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black tie 黑色领结
very formal dressing for fancy formal party.相关词语还有evening gown 晚礼服。
black belt 黑带
expert especially in martial art.
in the black 赢利
It means someone is doing well in business/businesses that are financially solvent.
例如He moved the company into the black.他让公司扭亏为盈。它的反义词是in the red,意思是in debt。
black-hearted 黑心肠,邪恶
black sheep 害群之马
bad member of the family.
black market 黑市
illegal trade.
blackmail 敲诈,勒索
obtain sth.by threat.
blacklist 列入黑名单
black as skillet
black as coal
black as night
black as a stack of black cats
black as pitch
dark 多形容心情和环境
The park is dark today because there is no moon and no stars.
例如He has dark thoughts.dark thoughts.这里指evil thoughts。
blackout 停电,也可以指lose consciousness。
例如He blackout for almost a minute.After the accident,he could remember what happened.
blackout也有涂黑遮掩的意思,例如The date on the letter had been blacked out.
black mark besides ones name.指的是sth.negative associated with the person.
Oops,I made the same mistake again.I’ve got another black mark beside my name now.
black and blue意思是有瘀青,badly bruised。例如I knocked my hands on the other day onto the wooden chair.It turns black and blue.也可以指精神上受到伤害,例如He is still black and blue from his divorce.
swear black and blue 发誓
例如He swore black and blue that he had nothing to do with the money that is missing.
black eye 意思是bruise near the eye from being struck.例如He gave someone a black eye when somebody hit him.也可以指harm done to one’s character or reputation.例如Mary got a black eye because she was lying.
black box,a device for automatic recording of the details inside an airplane or helicopter.
“黑匣子”是飞机专用的电子记录设备之一,名为航空飞行记录器。里面装有飞行数据记录器和舱声录音器。例如They found the black box from the wreckage of the crashed plane.
Two blacks do not make a white.两黑不能合成一白;积非不能成是。
Pot is calling the kettle black one.意思是You should not criticize someone for a fault that you have too.五十步笑百步。
put sth.down in black and white 立个字据
black day 黑色日子
a day when something very unpleasant sad happens.
black Friday 美国感恩节的第二天,通常叫做黑色星期五(Black Friday),它标志着圣诞购物季的开始。
black and white 意思是straightforward,事情很简单黑白分明,不会拐弯抹角。
类似的说法还有swear up and down (美),swear blind (英)。
black还有一个意思是the trend of the season 现在正流行,例如Brown is the new black.
How glad i am! 多么高兴啊!
I did/made it! 我做到了!
Im so happy! 我是多高兴啊!
How nice! 多好啊!
Thank God! 感谢上帝!
Oh,good! 噢,好!
Well done! 干得好!
Hurrah! 好哇!
Great! 好极了!
Excellent! 妙!
Splendid! 真好!
I’m so sorry to hear that.不是吧?真很遗憾。
Oh dear,I know you tried your best.宝贝,你已经尽力了。
That’s really unlucky.真的是很不幸。
Don’t worry,things can only get better.别担心,一切都会好的。
愤怒或厌恶 :
Well!well! 够了!
I say! 喂!
Fancy/ Golly! 哼!
Well,i never! 我真是没见过!
You dont say! 你敢再说一遍!
Fie,for shame! 呸,不要脸!
Go to hell! 该死!
Confound it! 真该死!
Confound you! 混帐!
Damn you! 该死的!
大家知道,不可数名词没有表示复数的“-s”标志,因此前面不可有数目字,只可以有数量词。例如我们可以说①, 不可以说②:
①There is not much furniture in the office.
②There are not many furnitures in the office.
这是不是说不可数名词就不可数呢?不然。相反的,不可数名词也是可数的,主要方法是借重单位词(unit word),如:
a piece of,a cup of,a drop of,a lump of,a handful of,a flash of,a blade of,a head of,a bar of,an ear of等。
two pieces of,three cups of 和 five lumps of 等。
① Mr Li has just bought a piece of new furniture.
② Give me a cup of cold water,please.
③ Please put two lumps of sugar in my coffee.
④ The boy picked up two handfuls of sand from the beach.
⑤ We saw a flash of lightning in the sky.
⑥ The gardener pulled out blades of wild grass from the garden.
⑦ She gave bars of chocolate to the visiting children.有些名词如 scissors,trousers,spectacles,tongs,pliers 等,都以复数形式出现, 如:
⑧ The scissors are lying on the table.
⑨ The spectacles fit me nicely.如果要给这些名词表示单数“一”的意思,就要借重单位词了。例如:
⑩ Mary has just bought a pair of scissors.
(11) The mechanic repaired the machine with a set of pliers.
现代英语注重简洁,合成形容词便应运而生,其中有一种是用来表示数目的,方法是:“数目+名词”,如:a five-year plan,a ten-dollar note,a two-hour meeting,a three-day conference等。必须注意的是,这种合成形容词中的名词,只能以单数形式出现。如果用复数,就错了,如:
a five-years plan,a ten-dollars note,a two-hours meeting,a three-days conference.
a five-year plan→a plan of five years,a ten-dollar note→a note of ten dollars,a three-day conference→a conference of three days 等。
(n) strength
He has more science than strength.
他的技巧优于他的气力。by (main) force
用蛮力,全靠气力; 以最大的力气 He had little steam left in him after a hard days work.
"辛苦工作一天后,他几乎没有一点气力了。"Solving the problem calls for efforts.
解决这问题得花些气力。Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.
伟大作品的完成不靠气力靠毅力。Louise pressed with all the strength of her little hands on the top of the portmanteau
罗茜用尽她所有的气力压那只提包的盖子。Her violent partisanship was fighting Soamess battle
她的激烈偏袒等于替索米斯卖气力。Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.
双方摔跤运动员都使出了全身气力想把对手摔倒。I wish singing on the stoop didnt use up so much of a mans wind!
我但愿弯着腰唱歌,不费这么大的气力才好。"For most people,it takes considerable effort to learn a long poem by heart."
n. 力量;长处;勇气;强度
Union is strength
团结就是力量Union is strength.
团结就是力量。Maximum crushing strength (=crushing strength at maximum load)
抗压极限强度The strength of the chain is in the weakest link.
链子的承受力在于最薄弱的一环。The moral of the story is that Solidarity is strength.
n. 能量;精力;活力;精神
disintegration energy
蜕变能 triggering energy
触发能 The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
运动的能量称为动能。 wind energy potential
风能潜力 Their power and energy began to disappear.