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  Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?



  1. play chess下国际象棋

  2. play the guitar弹吉他

  3. speak English说英语

  4. English club英语俱乐部

  5. talk to跟…说

  6. play the violin拉小提琴

  7. play the piano弹钢琴

  8. play the drums敲鼓

  9. make friends结交朋友

  10. do kung fu练(中国)功夫

  11. tell stories讲故事

  12. play games做游戏

  13. on the weekend/on weekends在周末


  1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球

  2. play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器

  3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth.擅长做某事

  4. be good with sb.和某人相处地好

  5. need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事

  6. can +动词原形能/会做某事

  7. a little +不可数名词一点儿……

  8. join the …club加入…俱乐部

  9. like to do sth. =love to do sth.喜欢/喜爱做某事


  1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

  2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.

  3. You can join the English club.

  4. Sounds good./That sounds good.

  5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer.

  6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.

  Unit 2 What time do you go to school?


  1. what time几点

  2. go to school去上学

  3. get up起床

  4. take a shower洗淋浴

  5. brush teeth刷牙

  6. get to到达

  7. do homework做家庭作业

  8. go to work去上班

  9. go home回家

  10. eat breakfast吃早饭

  11. get dressed穿上衣服

  12. get home到家

  13. either…or…要么…要么…

  14. go to bed上床睡觉

  15. in the morning/ afternoon/ evening在上午/下午/晚上

  16. take a walk散步

  17. lots of=a lot of许多,大量

  18. radio station广播电台

  19. at night在晚上

  20. be late for=arrive late for迟到


  1. at +具体时间点在几点(几分)

  2. eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

  3. thirtyhalf past +基数词……点半

  4. fifteena quarter to +基数词差一刻到……点

  5. take a/an +名词从事……活动

  6. from …to …从……到……

  7. need to do sth需要做某事


  1. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.

  2. That’s a funny time for breakfast.

  3. When do students usually eat dinner? They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.

  4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.

  5. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch..

  6. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good.

  7. Here are your clothes.

  Unit 3 How do you get to school?


  1. get to school到达学校

  2. take the subway乘地铁

  3. ride a bike骑自行车

  4. how far多远

  5. from home to school从家到学校

  6. every day每天

  7. take the bus乘公共汽车

  8. by bike骑自行车

  9. bus stop公共汽车站

  10. think of认为

  11. between … and …在…和…之间

  12.one 11-year-old boy一个11岁的男孩

  13. play with …和…玩

  14. come true实现

  15. have to不得不


  1. take… to …= go to … by…乘…去…

  2. How do / does (sb)get to …?…是怎样到…的?

  3. How far is it from … to …?从…到…有多远?

  4. It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间。

  5. How long does it take to do sth.? …花费多长时间?

  6. It is + adj. + to do sth.做某事是….

  7. Thanks for + n. / Ving感谢你(做)某事。


  1. How do you get to school? I ride my bike.

  2. How far is it from your home to school?

  3. How long does it take you to get to school?

  4. For many students, it is easy to get to school.

  5. There is a very big river between their school and the village.



  schl rules学校规章制度

  brea the rules违反规章制度

  in the hallwas在过道

  listen t usic听音乐

  in the usic r在音乐教室里

  in the dining hall在餐厅

  sprts shes运动鞋

  g class体育课

  after schl放学后

  have t d不得不做

  t an太多

  get up起床

  b ten ’clc十点之前

  ae dinner做饭

  the children’s palace少年宫


  (1)—Dn’t arrive late fr class.

  (2)—We can’t listen t usic in the hallwas,but we can listen t it utside.

  (3)—What else d u have t d?

  -- We have t clean the classr.

  (4)--Can we wear hats in schl?

  --es,we can/ N,we can’t.

  (5)-D u have t wear a unifr at schl?

  -es,we d /N,we dn’t.




  如:Be quiet,please.

  否定句Dn’t + be+表语+其他。

  如:Dn’t be angr.


  Open u bs,please.

  否定句Dn’t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。

  如:Dn’t eat in the classr.


  Let e help u.

  Let’s g at six ’clc.


  Let’ nt watch TV.


  N sing!严禁吸烟!

  N taling!不许交谈!

  N passing!禁止通行!

  N paring!不许停车


  I'd like some noodles.

  noodle n.面条

  mutton n.羊肉

  beef n.牛肉

  cabbage n.卷心菜;洋白菜

  potato n.土豆;马铃薯

  special n.特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的

  7、 would v.(表示意愿)愿意

  8、 would like愿意;喜欢

  9、 yet adv(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然

  10、large adj.大号的;大的

  11、order n.&v.点菜;命令

  12、take one's order点菜

  13、size n.大小;尺码

  14、bowl n.碗

  15、one(large)bowl of一(大)碗

  16、tofu n豆腐

  17、meat n.(可食用的)肉

  18、dumpling n.饺子

  19、porridge n.粥;面糊

  20、onion n.洋葱

  21、fish n.鱼;鱼肉

  22、pancake n.烙饼;薄饼

  23、world n.世界

  24、around the world世界各地

  25、answer n.答案v.回答

  26、different adj.不同的`

  27、cake n.蛋糕

  28、candle n.蜡烛

  29、age n.年龄

  30、make a wish许愿

  31、blow v.吹

  32、blow out吹灭

  33、if conj.如果

  34、will v.会

  35、the UK n.英国

  35、candy n.糖果

  37、lucky adj.幸运的


  39、get popular受欢迎;流行

  40、cut up切碎

  41、idea n.想法;主意

  42、bring good luck to…给……带来好运

  What did you do last weekend?

  camp v.扎营;扎帐篷

  lake n.湖,湖泊

  beach n.海滩,沙滩

  badminton n.羽毛球运动

  sheep n.羊,绵羊

  as adv.&pron作为,当做

  natural pron自然的

  butterfly n.蝴蝶

  visitor n.游客;访问者

  9、 tired adj.疲倦的

  10、stay v.停留

  11、stay up late深夜不留

  12、away adv.离开

  13、run away跑开

  14、mouse n.老鼠

  15、baby n.幼小的

  16、shout v.呼叫,喊叫

  17、shout at…冲……大声叫嚷

  18、woof interg(狗叫声)汪汪

  19、language n.语言

  20、fiy v.飞

  21、kite n.风筝

  22、fiy a kite放风筝

  23、high adj.&adv高的(地)

  24、high school中学

  25、ago adv.以前

  26、India n.印度

  27、tent n.帐篷

  28、put up搭起,举起

  29、moon n.月亮

  30、surprise n.&v.惊奇,惊讶

  31、get a surpris吃惊

  32、snake n.蛇

  33、scared adj.惊慌的

  34、move v.移动

  35、shout to…对……大声喊叫

  36、start v.开始,着手

  37、jump v.跳跃

  38、up and down上上下下

  39、wake v.弄醒,醒

  40、into prep.到……里面

  41、forest n.森林

  42、ear n.耳朵
