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高考英语阅读提升训练 出国留学(3)

时间:2017-06-11 14:37:27 英语阅读 我要投稿

高考英语阅读提升训练 出国留学

  3.From the above passage,we can know ________.

  A.Boston College is owned by the British government

  B.the campuses in Boston College are far away from downtown

  C.there's no better college for overseas students in Britain

  D.many of the classrooms in Boston College have modern equipment

  答案 D [细节理解题。此题A选项的干扰最大。学校是由政府资助(support),并非国有。]

  4.What is the purpose of the above passage?

  A.To introduce the British education system.

  B.To invite more overseas students to study in Boston College.

  C.To show the modernization of British society.

  D.To tell new students the rules in Boston College.

  答案 B [推理判断题。短文系招生广告,提及学校的诸多优势来吸引留学生。]

  维B2 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)






  Almost 300 students at the four top high schools in Beijing have given up plans to sit college entrance exams in favor of studying overseas for the international experience.The capital's other three top high schools—No.Four,No.Eight and No.11 high schools—also have overseas study classes.

  Fan Xiaozhou,18,is a student in the overseas study class at the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University.She is waiting for an offer from the 12 universities she applied to in the US.Her first choice is Pennsylvania State University.

  “For students who take university entrance exams,they only need to study hard for the final year of high school.The next four years of university life would be stress­free,” she said,“But if I get the chance to study in the US,I will have to study hard right now and I'll also cherish every moment there.”

  A key feature of overseas study classes is that English and Chinese cultures are essential parts of the curriculum.There are additional courses created by the Advanced Placement Program in the US,but mostly the syllabus deals with reviewing knowledge learned during the previous two years of high school education.The emphasis is always on preparing for the university entrance examination.

  Most of the students in the class have beyond average academic performance and some also have overseas study experiences.

  It was reported that in the past three years,more than 30,000 high school graduates chose to study overseas instead of taking university entrance exam.

  More than 100,000 students sat in the national college entrance exams in Beijing last year,16,000 less than the previous year.


  curriculum n.课程 ②syllabus n.课程提纲

  长短句分析:There are additional courses created by the Advanced Placement Program in the US,but mostly the syllabus (课程提纲) deals with reviewing knowledge learned during the previous two years of high school education.

  句法点睛:本句中,created by the Advanced Placement Program in the US与learned during the previous two years of high school education为过去分词短语作定语。


  【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了在北京的高中毕业生中,许多人放弃报考国内的大学而申请到国外留学。

  1.What does the whole passage mainly tell us?

  A.Many high schools in Beijing have overseas study classes.

  B.Many students want to give up plans to sit college entrance exams to study abroad in Beijing.

  C.What's the advantage of studying abroad.

  D.Why middle school students choose to study abroad.

  答案 B [主旨大意题。全文讲述了北京很多高中生放弃国内大学的入学考试,打算到国外学习的事情。]

  2.Besides the curriculum required for the university entrance exams,if you want to study abroad you must ________.

  A.learn English

  B.learn Chinese culture

  C.learn some other courses required by the university in US

  D.prepare for the exams two years

  答案 C [细节理解题。从“There are additional courses created by the Advanced Placement Program in the US”可知,要到国外上大学,除了学习高中要求的课程外,还要学习国外大学要求的一些课程。]

  3.According to the writer,most of the students who want to study abroad ________.

  A.have a good knowledge of overseas study

  B.know little about overseas study

  C.have little hope in being admitted to a key university at home

  D.want to major in hot courses in the foreign country

  答案 A [细节理解题。从“Most of the students in the class have beyond average academic performance and some also have overseas study experiences.”可知,这些学生的知识很丰富,有的已经有了国外学习的经历。]