英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-08-16 09:27:49 英语 我要投稿




  1. _____ needs further discussion whether we’ll build a library or not.

  A. That B.This C.It  D.The thing

  2. I really don’t know ___ he stayed.

  A. where was that  B. it was where that C. where it was that D.was it where that

  3. This is your shirt. _____ is over there.

  A. Her B.Hers C.She D.She’s

  4. There ____ some milk in the glass.

  A. are B.is  C.has D.have

  5. She ___ to the cinema, for I saw her just now.

  A. mustn’t have gone B.may not go  C. can’t have gone  D. needn’t go


  Peter is a primary school pupil. He is a good boy. Uncle John lives next to him. Uncle John has no child and he can’t see anything. He works in the factory near Peter’s school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon.

  Peter goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle John in the afternoon. On weekdays Peter gets up early to take Uncle John to the factory. After school he takes Uncle John home. On Sundays Peter helps Uncle John clean the house and do some cooking. Uncle John thanks Peter very much. He says, “Peter is a good boy. He is like my son.”

  1 . Peter gets up early to ______.

  A. go to school B. run  C. help Uncle John D. cook

  2. Peter doesn’t take Uncle John to the factory on ______.

  A. weekdays  B. Sundays C. Mondays  D. Wednesdays

  3. Peter helps Uncle John clean the house ______.

  A. from Sunday to Saturday B. on Wednesday

  C. on Mondays   D. on Sundays

  4. School is over at ______.

  A. 3:30 B. 4:30 C. 5:00 D.7:00

  5 .Which is right?

  A. Peter likes Uncle John. B. Peter is Uncle John’s son.

  C. Peter looks like Uncle John’s son. D. Peter looks like Uncle John.


  1. C 解析:本题中it做形式主语,代替whether we’ll build a library or not。

  2.C 解析:本题比较复杂,包括两个从句,一,where it was做know的宾语,是宾语从句,二,that he stayed是was的主语,是主语从句,本句中的'it还是形式主语。

  3. B 解析:本题空后面没有名词,应该用名词性物主代词,hers.

  4. B 解析:本题考查there be句型,把CD排除掉,there be句型应该根据就近原则决定谓语,Milk是不可数名词,应该用is.

  5. C 解析:根据后半句,我刚看到他表示她不可能去了影院,应该用can’t.mustn’t表禁止,may not表示可能性极小的否定,needn’t表示不必。


  1. C 解析:本题从第二段第二行可以得出答案

  2. B 解析:从第二段第二行可以看出在工作日时Peter帮助Uncle John,非工作日应该是Sunday.

  3. D 解析:本题从倒数第二行可以得出答案。

  4. B 解析:从第二段第一句看出两人回家的时间都是一样的,都是4:30

  5.A 解析:最后一句说he like my son。是说他就像我儿子一样。Look like是看起来像的意思,CD都不符合。B选项是错误的。









