旱桥 dry bridge
人行桥 foot bridge; pedestrian bridge
圬工桥 masonry bridge
钢桥 steel bridge
铆接钢桥 riveted steel bridge
栓焊钢桥 bolted and welded steel bridge
全焊钢桥 all welded steel bridge
摩擦结合式高强度螺栓 high strength friction grip bolt
扭剪式高强度螺栓 torshear type high strength blot
螺栓示功扳手 bolt wrench with indicator
混凝土桥 concrete bridge
钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge
预应力混凝土桥 prestressed concrete bridge
先张法预应力梁 pretensioned prestressed concrete girder
后张法预应力梁 post-tensioned prestressed concrete girder
部分预应力混凝土桥 partially prestressed concrete bridge
结合梁桥 composite beam bridge
低高度梁 shallow girder
无碴无枕梁 girder without ballast and sleeper
型钢混凝土梁;劲性骨架混凝土梁 girder with rolled steel section encased in concrete; skeleton reinforced concrete girder
简支梁桥 simply supported beam bridge
连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge
悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge
板桥 slab bridge
空心板桥 hollow slab bridge
板梁 plate girder
工形梁 I-beam
箱形梁 box girder
槽形梁 trough girder
桁架 truss
拆装式桁架 demountable truss
刚架桥;刚构桥 rigid frame bridge
斜腿刚架桥;斜腿刚构桥 strutted beam bridge; slant-legged rigid frame bridge
悬板桥;悬带桥 stressed ribbon bridge
悬索桥;吊桥 suspension bridge
斜拉桥 cable-stayed bridge
浮桥 pontoon bridge; floating bridge; bateau bridge
拱桥 arch bridge
固端拱;无铰拱 fixed-end arch
双铰拱 two-hinged arch
三铰拱 three-hinged arch
实腹拱 spandrel-filled arch; solid-spandrel arch
空腹拱 open-spandrel arch
双曲拱 two-way curved arch; cross-curved arch
系杆拱;柔性系杆刚性拱 tied arch
榔格尔式桥;刚性系杆柔性拱桥 Langer bridge; flexible arch bridge with rigid tie
洛泽式桥;直悬杆式刚性拱刚性梁桥 Lohse bridge; rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and vertical sespenders
尼尔森桥 Nielsen systen bridge
尼尔森式骆泽梁桥;斜悬杆式刚性拱梁桥 Nielsen type Lhse bridge; rigid arch bridge with fighd tie and inclined suspenders
活动桥 movable bridge
竖旋桥 bascule bridge
平旋桥 swing bridge
升降桥 lift bridge
正交桥 right bridge
斜交桥 skew bridge
曲线桥 curved bridge
曲梁 curved beam
特大桥 super maior bridge
大桥 major bridge
中桥 medium bridge
小桥 minor bridge
单线桥 single track bridge
双线桥 double track bridge
多线桥 multi-track bridge
正桥; 主桥 main bridge
引桥 approach spans
上承式桥 deck bridge
半穿式桥;中承式 half through bridge; midheight deck bridge
下承式桥 through bridge
双层桥 double-deck bridge
永久性桥 permanent bridge
临时性桥;便桥 temporary bridge
跨径;跨度 span
净跨 clear spam
桥梁全长 overall length of bridge
桥下净空 underneath clearance
主梁中心距 center to center distance between main girder
节间长度 panel length
梁高 depth of girder
拱度 camber
挠度 deflection
节间 panel
锚跨;锚孔 anchor span
悬跨;吊孔 suspended span
桥梁上部结构 superstructure
腹板 web plate
翼缘 flange
翼缘板 flange plate
弦杆 chord member
腹杆 web member
斜杆 diagonal member
竖杆 vertical member
吊杆 suspender hanger
加劲杆 stiffener
节点 panel point
节点板 gusset plate
拼接板 splice plate
缀条 lacing bar
缀板 stay plate; tie plate
侧向水平联结系 lateral bracing
横联 sway bracing
制动撑架 braking bracing
桥门架 portal frame
纵梁 stringer
横梁 floor beam; transverse beam
桥面系 floor system
端横梁 end floor beam
起重横梁 jacking floor beam
梁端缓冲梁 auxiliary girder for controlling angle change
应变时效 strain ageing
碳当量 carbon equivalent
双壁钢围堰钻孔基础 double wall steel cofferdam bored foundation
预制钢壳钻孔基础 prefabricated steel shell bored foundation
泥浆套沉井法 slurry jacket method for sinking caisson
空气幕沉井法 air curtain method for sinking caisson
沉箱基础 pneumatic caisson foundation
管柱基础 tubular column foundation
桩基础 pile foundation
预制桩 precast pile
就地灌注桩 cast-in-place concrete pile; cast-in-situ concrete pile
螺旋喷射桩 auger injected pile
摩擦桩 friction pile
支承桩 bearing pile
钻孔桩 bored pile
挖孔桩 dug pile
钢桩 steel pile
钢管桩 steel pipe pile
钢板桩 steel sheet pile
板桩 sheet pile
木桩 timber pile
钢筋混凝土桩 reinforced concrete pile
砂桩 sand pile
挤密砂桩 sand conpaction pile
流砂 quick sand; drift sand
送桩 pile follower
试桩 test pile
斜桩 batter pile; raking pile; spur pile
护筒 pile casting
重锤夯实法 heavy tamping method
灰土换填夯实法 mothod of lime-soil replacement and tamping
灌注水下混凝土 underwater concreting; concreting with tremie method
导流建筑物 regulating structure
丁坝;挑水坝 spur dike
顺坝 longitudinal dam
河床铺砌 river bed paving
码头 wharf
排架 bent
脚手架 scaffold
悬空脚手架 hanging stage; hanging scaffold
铁路涵洞 railway culvert
涵洞孔径 aperture of culvert
管涵 pipe culvert
箱涵 box culvert
拱涵 arch culvert
盖板涵 slab culvert
无压力涵洞 inlet unsubmerged culvert
压力式涵洞 outlet submerged culvert
半压力式涵洞 inlet submerged culvert
明渠 open channel; open ditch; open drain
倒虹吸管 inverted siphon
潮汐河流 tidal river
淤积 silting; siltation
流冰 ice drift
铁路轮渡 railway car ferries
轮渡站 ferry station
轮渡栈桥 ferry trestle bridge
渡轮 ferry boat
轮渡引线;轮渡斜引道 ferry slip
铁路隧道 railway tunnel
山岭隧道 mountain tunnel
越岭隧道 over mountain line tunnel
水下隧道;水地隧道 subaqueous tunnel; underwater tunnel
地铁隧道 subway tunne; underground railway tunnel
浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel; shallow-depth tunnel; shallow burying tunnel
深埋隧道 deep tunnel; deep-depth tunnel; deep burying tunnel
单线隧道 single track tunnel
双线隧道 double track tunnel
多线隧道 multiple track tunnel
车站隧道 station tunnel
地铁车站 subway station; metro station
特长隧道 super long tunnel
长隧道 long tunnel
中长隧道 medium tunnel
短隧道 short tunnel
隧道群 tunnel group
地铁工程 subway engineering; metro engineering
洞口 tunne ladit; tunnel opening
隧道进口 tunnel entrance
隧道出口 tunnel exit
迎坡;正面坡 front slope
洞门 tunnel portal
洞门框 tunnel portal frame
端墙式洞门 end wall tunnel portal
柱式洞门 post tunnel portal
翼墙式洞门 wing wall tunnel portal
耳墙式洞门 ear wall tunnel portal
台阶式洞门 bench tunnel portal
正洞门 orthonormal tunnel portal; straight tunnel portal
斜洞门 skew tunnel portal
明洞门 open-cut-tunnel portal; gallery portal
衬砌 lining
拱圈 arch
边墙 side wall
仰拱 invert; inverted arch
底板 floor
整体式衬砌 integral lining
装配式衬砌 precast lining; prefabricated lining
模筑衬砌 moulded lining
洞口段衬砌 lining of tunnel portal section
偏压衬砌 unsymmetrically loading lining; eccentrically compressed lining
组合衬砌;复合衬砌 composite lining
初期支护 primary support
二次衬砌 secondary lining
隔离层 isolation layer
喷锚衬砌 shorcrete bolt lining
下锚段衬砌;接触网锚段衬砌 anchor-section lining
挤压混凝土衬砌 extruding concrete tunnel lining
隔热层 thermal insulation layer
明洞 open-cut tunnel; tunnel without cover; gallery
拱形明洞 arch open cut tunnel; arch tunnel without cover; arch gallery
棚洞 shed tunnel; shed gallery
路堑式明洞 cut-type open cut tunnel; cut-type tunnel without cover; cut-type gallery
半路堑式明洞 part cut-type open cut tunnel; part cut-type tunnel without cover; part cut-type gallery
抗滑明洞 anti-skid-type open cut tunnel; anti-skid-type tunnel without cover; anti-skid-type gallery
盖板式棚洞 slab shed tunnel; slab shed gallery
刚架式棚洞 framed shed tunnel; framed shed gallery
悬臂式棚洞 cantilever shed tunnel; cantilever shed gallery
隧道专家系统 expert system of tunnel
围岩 surrounding rock
围岩压力 pressure of surrounding rock
地层压力 ground pressure; stratum pressure
松弛压力 relaxation pressure
形变压力 deformation pressure
围岩自承能力 self-supporting capacity of surrounding rock
坑道自稳时间 self-stabilization time of tunnel
弹性抗力 elastic resistance
灌浆压力 grouting pressure