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英语《People and work 》的单元测试卷

时间:2021-07-03 10:02:20 英语 我要投稿

英语《People and work 》的单元测试卷

  一、语音知识 5%

英语《People and work 》的单元测试卷

  从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,People and work 单元测试 (B)。

  [ ]1. lunch A. much B. school C. machine D. wash

  [ ]2. weekday A. today B. play C. Monday D. says

  [ ]3. breakfast A. water B. watch C. class D. about

  [ ]4. begin A. every B. we C. women D. get

  [ ]5. off A. hello B. son C. clock D. only

  二、单词拼写 10%


  [ ]6. ___ly A. er B. ar C. ear D. aer

  [ ]7. l__ve A. ee B. ce C. ea D. ae

  [ ]8. s__pp__ A. o... er B. u... er C. u... or D. o ... ar

  [ ]9. o__en A. f B. ft C. ph D. ff

  [ ]10. w__sh A. o B. ar C. or D. a

  三、词组汉译 10%


  11. school clothes _________________________

  12. be over _________________________

  13. in the middle of the day _________________________

  14. by bike _________________________

  15. leave home _________________________

  四、完成句子 15%


  16. 吉姆中午在学校吃午饭。

  Jim _____ lunch _____ school _____ the middle _____ the day.

  17. 兰兰不在学校吃晚饭。

  Lanlan ______ ______ supper ______ school.

  18. 孩子们正在河里游泳。

  The children ______ ______ ______ the river.

  19. 晚饭后你想做什么?

  What ______ you want ______ ______ ______ supper.

  20. 该去上学了。

  It's time ______ ______ ______ school.

  五、单项选择 30%


  [ ]21. —— ______ do you go to school?

  —— At seven.

  A. What time B. Where

  C. How D. What

  [ ]22. It's five in the afternoon. It's time ______.

  A. to get up B. to have breakfast

  C. to go home D. to begin school

  [ ]23. Jim ______ his school clothes now.

  A. put on B. is putting on

  C. is putting off D. puts on

  [ ]24. They have supper ______.

  A. in the morning B. at twelve

  C. in the middle of the day D. in the evening

  [ ]25. Look! The boys ______ in the lake.

  A. are doing their homework B. are writing

  C. are swimming D. are riding their bikes

  [ ]26. What time ______ get up on Sunday?

  A. you B. do you

  C. are you D. do he

  [ ]27. Do you play games ______ every afternoon?

  A. / B. on

  C. in D. at

  [ ]28. Mr Smith goes to the factory ______.

  A. by a car B. by the car

  C. by car D. in car

  [ ]29. Does your father often ______ at 6 in the evening?

  A. gets home B. get home

  C. get to home D. get your home

  [ ]30. —— ______ do you want to eat?

  —— Bananas.

  A. Which B. Where

  C. What time D. What

  六、补全对话 30%

  根据对话内容,每空填入一个适当的词,使对话完整与正确,英语试题《People and work 单元测试 (B)》。

  A. It's Sunday today. You 31 go to school, I think. 31. __________

  B. You are 32 . 32. __________

  A: 33 do you do on Sunday evenings? 33. __________

  B: I often watch TV.

  A: Do you watch TV 34 weekdays? 34. __________

  B: 35 , I usually do my homework. 35. __________

  参 考 答 案

  一、1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C

  二、6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D

  三、11. 校服 12. 结束 13. 在中午 14. 骑自行车 15. 离开家

  四、16. has... at... in... of 17. doesn't have... at 18. are swimming in 19. do... to do after 20. to go to

  五、21. A 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D

  六、31. don't 32. right 33. What 34. on 35. No

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