英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-21 15:00:34 英语四级 我要投稿




  Admittedly, this is a Shared time, sharing resources, sharing networks, sharing knowledge... By the end of 2016, the sharing of bicycles was booming at home, so the sharing economy was a new addition to the economy.

  Sharing a bike is refers to the enterprises to cooperate with the government, in the public service area, subway stations, bus stations, commercial districts, residential areas, and provide bicycle bike sharing services in schools, is a kind of new form of Shared economy. So far, more than 30 apps have been Shared across the country. In addition to the earlier of the incoming mo worship, ofo: outside, still have joeyz bicycle, little blue bike, intellectual enjoy cycling and 7 motorcycles, black bird cool bicycle, ride a bike, step 1 bike, by bicycle, you come, leisurely bike, riding bai, panda bike, cloud bicycle, bicycle, worship electricity Go cycling, deer bicycles, small white bike, fast rabbit travel, etc.

  In fact, it wasn't the last two years that a Shared bike was introduced. In 2007, the public bicycle model, which was introduced by foreign countries, was introduced at home. Although there were companies specializing in the market for bicycles, there were still bicycles. With the rapid development of the mobile Internet in the past two years, the Internet sharing cycle, led by moby and ofo, has been replaced by a more convenient, no-pile bike. According to the data, in 2016, the total number of users in China's bicycle market was nearly 19 million, with some authorities predicting that the number of people sharing bikes will reach 50 million by 2017.

  Why is a Shared bike so hot? After a period of experience and observation, I found that sharing the emergence of bicycle and hot is a product derived from the age of the Internet, has its own advantages and positive role, at the same time it still has many deficiencies and needs to perfect place.

  The advantages and functions of the bicycle

  Technology has changed lives, and no one can resist it. The ability to share bikes in a relatively short period of time is a trend that can be seen as a trend.

  (1) convenience and speed

  First, it is easy to operate.

  Compared to the public bike, sharing a bike is not a card, a car, a car, a lock car, a payment, etc.

  Take, for example, the bicycle. After downloading and installing the mobile APP, the mobile phone downloaded and installed on the mobile phone, and then registered as a user of mobai. When you click on your mobile phone to see the distribution of your bike on the map, the system will automatically hold for 15 minutes. To find the qr code on the frame, the lock automatically unlocks. End of the ride, you can be in any local car, the company downstairs, near the subway station, and front, parked at the side of the road you may need to park in designated public parking area, of course, sharing of bicycle parking should be on the premise of not affect others and the social order. Users can also see their own paths and miles in their mobile App, and even automatically calculate the amount of calories and savings they consume.

  The second is the convenience of the "last kilometer" trip.

  The sharing of bicycles makes short trips easier. A lot of people who share bikes react to it, from home to unit driving too close, walking to feel the distance, riding a bicycle for the right time, and exercising the body, kill two birds with one stone. And for those who take the subway and bus to and from work, home and office location is often a certain distance from the subway or bus stops, don't look down upon this distance, whether late tends to be seen in the distance. While subway stops and bus stops are a Shared bike ride, the distance from sharing a bike can greatly reduce the chances of being late.

  The third is cycling convenience. Some roads are impassable because of traffic jams, cars, tricycles and even electric cars, but bicycles are flexible and easy to navigate. This leads to the same journey, which can drive for more than half an hour, while riding a bicycle can reach your destination in 15 minutes. Sometimes, is also go to a place, drive can only walk boulevard, while sharing bike can around the town, don't have to wait in line at a red light, don't because of the congestion in a bad mood, not to mention having troubles with others by parking problems.

  (2) low carbon environmental protection and less pollution of the air

  Sharing bikes has helped reduce the amount of car use, not only by making the "last mile" of travel, but also by making our lives greener.

  Low-carbon environment is becoming more and more important as global warming and environmental degradation, especially in smog, continue to develop. In his government work report in 2017, the central government stressed to "increase the intensity of ecological environmental protection, accelerate the improvement of ecological environment, especially air quality", the then prime minister li keqiang, when a reporter asked, also stressed that "the national special fund will be set up for this, we organized the best related scientists at showering, grasp the haze formation of unknown factors, make us more effective governance haze", prime minister li also mentioned that "we governance haze focus on coal, emissions, dust, etc", visible, automobile exhaust is a cause of the haze.

  According to expert analysis, under the condition of the technology to be in good condition, a no pollution emission control device of car driving about pollutant emissions more than 600 g a day, as the car ownership soaring, automobile exhaust on people's life and health and daily life caused a growing threat. The sharing of bikes has helped reduce the reliance on cars, which has played a positive role in alleviating air pollution.

  Shared cycling appeared in the major cities, many once went to drive people to change their way of travel, short distance or traffic jams, they prefer to choose share the bike, as they say is both convenient and green environmental protection. Fewer cars, fewer emissions, and less pollution from the air.

  Relieve traffic congestion

  While satisfying people's safety, rapid and comfortable travel, sharing a bicycle is also a powerful medicine for the treatment of urban congestion "cancer".

  According to the ministry of transportation, there were about 670 million bicycles around the country 20 years ago, when bicycles spread across city streets, earning China the title of "the kingdom of bicycles". But by 2013 the number of bikes has halved. With the obvious contrast is, even big cities are rarely seen in 20 years ago, the city traffic congestion, but now, traffic congestion has become a common phenomenon, especially some sections in the heart of the city, the busy streets, most of the time in a state of something "and" the crowded. The sharing of bikes has reduced the use of cars, reduced the amount of road traffic on the road, and partly alleviated traffic jams in cities, especially big cities.

  (4) the rental fee is low

  Currently, there are two charging standards for sharing bikes on the market, one for each hour and one for every hour. But either way, it is acceptable for the common people. For those who occasionally need to ride a bike, it is likely that if you buy a bicycle for hundreds of yuan, it will likely be a few times after riding the shelf, wasting money and wasting resources. And choosing to share a bike, you need to pay just one dollar to ride, and it saves you the cost of buying a car.

  Within three miles of short-distance travel, for one, if you take a taxi, whether traditional, net about taxi or black motorcycle, more than a dozen yuan, is less a few dollars, and as long as Shared bike riding in an hour, then charge a dollar, if there are any activity can also free.

  For those who visit cities in the short term, riding a bike is the best option.

  (5) it was a fatal blow to mo

  The multicolored bikes have opened up a new path for the black car, especially the mo, as it opens the "last mile" of public transportation.

  Mo has always been a big problem in city management. For Beijing, the city has become a chronic disease. In every corner of Beijing, there are subway stations, bus stations and railway stations. Although there has been a special crackdown in recent years in Beijing, the moo has been able to strike a number of people as well as the undead.

  Moo has been active in the urban and rural areas. It is easier for the passengers to get to the guests because of the difficulty of travelling in the city. When the chengguan or the traffic control department has cracked down on it, it is more convenient to take a "guerrilla war" in these areas. This is one of the reasons for the continuing success of mo. In fact, not only in Beijing, but in many large and medium-sized cities across the country, it is a big headache for city managers. The damage from the relevant departments will be much more harmful.

  First, the carriage of the moo disturbs the traffic order. Many motorcycle is false license plate, unlicensed, scrap, deck motorcycle, illegal passenger operations, for urban traffic congestion, not only increase the traffic pressure, at the same time, because the drivers often super aboard, speeding, horns, optional encroachments park, turn around, run through red lights, traffic controlling, etc., severely disrupted the city's traffic order.

  Secondly, there are great safety hazards in the carriage of the moo. According to some people who have taken a ride on the moo, every time they sit on the moan, they feel like they are riding in life, the body is shaking badly, they sit unsteady and they are always afraid of accidents. In fact, both the drivers and the people who ride in the moan take a lot of risk.

  Third, the traffic market operation order was affected by the impact of mo. The optional soliciting and rob, caused a huge impact on the bus, taxi industry, not only infringes the interests of the bus, taxi industry, and seriously affected the normal order of passenger transportation market management.

  Fourth, it is difficult to compensate for the accident. Many motorcycle are no card, no card, scrap car, unable to buy third party liability insurance, after has the traffic accident, the driver of mo neither economic compensation ability, and can't get insurance claims, at this time, not only the victim can not get due compensation, also affected the social stability.

  Fifth, the appearance of mo influenced the civilized image of the city. Many drivers of the mo are able to pull to the guests, in the station, the hospital, the school and other places in the ground, the parking, the strong pull, the sirens, seriously damaged the city of the city and the city appearance and the civilized image.