英语 百文网手机站


时间:2021-06-23 17:06:34 英语 我要投稿




  You have a crush on Tina,right?

  Why do you say that?

  Everytime when me mention her,you become very sensitive. And sometimes when you see her you're even dumbfounded. You like her.

  I'm not sure.

  Come on,you've got to tell her!

  I'm not sure whether I should let it out because I'm afraid I will lose a friend.

  Don't be a chicken! Perhaps she likes you.



  Why do you look so unhappy?

  Oh,nothing special. I'm just a bit fed up.

  With your job?

  With everything. With taking the same bus every morning,sitting in the same office everyday,eating the same food every year.

  That's common people's life.




  You see we've been seeing each other for over a year now,and we get along very well.

  Yeah,I feel very happy.

  So do you want to move forward? I mean,will you marry me?

  I promise I'll try my best to make you the happiest woman in the world.

  Yes,I do. Will you share the housework with me after getting married?

  Of course I will.


  You're an hour late.

  Really? you know it's rush hour. The traffic is very heavey.

  No more excueses! I'm fed up with your excuses. You have to applogize for it.

  No way. It's not my fault. I said it's because of the traffic jams.

  Ok,another you refuse to apologize,there is still one way to work it out.(???)

  What is it?

  We are not seeing each other any more. Thus you will never be late.

  You're kidding.

  I'm not kidding. I mean it. Bye,never call me!


  Hello, Anna speaking.

  Hey, Anna. This is Jason.

  Jason, where you've been hiding lately? You know it's been a long time since your last call. Have you been good?

  Yes, how are you, Anna?

  I'm fine. What have you been doing?

  Working. I've been really busy these days. I got a promotion.

  That's great! Congratulations!

  Thanks. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, too. You know, bigger office, a raise, even an assistant.

  That's good. So I guess I have to make an appointment to see you.

  You're kidding.

  How long have you been working there?

  a bit of 2 years .This is a fast-moving company, and seniority isn't the only factor in deciding promotions.

  How do you like your new boss?

  She's very nice and open-minded.

  Much better than the last one, huh?

  He was a real slave-driver.He probably would have loved it if we were robots.

  Oh, forget about him. Come over to my house tonight. Let's get drunk.

  Good. Tonight. 8 o'clock.

  8 it is. See you then.



  M:Can i have change for the telephone please?

  W:Sure,here you are.

  M: Thanks a lot.

  W:Not at all.

  Do you know where is the nearest phone boxes ?


  W:Behine my shop, there is one.

  M:You are really nice.









