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牛津译林版高二英语Unit 2单元复习学案

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牛津译林版高二英语Unit 2单元复习学案


牛津译林版高二英语Unit 2单元复习学案

  1.War is a real____________ (可能性)unless the talks succeed.

  2.His uncle is an excellent ____________ (内科医生).

  3.There are many ____________ (畅销的)English books in that bookstore.

  4. This medicine helps relieve your cold____________(症状).

  5.His ____________ (每年的.)income is considerable.

  6.Yesterday we visited a museum of____________(当代的)art.

  7.The water should be p____________before drinking.

  8.Hatred is a dangerously p____________emotion.

  9.It was a r____________to know that the children were safe.

  10.She heard the phone ringing when she i____________ the key into the lock.

  11.This river has a ____________(long)of 100 kilometers.

  12.You can change the____________(arrange)as you wish.

  1.possibility/probability 2.physician 3.bestselling4.symptoms 5.annual 6.contemporary 7.purified8.powerful 9.relief 10.ed 11.length12.arrangement


  1.________________ 打开

  2.________________ 大量地

  3.________________ 接通(电话)

  4.________________ 对……做出决定

  5.________________ 参观,四处看看;环顾

  6.________________ 推迟,推延

  7.________________ 出现,到场,到达

  8.________________ 填写(表格、空格等)

  9.________________ 划分开来,分割(成部分);分裂,分离,分手

  10.________________ 少数的,少量的

  11.________________ 记下,记录

  12.________________ 放出;发出

  1.open up 2.in large quantities 3.put through 4.decide on 5.look around 6.put off 7.turn up 8.fill in 9.split up 10.a handful of 11.take down 12.let out


  1.(回归课本P19)However,________ ________ ________ ________ World War Ⅱ ________ two other scientists,...,managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.


  2.(回归课本P18)________ ________ ________aspirin saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain,but there are also other things________aspirin can help with.


  3.(回归课本P19)So,although Fleming discovered penicillin,________ ________over a decade________someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.


  4.(回归课本P18)This is one of________ ________medicines in the world________ ________ ________as a standardized tablet.


  5.(回归课本P18)If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world,there is a high probability________you will find aspirin and penicillin.


  1.it was not until;that 2.Not only has;that 3.it was;before 4.the first;ever to be sold 5.that

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