
时间:2024-05-27 18:55:35 好文 我要投稿



  What is the difference between regular mails and e-mails?As we know, regular mails have been usded for thousands of years,it is very inconvenience,for it took a long time to receive. Besides, it costs you some money. While e-mails is very convenience, it take you only a few seconds to arrive the receiver and it is free to send .so more and more use e-mails rather than regular mails.Some people think that it will be replace the regular mails.


  In my opinion, the email will be more and more popular in the future, but it can not replace the regular mails because it can not send everything though it is very convenience to send letters.But,except letters,we sometimes want to sent other somes to our friends which e-mails is impossible to send.

  So we can draw an conclution that emails can not replace regular mails.People will use email to sent letter and use the regular to send other things.


  Dear XXX,

  How are you? It has been a long time since we last wrote to each other.

  How are you doing in school? Were there any interesting events?

  I have been trying very hard to learn English, but it has not improved much. I heard that your English is good and I would really appreciate it if you could give me some tips on studying English. How can we improve quickly over a short period of time? Also, do you have any shortcuts in learning grammar, gaining vocabulary and improving English speaking skills?

  I will be anticipating your reply! Thank you so much!

  Yours sincerely,



  An E-mail

  Dear Jenny,

  How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right. But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades. I have to tell them my every exam and my grades. If I do well, they are happy. If I don’t, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother. My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future. In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country. She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid. But I don’t like it; I want to be a journalist. I feel so upset about her plan. I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me. What should I do?

  I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.

  Lovely yours,









  1. 问题:手机不响铃,不能发短信;该产品已售完,无法更换;型号新,无配件,无法维修。

  2. 要求:公司应尽快予以更换。

  注意:1. 词数为100左右;

  2. 参考词汇:配件—— spare part;

  3. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数);


  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.20xx at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R. China. Ten days after that, it didn’t ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. I had no choice but to go to the repairman. To my disappointment ,he said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that for I can not wait that long. Therefore, I have to require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Bu Manyi


Dear all,

  All good things must come to an end.l am writing this letter to inform you that I will leave this company.

  When I look back over the past few years,l feel reluctant to part from you.And all the memories I have of working with you are invaluable to me.I would Iike to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all that have given me guidance,support and assistance.

  Attached is my personal contact information.

  Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future!

  Warm regards,











  Dear Robert:How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 20xx Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon.That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK?Best wishes!亲爱的罗伯特,时间过得多快!在我的记忆里我们分享快乐的日子常常闪耀。你呢?如你所知,我的高考即将来临,也宣布这种紧迫的学习生活的结束。然而,我打算有一个有意义的暑假。首先,我将要考驾驶执照,在中国高中毕业生这是一个新活动。我将好好休息一下,享受我的爱好。然后,我将参加一些英语课程来提高我的英语沟通能力,与2008年奥运会开始,我将会是一个参与者,看中国和美国之间的`篮球比赛。我一直梦想着科比的表现。在那之后,我将参观一些旅游景点我拓宽视野。这是我的假期计划。我期待着被告知你假期的安排。给我你的快速答复很快,好吗?最美好的祝福!


  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.20xx at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.R.China.Ten days after that, it didn't ring and send short messages. Then I took it to the seller, but was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait at least three months for a new one. Later I went to the repairman. He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. I was so desperate on hearing that. How can I wait that long? Therefore, I require that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

  Thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,







Dear Jenny,


  How are you getting along these days? I hope everything is all right.


  But I am upset these days because of my parents. I think they take care too much about me and too overvalue my grades.


  I have to tell them my every exam and my grades.


  If I do well, they are happy. If I don’t, they would be every sad and nervous, especially my mother.


  My mother even makes a detailed plan for my future.


  In her plan, I will go the best senior school of my city and then go to a top university of our country.


  She wants me to be a civil servant in the future, because this job is steady and well-paid.


  But I don’t like it; I want to be a journalist.


  I feel so upset about her plan.


  I told them my feelings before, but they never listened to me and said what they doing are good for me.


  What should I do?


  I think I need someone to talk to and look forward to your reply.


  Lovely yours,Juliet







  电子邮件的核心价值是用户利用互联网达到快速便捷地传递信息和沟通的目的(牟宜武等,20xx)。随着全球商务和互联网的发展,电子邮件已成为国际商务沟通最基本最常用的联络方式(Broadhead & Light,20xx)。在日常商务交流中,商务电子邮件的写作占据着举足轻重的地位。最近一份调查(Radicati,20xx) 显示,20xx年企业每用户每天发送和接收的商务电子邮件为105封,而到20xx年将高达125封(见表1)。



  3 研究设计


  (1)将基于协同学习的电子邮件教学融入商务英语写作教学实践中,对学生商务英语写作能力有何影响? (2)学生对于基于协同学习的电子邮件教学持何种态度?



  3.3 研究工具

  本研究包括3个研究工具。第一个是全国国际商务英语考试一级试题一份,试卷内容包括20道听力题,40道阅读理解题,一篇中译英小短文以及一道商务英语写作题,满分100分。研究者用这份试题对61名研究对象进行测试,以确保被试的商务英语语言能力在实验进行之前不存在显著性差异。第二个是用于前测和后测的商务英语写作试卷两份。试卷难易程度与全国国际商务英语考试一级考试中的写作部分相当,用于了解教学实验前后学生成绩的变化。第三个是调查问卷及访谈提纲各一份,用于了解学生对基于协同学习的电子邮件教学的看法。问卷共发放了21份,收回21份,其中有效卷为20份。问卷采用李克式五点量表(Likert five-point scale)的形式作答。学生根据题意,分别在“非常不同意”到“非常同意”五个等级中,评定与个人感觉符合的程度。记分方面,依序以1、2、3、4、5记分。随后,研究者随机抽取了10位同学进行访谈,在征得他们同意之后,研究者对访谈进行了录音,以便随后进行相关数据分析。

  3.4 研究设计


  此外,实验组学生只有了解在协同学习氛围下自己在小组内的责任分工,才能更积极地参与互动。因此,教学研究者把需要学生协同完成的任务以邮件的方式发送给实验组的学生。这些任务包括:(1)协同规划;(2)初稿写作;(3) 评价;(4)定稿。通过把这些任务发送给学生,他们便能明确地知道自己在过程写作教学法模式下每个阶段需要完成的具体任务。每个写作任务协同规划初稿阶段用两课时,评价及定稿阶段用两课时。整个流程见图1。



  本实验收集到的数据包括所有参加试验的学生商务英语考试一级试题的成绩以及商务英语写作前测、后测的成绩以及通过调查问卷和访谈收集到的数据。研究者利用SPSS16.0 对这些数据进行了定量统计分析,以了解基于协同学习的电子邮件教学是否能有效提高学生的商务英语写作能力,以及学生对基于协同学习的电子邮件教学的态度。 4 结果与讨论

  本研究结果表明,经过12周的教学实验,相对于传统课堂中的独立写作,写完直接交由教师批改,再发回修改的垂直过程,使用电子邮件进行商务英语写作的协同学习的教学模式的学生在学习成效上有更好的表现。这主要是因为,传统的商务英语写作教学通常只看重写作结果,写作本身只是交给教师批改的作业,这种教学模式忽略了写作是一个互动的、交际的、认知的社会过程,脱离真实的交际需求, 缺乏真实的读者和真实的任务激励学生积极参与互动,学生的写作欲望和写作动力也就得不到激发。而使用电子邮件进行协同学习的过程中,学生参与小组活动,从最初的小组成员交流意见,产生想法到作文互评,再到最终定稿,这种小组互动和协同学习使学生取代了教师成为教学活动的主体,他们在小组中就商务写作任务进行沟通,共同推进讨论并协同完成文章的写作,此外多人同时对文章进行评改不仅有助于形成良好的协作学习氛围,而且可以提高写作的效率和质量。学生之间通过电子邮件建立非实时互动关系,这种互动环境的构建有助于弥补课堂互动不足的缺陷,同时与其他同学的作文互评培养了自己在写作中的读者意识,及时吸取他人的优点(朱铭,20xx)。这种互评同时也是一种真实读者的沟通,写作从而成为一种为真实读者而写的活动,这种沟通给学生提供了真实的商务交际环境,满足了学生使用英语进行真实交际的学习需求,进而刺激了他们的写作欲望。与此同时,在这个过程中教师通过接收小组成员互评的评价稿副本(CC) ,可以对学生整个写作过程进行监管。对学生的评分不仅要看最终作品,同时也要看学生的写作过程以及他们如何遵从指令(Roberts,20xx)。而学生用电子邮件将他们的作品发送给老师,这无疑会提高其学习英语的积极性(王慧莉等,20xx)。

  其次,从问卷调查和随机访谈的结果可知,使用电子邮件进行写作的协同学习过程中,同伴之间的讨论和作文互评增加了学生自我反省的机会,对学生英语写作动机有正面影响。此结果与国内外很多研究发现是一致的,例如因为同伴互评讨论交流的过程使学生由被动接受知识转变为主动学习,因而增加了学生自主学习(如郭映红,20xx;Miao et al.,20xx)以及自我反省的能力,提高了学生沟通和批判思维(Mendon a & Johnson,1994)。而在写作过程中培养学生自我反省与批判能力作为一种高阶思维运作至关重要,正如Vygotsky强调,外语的学习能激发高阶思维的发展,但学习不等于发展,唯有转化高阶思维的学习活动,才能真正让发展成为可能(Vygotsky,1981)。

  再次,学生普遍认为电子邮件沟通缩短了教师与学生的距离,是师生之间沟通的有效通道。这种通过电子邮件创造的“接触地带”可以促进师生之间形成一种积极的、生产性的关系(Doherty & Mayer,20xx),而这样的师生关系又可以促进学生对学习的投入(Doddington, Flutter & Rudduck,1999) ,从而提高学习效果。电子邮件的运用使教师与学生之间的交流延伸到课堂之外,师生间通过电子邮件建立的非实时互动关系可使其随时进行沟通互动,便于建立融洽的师生关系,这种及时交流不仅有序地构建了学生的写作能力,而且为学生提供了真实的实践任务,使他们在使用中不断发现问题、解决问题、提高英语语用能力(李淑静,20xx)。







  其中邮件主题应体现邮件主旨,要引人注目、意思明确,最好为名词或动名词短语;称呼礼貌得体,符合商务英语写作习惯,如不知对方姓名只知头衔,可用 dear+title作为称呼,如只知对方姓名不知性别,可用dear+全名,如邮件为一封通函,则用dearall作为邮件称呼;正文应结构清楚,便于阅读,如正文内容较长,可使用小标题、小段落,或利用星号、下划线及段落间空行等方式使邮件眉目清楚、一目了然。









  例1 it is very difficult to sell man hole covers in france.this product must have the quality certificate issued in france.

  例2 price:fob shanghai usd 96“pc.

  例3 hope you can accept it.






  例1 we will deliver your goods soon.

  例2 中significant一词意为明显的、不小的,语义模糊,故可以用具体数字替换。例2中soon表示不久、很快,语义不明确,没有指出具体的供货时间,可改为具体的年月日。



  例1 if it is not for the larger orders we receive from a numbero four regular customers,we could not have quoted for supplies even at that price.

  例2 i would appreciate it if you could give me your best quotations for 65,000 pieces.



  Dear Miss Yuan,

  How are you? I am Tonny. It is hot this summer holiday. Are you reading this at home?

  Now, I am in Hong Kong. I'd like to give you my e-mail.

  Hong Kong is not as big as Shanghai, but it is a modern and beautiful place. It's very busy in the street. I can also see many tall buildings. They're always bright at night.

  I like Disney Land best. I can see many cartoon characters there like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White and so on. I want to stay in Disney Land longer, but the airplane will not wait for us. I have to say goodbye to my Disney friends.

  I want to tell you more, when I meet you in the new term.

  Your student Tonny


Dear Sir,

  I am highly disappointed in the proposed 20xx-05 budget cuts to educa1ion. Taking away basic aid status and slashing our school budgets is a recipe for educational disaster in our school. The future lies with our children. They must have access to high quality educa1ion.

  My husband and I have worked hard to be able to live in a school district that provides high quality education for our children. Cutting funding in districts like ours will have a negative impact on property values.

  The school that my daughter attends is hardly wha1 I would describe as a "rich" school. Parents are asked to pay for books for all the classes, science supplies and for their students to participate in the performing arts among other items. If our school is to remain a world leader in technological development, cutting our school funds is the worst possible choice to make.

  Education funds should not be diverted away from education.

  Yours faithfully,

  Tom Williams


  假定你是李华,正是英国牛津参加短期语言培训,计划星期天去伦敦旅游。互联网上一则广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息不明确(箭头所指内容)。请给该旅行社发一封电子邮件,询问有关情况。 注意:1。词数10。


  注意:1。词数100左右,信的格式已为你写好。可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:牛津——Oxford 费用——fee

  Dear Sir/Madame,

  I’m writing for more information about the day tour to London。

  As a student at Oxford University, I’d like to know if you have any special price for students。 As for the money you charge, does it cover the entrance fees for visiting the places listed? What about lunch? Is it included? Or do I need to bring along my own food?

  How long will the tour last? Since I need to prepare my lessons for the nest day, I’d like to know the time to return。 Besides, is there any time for shopping? I really want to have a look at the big stores in London。


  Li Hua




  January 26th, 20xx

  Hi! It’s Li Ming here again.

  Glad to learn you’re coming to Beijing in a couple of days. My family and I are looking forward to your visit and we are so glad you can stay with us while you are in Beijing. We have got everything ready for you so as to make you feel at home.

  On the day you arrive, my father and I will meet you at the airport and in the evening we will have a nice dinner party at home, I’m sure you will like all the delicious Chinese food.

  During the following days, I will show you around many places of interest in Beijing, including the Great Wall, which is regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We will spend some time touring around downtown Beijing, such as Wangfujing, Xidan and Qianmen, where you can do some shopping if you like. Of course, as it is the largest one in the world, Tian’ anmen Square is a scenic spot we can’t miss. Another exciting moment we will share is going to the 20xx New Year Concert given by China National Traditional Orchestra, which is held at famous Vienna Golden Hall, Austria during the Chinese Spring Festival every year.

  The spring festival, like the carnivals in western countries, is a special joyous/joyful occasion of celebration for Chinese as well as other many Asians. If you can stay in Beijing long enough, you will be able to share the pleasure of it with us.

  I believe we will have much fun together. WELL, SEE YA SON, BYR! Li Ming


Dear Mr. Sun:

  We thank you for your letter of the 23rd August requesting addresses of possible agents for your products.

  On the attached list we have given names and addresses of three firms who in our opinion would be able to provide you with the required services, and would be interested in your proposition.

  Very truly yours.

  Oscar Olender

  Executive Chairman










