英语中说的几种表达方式 1
1. generally speaking表示"一般说来",其中generally是副词,speaking是现在分词,常用在句首,作插入语。
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
2. exactly speaking表示"确切地说",是现在分词短语,作插入语。
Exactly speaking, the work was completed in six hours.
3. frankly speaking表示"坦率地说",是现在分词短语,作插入语。
Frankly speaking, I don't agree with you.
4. joking apart表示"正经地说",作插入语。
Joking apart, there is no need for argument over it.
5. in other words表示"换句话说",是介词短语,作插入语。
John was considered a double-faced man. In other words, he was not an honest man.
6. in general表示"一般地来说",是介词短语,常用在句首。
In general, boys like playing football.
7. in one's opinion表示"依某人来说",是介词短语,其中one's代表形容词性物主代词,常用在句首。
In my opinion, we should go out for a picnic.
8. or rather表示"更确切地说",作插入语,用于句中。
He got home late last night, or rather, early this morning.
9. to be honest表示"老实说",是不定式短语,作插入语。
To be honest, I don't like this novel.
10. to tell you the truth表示"说实话",是不定式短语,作插入语。
To tell you the truth, I didn't want to make friends with you.
11. to be frank表示"坦率地说",是不定式短语,常用在句首。
To be frank, I don't enjoy the performance.
12. in the strict sense of the word表示"严格地说",是介词短语,作插入语。
In the strict sense of the word, your pronunciation is not very standard.
13. personally表示"就个人来说",是副词,常用在句首。
Personally, I have no objection.
14. that is表示"也就是说",作插入语。
The story happened about a century
ago, that is, a hundred years ago.
15. to be more specific表示"更准确地说",是不定式短语,常用在句首。
To be more specific, it covers an area of 1.68 square kilometres.
16. to sum up表示"概括地说",常用在句首。
To sum up, success results from hard work.
英语中说的几种表达方式 2
1. did you enter the contest? 你参加比赛了吗?
2. do you accept credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗?
3. don't cry over spilt milk. 不要做无益的后悔,1000句最常用英语口语(3)。
4. don't let chances pass by. 不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。
5. he owned himself defeated. 他承认自己失败了。
6. he seems at little nervous. 他显得有点紧张。
7. he strolls about the town. 他在镇上四处遛达。
8. her tooth ached all night. 她牙疼了一整夜。
9. how about a drink tonight? 今晚喝一杯怎样?
10. i can do nothing but that. 我只会做那件事。
11. i get hold of you at last. 我终于找到你了。
12. i have a surprise for you. 我有一个意想不到的东西给你看。
13. i like all kinds of fruit. 我喜欢各种各样的水果。
14. i saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼所见。
15. i will arrange everything. 我会安排一切的。
16. i wish i knew my neighbor. 我很想认识我的邻居。
17. i would like to check out. 我想结帐。
18. it has be come much cooler. 天气变得凉爽多了。
19. it's time you went to bed. 你早就该睡觉了。
20. no spitting on the street. 禁止在大街上吐痰。
21. she was totally exhausted. 她累垮了。
22. show your tickets,please. 请出示你的票,时尚口语《1000句最常用英语口语(3)》。
23. thank you for your advice. 谢谢你的建议。
24. that's the latest fashion. 这是最流行的款式。
25. the train arrived on time. 火车准时到达。
26. there go the house lights. 剧院的灯光灭了。
27. they are paid by the hour. 他们按时取酬。
28. things are getting better. 情况正在好转。
29. wake me up at five thirty. 请在五点半叫醒我。
30. we are all busy with work. 我们都忙于工作。
31. where do you want to meet? 你想在哪儿见面?
32. you can get what you want. 你能得到你想要的。
33. a barking dog doesn't bite! 吠犬不咬人。
34. are you free this saturday? 你这个星期六有空吗?
35. be careful not to fall ill. 注意不要生病了。
36. being a mother is not easy. 做一个母亲是不容易的。
37. brevity is the soul of wit. 简洁是智慧的精华。
38. cancer is a deadly disease. 癌症是一种致命的疾病。
39. did you fight with others? 你又和别人打架了吗?
40. don't dream away your time. 不要虚度光阴。
41. don't keep me waiting long. 不要让我等得太久。
42. he has a remarkable memory. 他有惊人的记忆力。
43. he has completed the task. 他完成了这个任务。
英语中说的几种表达方式 3
black tie 黑色领结
very formal dressing for fancy formal party. 相关词语还有evening gown 晚礼服。
black belt 黑带
expert especially in martial art.
in the black 赢利
It means someone is doing well in business/businesses that are financially solvent.
例如He moved the company into the black. 他让公司扭亏为盈。它的反义词是in the red,意思是in debt。
black-hearted 黑心肠,邪恶
black sheep 害群之马
bad member of the family.
black market 黑市
illegal trade.
blackmail 敲诈,勒索
obtain sth. by threat.
blacklist 列入黑名单
black as skillet
black as coal
black as night
black as a stack of black cats
black as pitch
dark 多形容心情和环境
The park is dark today because there is no moon and no stars.
例如He has dark thoughts. dark thoughts. 这里指evil thoughts。
blackout 停电,也可以指lose consciousness。
例如He blackout for almost a minute. After the accident, he could remember what happened.
blackout也有涂黑遮掩的意思,例如The date on the letter had been blacked out.
black mark besides one's name. 指的是sth. negative associated with the person.
Oops, I made the same mistake again. I’ve got another black mark beside my name now.
black and blue意思是有瘀青,badly bruised。例如I knocked my hands on the other day onto the wooden chair. It turns black and blue. 也可以指精神上受到伤害,例如He is still black and blue from his divorce.
swear black and blue 发誓
例如He swore black and blue that he had nothing to do with the money that is missing.
black eye 意思是bruise near the eye from being struck. 例如He gave someone a black eye when somebody hit him. 也可以指harm done to one’s character or reputation. 例如Mary got a black eye because she was lying.
black box, a device for automatic recording of the details inside an airplane or helicopter.
“黑匣子”是飞机专用的电子记录设备之一,名为航空飞行记录器。里面装有飞行数据记录器和舱声录音器。例如They found the black box from the wreckage of the crashed plane.
Two blacks do not make a white. 两黑不能合成一白;积非不能成是。
Pot is calling the kettle black one. 意思是You should not criticize someone for a fault that you have too. 五十步笑百步。
put sth. down in black and white 立个字据
black day 黑色日子
a day when something very unpleasant sad happens.
black Friday 美国感恩节的第二天,通常叫做黑色星期五(Black Friday),它标志着圣诞购物季的开始。
black and white 意思是straightforward,事情很简单黑白分明,不会拐弯抹角。
类似的说法还有swear up and down (美),swear blind (英)。
black还有一个意思是the trend of the season 现在正流行,例如Brown is the new black.
How glad i am! 多么高兴啊!
I did/made it! 我做到了!
I'm so happy! 我是多高兴啊!
How nice! 多好啊!
Thank God! 感谢上帝!
Oh,good! 噢,好!
Well done! 干得好!
Hurrah! 好哇!
Great! 好极了!
Excellent! 妙!
Splendid! 真好!
I’m so sorry to hear that. 不是吧?真很遗憾。
Oh dear, I know you tried your best. 宝贝,你已经尽力了。
That’s really unlucky. 真的是很不幸。
Don’t worry, things can only get better. 别担心,一切都会好的。
愤怒或厌恶 :
Well!well! 够了!
I say! 喂!
Fancy/ Golly! 哼!
Well,i never! 我真是没见过!
You don't say! 你敢再说一遍!
Fie,for shame! 呸,不要脸!
Go to hell! 该死!
Confound it! 真该死!
Confound you! 混帐!
Damn you! 该死的!
大家知道,不可数名词没有表示复数的“-s”标志,因此前面不可有数目字,只可以有数量词。例如我们可以说①, 不可以说②:
①There is not much furniture in the office.
②There are not many furnitures in the office.
这是不是说不可数名词就不可数呢?不然。相反的,不可数名词也是可数的,主要方法是借重单位词(unit word),如:
a piece of, a cup of, a drop of, a lump of, a handful of, a flash of, a blade of, a head of, a bar of, an ear of等。
two pieces of, three cups of 和 five lumps of 等。
① Mr Li has just bought a piece of new furniture.
② Give me a cup of cold water, please.
③ Please put two lumps of sugar in my coffee.
④ The boy picked up two handfuls of sand from the beach.
⑤ We saw a flash of lightning in the sky.
⑥ The gardener pulled out blades of wild grass from the garden.
⑦ She gave bars of chocolate to the visiting children.
有些名词如 scissors, trousers, spectacles, tongs, pliers 等,都以复数形式出现, 如:
⑧ The scissors are lying on the table.
⑨ The spectacles fit me nicely.
⑩ Mary has just bought a pair of scissors.
(11) The mechanic repaired the machine with a set of pliers.
“数目+名词”,如:a five-year plan, a ten-dollar note, a two-hour meeting, a three-day conference等。
a five-years plan, a ten-dollars note, a two-hours meeting, a three-days conference.
a five-year plan→a plan of five years, a ten-dollar note→a note of ten dollars, a three-day conference→a conference of three days 等。
英语中说的几种表达方式 4
在英语国家,“致谢”用语用得极为广泛,大至巨大的帮助、馈赠等,小至回答询问、指路、传递东西等,即使夫妻之间,父母子女之间等也常用到它。比如丈夫外出,妻子为其取来衣物,或者儿子为父亲拿来他要读的报纸等,对方都可以用Thankyou. 之类的话作为答谢。在公共场合 Thank you。之类的话更是用得极广。比如:当老师为你解决一个疑难问题时,你要致谢;当别人告诉你去某地的路怎么走时,你要致谢;在公共汽车上别人给你让座时,你要致谢;当女招待给你端来一杯茶时,你要致谢;当你走近一扇弹簧门时,走在你前面的人会主动帮你拉住弹簧门不松手,直到你进门为止,此时你要致谢;当你向电梯走去时,电梯里的人会为你按住电扭使之为你敞开,这时你也要致谢;在超级市场或一般商店,当你购物后付款时,店员会对致谢,此时你若对他(她)的服务很满意,你也会对他(她)致谢。所有这些场合,致谢用语用得极为普通,你要是生活他们中间,你会发现他们的嘴很甜,感谢之词不绝于口。
It’s very kind of you. 你太好了;多谢你了。
I’m much obliged to you. 非常感谢。
Much obliged [appreciated]. 非常感谢。
Thank you. 谢谢你。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感谢你了。
Thanks. 谢谢。
Thanks a lot. 多谢。
Thanks very much. 非常感谢。
Thanks so much. 非常感谢。
Many thanks. 多谢。
Not at all. 别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话。
You are welcome. 不用谢。
Please don’t mention it. 不用客气;不用谢。
It’s [It was] a pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。
A pleasure. 不用客气;不用谢。
It is (was) my pleasure. 别客气,这是我高兴做的。
My pleasure. 不客气,这是我高兴做的事。
Pleasure is (was) all mine. 不客气;不用谢。
No trouble at all. 没什么;别客气。
No problem. 不客气;不用谢。
It’s [It was] nothing. 没什么;不客气。
Think nothing of it. 没什么。
That’s all right. 没什么;不用谢。
That’s OK. 没什么;不用谢。
Any time. 不用谢;不客气;有事说一声。
A: Excuse me, where’s the nearest bus stop,please?请问,最近的公共汽车站在什么地方?
B: I’m sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。
A: Thank you all the same. 谢谢。
A: Do you want a lift? 要搭车吗?
B: No, but thanks just the same. 不搭,谢谢。
当别人邀请你吃东西或主动为你提供什么时,你若接受,可以用(Yes, )Thank you。之类的话作为回答;你若不接受,则可用 No, thank you. 或 No, but thank you all the same。之类的话作为回答。如:
A: Have a drink, please. 请喝一杯吧。
B: Thank you. Beer, please. 谢谢,请来杯啤酒。
A: I can drive you to the station. 我可以开车送你去车站。
B: No, but thank you all the same. 不用了,谢谢你啦。
另外,当别人祝贺你或祝愿你时,你也可用 Thank you
A: Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你取得成功。
B: Thank you. 谢谢。
A: I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。
B: Thank you. 谢谢。
在演讲、发言、发布通知等场合,也可用 Thank you. 作为结束时客套语:
That’s all. Thank you. 我的发言完了,谢谢大家。
. . . and please don’t smoke in the waiting-room. Thank you。请不要在候车室吸烟,谢谢。
. . . and please fasten your seatbelt. Thank you。请系好安全带,谢谢合作。
B: Thank you. Beer, please. 谢谢,请来杯啤酒。
A: I can drive you to the station. 我可以开车送你去车站。
B: No, but thank you all the same. 不用了,谢谢你啦。
另外,当别人祝贺你或祝愿你时,你也可用 Thank you
A: Congratulations on your success. 祝贺你取得成功。
B: Thank you. 谢谢。
A: I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你一路顺风。
B: Thank you. 谢谢。
在演讲、发言、发布通知等场合,也可用 Thank you. 作为结束时客套语:
That’s all. Thank you. 我的发言完了,谢谢大家。
. . . and please don’t smoke in the waiting-room. Thank you。请不要在候车室吸烟,谢谢。
. . . and please fasten your seatbelt. Thank you。请系好安全带,谢谢合作
“达人”的第一个意思是“在某一领域非常专业、出类拔萃的人”。英语可以译为 expert, talent, geek。例如:
1. 这位美丽达人在护肤、护发、健康、时装潮流、整容、服装、化妆和化妆品等方面提供咨询。
The beauty expertprovides advice on skin care, hair care, health, fashion trends, plastic surgery, wardrobe, makeup and cosmetic products.
2. 最近我心里很纠结,想请一位情感达人来帮忙。
As I have been entangled in my mind recently, I'd like to ask a relations expertfor help.
“达人”的第二个意思是“通达事理的人”。英语可以译为 wise man。例如:
3. 达人知命。
A wise manis aware that all things depend upon the will of Heavens.
“达人”的第三个意思是“豁达的人”。英语可以译为 open-minded person。例如:
This successful personhas not only made achievements in his career, but also owns a great deal of wealth.
英语中说的几种表达方式 5
The familiesupstairs/the upstairs families
楼上的住户.Apartment dwellers who have considerate neighBors are fortunate.
住户有体贴入微的邻居真很幸福He shrug his low opinion of the occupant of the room.
他耸耸肩表示对那房间的住户不屑一顾。Excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because of their perception of such motion.
过度的横向摇摆还会使住户因晃动而感觉不适。 The old inhabitant who answered was a tall, gaunt woman
n. 住户;栖息的动物
Of or relating to the Balkan States or their inhabitants.
巴尔干半岛各国或巴尔干人的或与之相关的。The inhabitant of the island is friendly.
岛上的居民很友善。That that vast barren area is inhabited.
那片广阔的荒芜地区有一些人类在居住。The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.
山谷里居住着达尼部落。Pandas inhabit the West China.
n. 房屋,住户,租户,地产
They live in a tenement.
他们住在廉价公寓里。He lived in a ramshackle, antediluvian tenement.
他住在一间摇摇欲坠,太过于陈旧的廉价公寓里。a ramshackle antediluvian tenement; antediluvian ideas; archaic laws.
一间摇摇欲坠的古老的房屋;陈旧的思想;古代法律。 He drove to the tenement and knocked on Igace's door.
他把车子开到公寓大楼,叩响伊格内斯的房门。In the dimly lit hall of one Charlestown tenement he encountered David Powers
英语中说的几种表达方式 6
regular script
Name in Block Letters
姓名(正楷)Fill out the form in print type.
用正楷填写申报单。"INSTRUCTIONS: This form must be filled out by typewriter, or if by hand in legible block letter. "
adj. 定期的;有规律的;频繁的;平常的;规则的,整齐的;中份的;常规的
n. 常客;正式成员
Please regular the sound on that recorder.
请调节录音机的音量。They run regular services.
它们提供有规律的服务。Not regular or fixed;occasional
不规则的;非固定的;临时的 A soldier belonging to a regular army.
正规军士兵。A regular polyhedron has congruent faces.
n. 剧本,脚本,讲稿;手迹;笔迹
v. 把…改编为剧本;为…写剧本
This is the script of Irene.
这是艾琳的手迹。This manuscript was written in a minuscule script.
原稿是用很小的字体写的。Many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script.
许多中世纪的手稿都是用大写字母写的。You are required to complete this script in 30 minutes.
你需要在三十分钟内完成这份笔试答卷。The lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken.
英语中说的几种表达方式 7
plant pathogen
植物病害病原物And any primate can harbor deadly infectious agents.
而且,任何灵长类都潜藏着致死性感染病原物。neutron number
【原物】(核内)中子数The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade
原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。an exact account;an exact replica;your exact words.
准确真实的报道;与原物一模一样的复制品;你的准确用词Something added that lowers value or purity.
adj. 最初的;原来的,原始的;独创的;新创作的;原物的,原件的;非复制的
n. 原型,原物,原件;怪人
a person with an original
有创作头脑的人 It was edited from the original text.
这是根据原文本编译的。a Spanish rendering of the original Arabic
阿拉伯文的西班牙文译文. Golde Meir was an original.
果尔达·梅尼是一个有独创性的人。Little of the original architecture remains.
n. 原生质体;原物
This paper reviewed the latest achievements of protoplast fusion.
本文概述了原生质体融合的最新进展。Embryogenic suspension cell is the ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants.
胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料。 A tubular growth which encloses the living protoplast is initially formed the epidermal cells of the cotton seeds
英语中说的几种表达方式 8
A sure hand on the throttle.
做事稳当,不会失手A canoe is a ticklish craft
独木舟是不稳当的船。Hard work is the surest avenue to success.
勤劳是成功最稳当的途径。We mustn't take chances, we'd better play safe.
我们不能冒险,我们最好来稳当的。 Chew, for example, on the idea that "the surest way to smartness is through massive dumbness"
n. 厩;马厩;属同一马主的赛马;训练处;课堂;破屋,陋室
adj. 稳定的;固定的;不动摇的
The horse stable is in the main barn,the cow stable is separate.
马厩在大牲口棚里,牛栏则分开在另外一个地方。stable electron orbit
稳定电子轨道 The horse in the stable has broken out.
n. 商号;企业
adj. 坚定的;坚固的;强有力的;确定的;坚挺的;严格的
v. (使)坚固;变坚实;加强;使坚定;回升
adv. 坚定地
Are the firm's finances sound?
这家公司的财务状况可靠吗?His step was not as sharp and firm.
他的脚步不再像从前那样敏捷、坚实。To become firm or gelatinous; congeal.
凝固凝结或变硬;冻结 reliable是什么意思:
adj. 可靠的;可信赖的
n. 可靠的人
She is a temperate reliable women.
她是一个可以信任的稳健的女人。It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
用类推法论证并不总是可靠的。Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.
英语中说的几种表达方式 9
the most important
The principal function of CPAs is auditing.
注册会计师的首要职责是审计。The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft. ——Christopher D.Morley
人生在世的首要大事是保持灵魂的高尚。——福楼拜Above all
首先,首要The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics.
首相是政界的首要人物。 Self-trust is the first secret of success.
自信是成功的首要秘诀。The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics
首相是政界的首要人物。We have the first prerequisite
我们具备首要的前提条件。The fundamental question is a political one.
首要的问题是政治问题.Economic problems must take precedency of other questions.
经济问题应作首要问题处理。Your first duty is to your family.
be of importance;matter
有重要性;有关系 He is an important official in the government.
他是政府的要员。 This is important to the development of dairy industry.
这对乳品业的发展很重要。Christmas is an important feast for Christians.
英语中说的几种表达方式 10
women's team
She was commissioned(as a)lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps.
她被委任为陆军妇女队的中尉.Women's teams from Guangdong carried off the first four places at the national championships.
在全国锦标赛中,广东女队夺得了前四名。 During the climax, the males shout out "Yah-Wei" and the females respond with "Xue-Wei" at an end.
舞至高潮,男队高喊"呀喂",女队即应以"学喂"作为结束。I wasn't sure that I knew the answer, but I was sure that erica knew it because they had picked the topic
n. [woman] 的复数形式;女人
French women are known for their chic.
法国妇女以时髦著称。mess with married women
和有夫之妇勾搭 It does not become women to fight.
女人不适合打仗。 To be affectionate to women but given not to debauchery
好色不淫Women have a weakness for shopping.
n. 队;组
v. (使)合作
This is a scratch team.
这是支临时凑起来的球队。innovative team
创新性团队Our team tied the visiting team.
我们和客队打平了。Our team must engage that strong team in this competition.
在这场竞争中我们对必须和那支强队交手。All the teams have to compete for the division championship team.