Task 1
If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community, which of the following people will you choose? Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.
Task 2
Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.
Task 3
标题:A letter suggests that university should not allow students to sleep on the couches in the library.
原因1:They will occupy the space where other students need to study.
原因2:Visitors sometimes come to the campus and make campus tours. If they see this they will think this university is not very serious.
原因1: Students can always find place to study, they can sit on the chairs and chairs are as comfortable as couches.
原因2:When visitors come. If they see this they will think those students are really hard with their work and they are just so tired and they have a short break on the couches.
Task 4
标题:Ambient advertising
定义:Ambient advertising refers to an advertising strategy which using creative and unexpected ways to advertise the products.
例子:A snack bar make a deal with the train company and post the advertisement on the train, so compared with ads on books and magazines, people are more likely to see these ads and they may come to the snack bar to have something to eat. Snack shop in the train station also prints ads on the train tickets, in this way more customers will come to the shop.
Task 5
问题:The girl is going to give a gift to her advisor who helped her a lot within her study. But she doesn't know what gift to choose.
解决方案1:She can but some coffee tickets.
缺点1:She would like to send something special to her advisor. But the coffee tickets are not special.
解决方案2:She is going to buy a book which her advisor is interested in.
缺点2: But the book is sold online and its price is about $50, so it is too expensive.
Task 6
话题: Two effects of temperature regulation of plants
要点1:Help plants survive in cold weather.
例子1:A kind of plants keep their flowers and leaves warm in early spring, when the weather is still cold, and its warm temperature can melt the snow.
要点2: Help plants reproduce.
例子2: Another plants keep themselves warm to attract insects which help carry pollen. When it is cold, insects will have a rest on these flowers, and in this way the plants are then pollinated.
Conversation 1
内容回忆:学生来找社会学老师,说自己做图书馆volunteer,图书大甩卖。老师说这个跟你的assignment有什么关系呢?学生说自己可以在volunteer的过程中观察他人。然后他们就开始聊assignment,老师说其实人与人的interaction可以分成两种,一种叫unfocused interaction,比如点点头,微笑,没有直接的交流。一种是focused interaction,比如两个人开始讲话。后来围绕这个探讨。
Conversation 2
内容回忆:学生来找老师,说自己最近活动超级多,参加学生orientation了解到许多,比如还可以有兼职。老师说很好,然后他们聊到选课的问题,学生纠结不知道该选什么课,对animals很感兴趣但是又不想选这个基础课。老师说有一个biology103 不错,学生说这个生物课有实验课吗?然后讨论选课。
Lecture 1
学科分类:Art history
标题:studio art
内容回忆:讲一种叫plein air 的艺术模式, 这个plein air 是法语表示open air的意思,就是主张艺术应该走到外面去,走到大自然去。然后举例, 莫奈,说莫奈的很多作品,光线,风格场景都是plein air. 接着又开始聊这种风格的演变。
Lecture 2
标题: supernova
supernova, 讲的是太空中的天文现象supernova,以及它的形成。Supernova指的是超新星,超新星爆发是一些恒星在演化接近末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。然后提到这个supernova和stellar的比较,接着提到它们的亮度。最后又提到stellar wind的作用。
Lecture 3
标题: decompose分解
Lecture 4
标题: city planning
内容回忆:city planning,讲种树对社区社会的好处。学生说可以有阴凉,老师说对,补充说还可以蓄水防止洪灾。学生说对心理也有帮助,看见绿色植物心情好,工作有效率,老师说很好,后来又提到树木有经济价值。
阅读: 菊石(Ammonites,软体动物门头足纲的一个亚纲)是因为小行星撞击后的一系列影响而灭绝的。
1. 酸雨。小行星撞击后的酸雨,使漂浮在海平面上的菊石幼体死亡,所以导致了其灭绝。
2. 浮游生物(zooplankton)的死亡。小行星撞击使大量浮游生物死亡,而浮游生物是菊石的主要食物来源,菊石因食物匮乏而灭绝。
3. 氧气缺乏。小行星撞击造成氧气缺乏,所以菊石无法生存。
1. 酸雨虽然会对菊石造成影响,但当时还有另一种生活在海里的frog,这种frog至今还在地球上存在,如果酸雨对菊石造成影响的话,这种frog也应该会灭绝,但是并没有。
2. 浮游生物(zooplankton)只是菊石食物的一小部分,在所有菊石种类中,只有个别种类以浮游生物为食,所以浮游生物的灭绝不会对大部分的菊石造成影响,所以该理论不成立。
3. 菊石有特殊的身体组织,可以让它在低氧的环境下也能够呼吸生存,所以氧气缺乏也不是导致菊石灭绝的可靠原因。