马上、立刻 I’ll be coming back shortly.

  B. currently: adv时下、当前,同义词组:at present = now

  She is currently in Beijing.

  C. lately(***): adv 最近,同义词:recently

  How have been lately?近来可好?

  D. probably: 可能地,反义词:improbably, 同义词:possibly.

  presently = shortly = soon

  10.Attitudes to(对。。。的态度) mental(精神的) illness(疾病) have shifted(改变) in recent years(在近几年=lately). (answer: C)

  A. displayed: 展示、陈列某物,显示、显露 display sth to sb

  B. shown:原形show, 显示、展示,此时和display属近义词。

  C. changed(***):高频核心词,含义丰富,改变、更换、交换、换乘、换衣服\兑换货币,等等。

  change one’s idea/attitude改变主意/态度;change one’s job换工作; change gear换挡; change sides改变立场; change train换乘火车;change dollars into RMB把美圆兑换成人民币。

  D. demonstrated:v 证明、论证、表明、示威游行

  11.I have been trying to(尽力) quit(停止) smoking. (answer: A)

  A. give up:停止、放弃,give up sth/doing sth, 如:

  My husband gave up(= quit = stop = abandon) smoking last year.

  B. pick up(***):捡起来、情况好转、通过实践学会(外语、技术)、收取某物、接人、偶然结识某人等。

  C. build up逐渐发展、增强

  D. take up:占据(时间或空间)、从事某事

  12.That guy(家伙,小伙子) is intelligent(聪明的), but a bit dull (沉闷的、乏味的、单调的). (answer: D)

  A.strange:奇怪的、陌生的、不同寻常的,常见搭配:be strange to sth

  he’s strange to the new work. (他对这新工作很不习惯。)

  B. special:特殊的、特别的、专门的、额外的,如:special friend特别的朋友;special train专列;当名词用时,特别的人或事物。

  C. quiet:安静的。Keep quiet!保持安静!

  D. boring:枯燥的、无趣的、单调的,请注意和它有关的其他同根词:

  bore: v使人感到乏味;bored: adj 感到乏味的;在口语中,有时说:

  Long speech bores me to death. (冗长的演讲把我烦死了。)

  13. We all think(认为) that Mary’s husband(丈夫) is a very boring(乏味的) person.

  A shy(害羞的.) B stupid(愚蠢的)

  C dull(乏味的、无趣的、迟钝的) D selfish(自私的)

  dull = boring = uninteresting


  14.She is a highly (非常) successful (成功的)teacher. (answer: C)

  A. fairly :adv 相当地、公平地、完全地,一般与褒义词连用,如:

  1). Your bedroom(卧室)is fairly tidy(整洁的).

  2). You are not treating(对待) us fairly(公平地).

  B. rather : adv 相当地,多与贬义词连用,如:it’s rather cold today. (今天相当地冷。)除此之外,常见搭配:would rather do A than do B:宁愿做A也不愿做B,如:

  I would rather walk to school than take a bus.

  rather too:太。。。,如:English is rather too difficult for me.(英语对于我来说太难。)

  rather than:不是,不要,如:I would like a cup of tea rather than coffee.

  C. very: 非常

  D. moderately: adv 适度地、不过分地


  his classmates speak highly of him. (他的同班同学对他高度评价。)

  15.We should not sacrifice(牺牲) environmental protections(环保) to foster (促进)economic(经济的) growth(增长). (answer: B)

  A. reduce:减少,同义词:decrease

  B. promote: v 晋升、提升、促进

  C. realize(***):认识到、实现计划、了解到,常见搭配:

  Realize one’s mistake认识到自己的错误;realize one’s hopes/plan/dream实现希望/计划/梦想;realize the truth of the event了解时间真相

  D. give:给予

  补充:foster是一个多义词,除了“促进”,还表示培养、培育、照顾、抚养(不属于自己的孩子), 如:foster mother养母;foster parents养父母。

  16.Government(政府) health campaigns(健康运动) have fostered (培养)an awareness(意识) of the dangers(危险,危害性) in certain social habits (某些社会习惯).

  A. included(包括) B. discovered(发现)

  C. cultivated (培养、养成, 种植庄稼,陶冶情操)

  D. discouraged:使某人泄气,失去信心,反义词:encourage:鼓励,请注意dis-是一个常见的反义前缀。

  17.Relief workers(救援人员) were shocked (震惊的、吃惊的)by what they saw(他们所看到的). (answer: C)

  A. moved:感动的 B. touched:动人的、感人的(= moved)

  C. surprised: 吃惊的,be surprised at sth.

  I’m very surprised to see you here.

  D. worried: 担心的、发愁的,同义词anxious,搭配:be worried about

  He is worried about his exam.

  所以:surprised = shocked = astonished