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高考英语阅读提升训练 出国留学(2)

时间:2017-06-11 14:37:27 英语阅读 我要投稿

高考英语阅读提升训练 出国留学

  答案 A [根据上文的“My heart sank”可知,后面是“I felt terrible”;hopeless表示“绝望”,不符合语境。]

  15.A.support B.criticize C.suspect D.forgive

  答案 D  [由儿子的回答可知,“我”错怪了儿子,所以请他“原谅我”。]

  16.A.easy B.direct C.same D.funny

  答案 C [由下文Kevin的回答“Last Christmas you __18__ us a special toy,but you forgot about it.”可知,“我”问了他“同样的”问题。]

  17.A.mother B.brother C.sister D.father

  答案 B [Kevin回答得和他哥哥一样迅速。]

  18.A.bought B.borrowed C.left D.promised

  答案 D [由第二段中的“Last Christmas you promised us a special __2__that...”可知,去年圣诞节,“我”曾经“许诺”给儿子买玩具。]

  19.A.Though B.Because C.Since D.Until

  答案 A [“尽管”圣诞节过去了,但是“我”还是带着两个儿子去商店买了“我”许诺过的东西。]

  20.A.strange B.interesting C.important D.difficult

  答案 C [重要的不是玩具,而是作为一个父亲,应该遵守诺言。]

  维B1 阅读理解(每题2分,满分分)选材网站:http://www.englishinbritain.co.uk





  Boston College is a state­supported college on the east coast of England which has been recruiting overseas students for over 20 years and now has almost 200 international students from more than 20 different countries.You and your parents can be sure you will receive the care and support you need to succeed at our college.

  We have excellent teaching staff,with time and patience to help you learn in a stimulating but relaxed atmosphere.We are accredited by the British Council for the quality of our English Language teaching so you can be sure your learning experience will be good.

  Our new modular English course is flexible and enables you to choose the best time to join us.Not only will you cover all aspects of the English Language but you will have the choice of option subjects such as IELTS Preparation,British Culture,Literature,Business English or Study Skills.We will assess your level of English when you arrive so you can be sure you will study with students of the same ability.Classes are small: usually 12~16 students so you will receive the individual attention you need to help you succeed.

  Boston College is based on two main campuses with English courses being taught in our state­of­the­art language building convenient for our Hall of Residence on the Rochford Campus.A­Level and International Foundation classes are taught on both Rochford and De Montfort Campuses.Classrooms are modern and well equipped with a number of specialist facilities for photography and video,computer suites,art and music studios and an all weather sports pitch.Both campuses have large Learning Resource Centres,well equipped with computers for student use,also available for research or assignment work.Our diploma courses include catering,hairdressing,computing and engineering,each with its own specialist facilities.We also have a Music Centre providing teaching rooms,recording studio and concert hall.


  diploma n.文凭

  长短句分析:Boston College is a state­supported college on the east coast of England which has been recruiting overseas students for over 20 years and now has almost 200 international students from more than 20 different countries.

  句法点睛:本句为主从复合句。Boston College is a state­supported college on the east coast of England为主句,which引导的是定语从句,修饰college。定语从句的谓语为and连接的并列谓语。


  【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。英国Boston College有诸多诱人的留学好处,其便利和现代化的教学条件尤其吸引着海外学生。本文比较详尽地介绍了Boston college的办学条件,目的是吸引学生报考。

  1.What is Boston College famous for?

  A.Its long educational history in Britain.

  B.Its good location in the country.

  C.Its good education conditions for overseas students.

  D.Its way of living for overseas visitors.

  答案 C [细节理解题。第一段开宗明义,因为办学水平高,该校吸引了众多的海外留学生。]

  2.If you decide to go to Boston College in Britain,you ______.

  A.should at first pass some English language tests

  B.can major in English as well as some other courses

  C.have to live and study with students at different levels

  D.should have achieved a high level of English proficiency

  答案 B [细节理解题。第三段中有“We will assess your level of English ... study with students of the same ability”,可见并非必须通过英语考试才能入学,因此A、C、D三项都可排除。]