
时间:2024-06-07 22:26:14 志彬 写作 我要投稿
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  有同学草草看完题目要求,就匆匆下笔,结果跑题万里。如果文章偏离主题,那就不得高分。所以,建议考生用大概5分钟时间先审题,定下大概写作方向,写下重点单词,勾勒出文章的大概框架。接下来用20分钟左右的时间来写文章。考生一般是可以在这时间内完成至少120个单词的文章的,原因四级文章一般用7—10个句子就可以写完了。不过这也要求考生在考前做一定的准备工作,比如了解作文如何分类,每一类写作可能会涉及怎样的语言表达等。另外,考生应该在考试前写几篇文章,练练笔,不至于在考试中没有写句子的感觉。写完文章后,考生还应用 2-5分钟时间来检查文章。考生如果不检查文章,就会自觉不自觉地犯一些错误,尤其是单数复数的错误和时态的错误。能力很高的同学也经常犯这样的错误。



  而考生遇到的更为重要的问题是不知道写什么内容,每个句子都得花很多时间来思考。如果有一个比较好的思路来引导我们,那写文章就会轻松多了。所以,建议考生在考前掌握如何通过因果关系、时间顺序、空间顺序等来扩展思维。另外,还要掌握如何分析原因,如何提供方法,如何做一些简单的评论。虽然考试形式可以 灵活变化,但是考到的内容总是有这些共性。例如,2005年1月考竞选演讲词,中间有能胜任的理由分析,2003年6月考目击的一起车祸,中间有对车祸原 因的分析;又如2003年6月要求考生描述车祸经过,2003年9月要求考生写大家如何帮助生病同学,2004年6月写一天旅游行程的安排,2005年6 月写老师做的一件让我感动的事等等,这些内容都要涉及如何按照时间先后顺序写作,如何结合因果逻辑安排情节。


  为了让作文得更好的分数,考生应该了解一些得分技巧,比如在单词层面上,单词要有变化,而且部分单词要有四级难度。如一篇四级范文中,考生用believe, think, maintain三个不同单词来表示“认为”,这就体现了变化,maintain一词也体现了英语四级难度。很多英语四级考生在写文章时会习惯性地用中学时学的单词,所以文章即使错误较少,也不能得一个较高的分数。另外,在句子层面上,需要长短句有机结合,不要从头到尾都是简单句,比如可以加一个定语从句,状语从句,插入语等。这些语言的运用可以让阅卷老师知道我们所能掌握的语言复杂级别。当然,也没有必要从头到尾都写长难句。


  (1) A famous saying goes that... It means that.

  (2) There is an old saying that... It’s the experience of our forefathers.

  (3) The good proverb “…” reminds us that...

  (4) One of the great early writers/scientists said/remarked that..;

  (5) One of our ancient philosophers said... Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

  (6) “...” Such is the opinion of... This view has been shared by many people.

  (7) “...” That’s how someone described...

  (8) The English proverb says, “...” This is quite true because...

  (9) As it is known to all,(10) As we all know,(11) As a saying goes,(12) As sb. puts it,(13) It is often said that,(14) As the proverb says,  2、图表说明型

  (1) From the graph/chart, we know the statistics of... and... It can be easily seen that...

  (2) The figure of the graph/table shows that...

  (3) The first graph shows us.... At the same time, the other shows that...

  (4) According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that...

  (5) According to the figure/number/statistics in the table/chart, it can be seen that...

  (6) The figure indicates/shows/suggests/proves that... There is a rapid development/trend of...

  (7) As can be seen from/in the table/graph, there was a/an (very) slight/ sharp/rapid increase/decrease/reduction in...

  (8) As (is) shown in Table 1/Figure 1, there was a gradual/sudden rise/decline in...

  (9) A close study of the chart shows...

  (10) From the two graphs it may be inferred that...

  (11) As the figures indicate that...


  (1) In recent years, … has become...

  (2) Nowadays, ... plays an important role in our life.

  (3) Now many people prefer... because it has a significant role in our daily life.

  (4) Nowadays, we are experiencing...

  (5) Now the phenomenon/problem of... has aroused great/wide concern in China.

  (6) In recent years, there is a sudden increase...

  (7) Currently there is a growing tendency to/in...

  (8) In recent years, we have to face a problem that...

  (9) Recently the problem... has been brought into focus/brought to public attention.

  (10) One of the most serious problems many people talk about/complain is...

  (11) A virtual epidemic of.. . is now under way in the society/country.

  (12) ... is yet another of the new and bitter truths we have to face now.

  (13) Man is now facing with a big problem..., which is becoming more and more serious.

  (14) With the development of modern industry, more and more people are concerned about the problem...

  (15) Perhaps most dangerous/harmful for our society/college is the tendency!

  (16) Today, the world is faced with the problem...

  (17) In recent few years, there is a sharp increase/decline in...

  (18) In the past few years, a trend of... has been becoming more and more clear.

  (19) It seems that the whole society is talking about...


  (1) Some people are inclined to... for the following reasons.

  (2) Some people think that... They claim that...

  (3) Some people believe that... They point out the fact that...

  (4) Now it is widely believed that...

  (5) These days we often hear about...

  (6) We are often shown that...

  (7) Some people tend to... while they are asked... (8) When asked about.., some people say that...

  (9) Nowadays, ... becomes popular in our daily life.

  (10) . . . is a common occurrence in our lives.

  (11) When it comes to... some people think...










