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时间:2021-06-29 12:35:20 托福 我要投稿


  067 If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


  The issue of the policy of employment is a controversial one, different people hold different views due to their respective angles. Which kind of worker would the employer prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? If I were an employer, I would rather hire an experienced worker despite offering a higher salary. In the following statement, I would like to present some reasons to support my position.

  Undoubtedly, the economy and science in the world have quickly developed in the last century and more and more advanced technologies appeared. With their own knowledge and experience, experienced workers can be competent to use the advanced machines proficiently, which inexperienced workers cannot control flexibly. Moreover, the higher the experience employee has also means the higher efficiency of work and higher quality of the products, which give company more opportunity to compete in the market. Another factor that we also have to consider is that even in the best circumstances, fierce competition makes opportunity of business fleeting even if the employer can feel it but cannot open his or her assembly line as soon as possible. And it is obvious that only experienced workers can ensure such chance to become reality. Thus, we have definitely reason to employ experienced workers who can make much more money for the company whenever the company actuates than inexperienced workers even the salary of the former breed is some higher than that of the latter one.

  Another reason for me to support my position is that the higher the experience employee has, the lower the rate of the damage to equipments, of the waste of resource, or of casualty will be caused. Besides the investment of training, the costs of health insurance, hospitalization insurance and casualty insurance are also parts of the spending of the company. It is well known that the rate of accidence in the course of work is much higher in inexperienced workers than that in experienced workers because the inexperienced workers are not familiar with the tools, the machines or the programs of the assembly line. And lower rate of casualty means money saving in insurance. Since it is obvious that every employer does not want to waster money on aspects that are not necessary, employer who hires the experienced workers can certainly bypass this kind of problem without harming the reputation of the company.

  Some people probably argue that most workers who transfer their jobs frequently in the labor market are experienced workers and employer who hires such workers will confront the job-hopping of them. I agree that this opinion may be true, but this possibility also strongly proves that this kind of workers worth higher salary. Who dare to change job frequently without capability? And what the employer has to do to keep his or her wonderful employees is to provide experienced workers a suitable circumstance that they prefer to stay in rather than leave.

  In conclusion, because the employer should consider not only the salary offered to employees, but also the extra payment, such as the insurance of employees, the cost of the damage to the equipment, and the waster of the material caused by workers, to hire an experienced workers will be more wise for the development of the company despite of offering them some higher salary.









