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时间:2017-06-17 10:22:34 行业英语 我要投稿



  钢丝 steel wire

  钢丝束 bundled steel wires

  钢绞线 steel strand

  钢筋 reinforcement; steel bar

  箍筋 stirrup

  纵向钢筋 longitudinal reinforcement

  弯起钢筋 bent-up bar

  架立钢筋 erection bar

  构造钢筋 constructional reinforcement

  预应力筋 tendon

  套管 sheath

  梁腋 haunch

  拱圈 arch ring

  拱肋 arch rib

  拱顶 rach crown

  拱矢 rise of arch

  起拱点 springing

  拱腹 soffit

  拱腹线 intrados

  拱背钱 extrados

  桥塔 bridge tower; pylon

  索平面 cable plane

  缆索 cable

  斜缆 stay cable; inclined cable

  吊缆 suspension cable

  索鞍 cable saddle

  索夹 cable band; cable clamp

  锚座 socket

  锚碇 anchorage

  明桥面 open deck; ballastless deck; open floor

  桥梁道碴槽 ballast trough

  道碴桥面 ballasted deck; ballasted floor

  桥梁护轨 guard rall of bridge

  桥梁护木 guard timber of bridge

  桥枕 bridge tie; bridge sleeper

  桥上人行道 sidewalk on bridge

  步行板 foot plank

  避车台 refuge platform

  伸缩缝 expansion joint

  正交异性板 orthotropic plate

  栏杆 railing; handrail; handrailing

  泻水孔 drainage opening

  直结轨道 track fastened directly to steel girders

  抗剪连接件;抗剪结合件 shear connector

  支座 bearing

  固定支座 fixed bearing

  活动支座 expension bearing; movable bearing

  平板支座 plate bearing

  摇轴芝座 rocker bearing

  滚轴支座 roller bearing

  球面支座 spherical bearing

  板式橡胶支座 laminated rubber bearing

  盆式橡胶支座 pot rubber bearing

  聚四氯乙烯支座 poly-tetrafluoroedthylene bearing; PTFE bearing

  涡流激振 wortex-excited oscillation

  弛振 galloping

  颤振 flutter

  扰流板 spoiler

  风嘴 wind fairing

  桥梁自振周期 natural vibration period of bridge

  浮运架桥法 bridge erection by floating

  架桥机架设法 erection by bridge girder erecting equipment

  顶推式架设法 erection by incremental launching

  拖拉架设法 launching method

  赝架式架设法 erection with scaffolding

  悬臂架设法 catilever erection; erection by protrusion

  悬臂灌注法 cast-in-place cantilever construction; free cantilever segmental concreting with suspended formwork

  悬臂拼装法 cantilevered assembling constrution; free cantilever erection with segments of precast concrete

  预制混凝土构件 precast concrete units; precast concrete members

  活动模架逐跨施工法 segmental span-by-span construction using form traveller

  桥梁合龙 closure

  就地贯注法 cast-in-place method; cast-in-situ method

  活动吊篮 travelling cradle

  顶进法 jack-in method

  旋转法施工;转体施工 erection by swing method

  液压式张拉千斤顶 hydraulic tensioning jack

  桥梁下部结构 substructure

  桥台 abutment

  重力式桥台 gravity abutment

  埋置式桥台 buried abutment

  锚定板式桥台 anchor slab abutment

  U形桥台 U-shaped abutment

  耳墙式桥台 abutment with cantilevered retaining wall

  台身 abutment body

  前墙 front wall

  台帽 abutment coping

  翼墙 wing wall

  锥体护坡 quadrant revetment; truncated cone banking

  台后填方 filling behind abutment

  桥墩 pier

  空心桥墩 hollow pier

  实体桥墩 solid pier

  重力式桥墩 gravity pier

  柔性桥墩 flexible pier

  拼装式桥墩 assembly pier; pier constructed with precast units

  制动墩 braking pier

  柱式桥墩 column pier

  V形桥墩 V-shaped pier

  圆端形桥墩 round-ended pier

  圆形桥墩 circular pier

  矩形桥墩 rectangular pier

  排架式桥墩 pile bent pier

  墩身 pier body; pier shaft

  墩帽 pier coping

  围栏 railing around coping of pier or abutment

  承台 bearing platform

  破冰体 ice apron; ice-breaking cutwater; ice guard

  地基 foundation; foundation soil; subgrade

  加固地基 improved foundation; improved ground

  天然地基 natural foundation; natural ground

  桥梁基础 bridge foundation

  扩大基础 spread foundation

  明挖基础 open-cut foundation; open excavation foundation

  沉井基础 open caisson foundation

  浮式沉井基础 floating caisson foundation

  沉井刃脚 cutting edge of open caisson

  围堰 cofferdam

  核子密度湿度测定 determination of nuclear density-moisture

  路基承载板测定 determination of bearing slab of subgrade

  预留沉落量 reserve settlement; settlement allowance

  反压护道 berm with superloading; berm for back pressure; counter swelling berm

  石灰砂桩 lime sand pile

  换土 change soil; soil replacement

  爆破排淤 blasting discharging sedimentation; silt arresting by explosion; discharge of sedimentation by blasting

  抛石挤淤 throwing stones to packing sedimentation; packing sedimentation by throwing stones; packing up sedimentation by dumping stones

  路堑石方爆破 rock cutting blasting; rock blasting in cut

  定向爆破 directional blasting

  浅孔爆破 shallow hole blasting

  深孔爆破 deep hole blasting

  洞室药包爆破 chamber explosive package blasting; chamher blasting

  扬弃爆破 abandoned blasting; abandonment blasting

  抛掷爆破 pin-point blasting

  松动爆破 blasting for loosening rock

  药壶爆破 pot hole blasting

  裸露腰包爆破 adobe blasting; contact blasting

  路堑边坡 cutting slope; side slope of cut

  堑顶 top of cutting slope; top of cutting

  路堑平台 platform of cutting; berm in cutting

  弃土堆 waste bank; bankette; spoil bank

  挡土墙 retaining wall 铁路施工常用英文词汇1

  重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall

  衡重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall; gravity retaining wall with relieving platform; balanced type retaining wall

  锚定板挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods; anchored bulkhead retaining wall; anchored plate retaining wall

  加筋土挡土墙 reinforced earth retaining wall; reinforced soil retaining wall

  锚杆挡墙 anchored bolt retaining wall; anchoraged retaining wall by tie rods

  管柱挡墙 cylindrical shaft retaining wall

  沉井挡墙 caisson retaining wall

  抗滑桩 anti-slide pile; counter-sliding pile

  护墙 guard wall tielu 铁路施工

  护坡 slope protection; revertment; pitching

  排水沟 weep drain; drainage ditch; drain ditch

  边沟;侧沟 side ditch

  天沟 gutter; overhead ditch; intercepting ditch

  吊沟 suspended ditch

  跌水 hydraulic drop

  截水沟 intercepting ditch; catch-drain

  急流槽 chute

  排水槽 drainage channel

  渗水暗沟 blind drain

  渗水隧洞 leak tunnel; permeable tunnel; drainage tunnel

  渗井 leaching well; seepage well

  渗管 leaky pipe

  平孔排水 horizontal hole drainage

  反滤层 reverse filtration layer; inverted filter; protective filter

  检查井 inspection well; manhole

  砂井;排水砂井 sand drain

  隔断层 insulating course; insulating layer

  透水路堤 pervious embankment; permeable embankment

  渗水路堤 immerseable embankment

  排水砂垫层 sand filled drainage layer; drainage sand blanker

  坡面防护 slope protection

  护岸 revetment; shore protection

  导流堤 diversion dike

  拦石墙 stone cut off wall; stone falling wall; buttree

  落石槽 stone falling channel; trough for catching falling rocks

  柴排 firewood raft; mattress; willow fascine

  固沙造林 stabilization for sands by afforestation

  挡风墙 wind-break wall

  防风栅栏 wind break fence

  砂土液化 sand liquefaction

  中-活载 CR-live loading; China railway standard loading

  桥梁标准活载 standard live load for bridge

  桥梁荷载谱 bridge load spectrum

  换算均布活载 equivalent uniform live load

  设计荷载 design load

  主力 principal load

  恒载 dead load

  土压力 earth load

  静水压力 hydrostatic pressure

  浮力 buoyancy

  列车活载 live load of train

  列车离心力 centrifugal force of train

  列车冲击力;冲击荷载 impact force of train

  冲击系数 ceofficient of impact

  人行道荷载 sidewalk loading

  附加力 subsidiary load; secondary load

  列车制动力 braking force of train

  列车牵引力 tractive force of train

  风荷载 wind load

  列车横向摇摆力 lateral swaying force of train

  流水压力 pressure of water flow

  冰压力 ice pressure

  冻胀力 frost heaving force

  特殊荷载 particular load

  船只或排筏的撞击力 collision force of ship or raft

  地震力 seismic force

  地震烈度 earthquake intensity

  地震震级 earthquake magnitude

  施工荷载 constructional loading

  荷载组合 loading conbination

  铁路桥 railway bridge

  公铁两用桥 combined bridge; combined highway and railway bridge; combined rail-cum-road bridge

  跨线桥;立交桥 overpass bridge; grade separation bridge; flyover

  高架桥 viaduct