四六级 百文网手机站


时间:2021-07-04 10:47:24 四六级 我要投稿




  ①Proponents of father-attended childbirth assert that the father’s experience encourages him to develop a closer bond with his child…


  ②As a father of three teenagers from a previous marriage, one man compared his past experience as a new father to being in the delivery room during the birth of his newborn daughter…

  ③ Women report that they are much less anxious and more aware of what is going on when their husbands are with them when they give birth…

  A) The Father-Daughter Relationship

  B) Baby’s First View of Life

  C) Dad in the Delivery Room








  例:Apart from the obvious fact that rioters tend to come from the less well-off section of the community, there is no evidence that economic circumstances have any causal relationship with street violence.

  A) There is some evidence for relating economic circumstances to street violence.

  B) Not all the people in the community referred to are poor.

  C) There is no evidence that economic circumstances result from street viloence.

  D) All rioters come from the poorer section of the community.

  本例中,只有A可由原文推知,其中Apart from所引述的正是经济环境与暴力的一种相关性;C否定了这一相关性,故与原文相悖;D与原句中“rioters tend to come from…”的原意不符:“往往”不等于“总是”;B则是原文第一部分的重述,不属推论。




  (1) 构词知识














  (2) 上下文线索


  ①同义定义为了便于读者理解作者本义,作者有时会对文中的生僻词或专业性较强的词直接给出定义。在下定义时,作者常使用一些信号词,如:is/are(called),means,can be defined as,refer to,is/are known as,signify等,例:

  Food fallacies refer to beliefs about food that are not true.


  Multiplexing ——transmitting independent signals at the same time in the same channel——increases the efficiency of radio channels.


  Nerve cells evidently first appeared in coelenterates, “hollow?gutted” organisms like hydra and the sea anemone.

  Intelligent behavior remained impossible until the appearance of relatively big,complex types of brain——the types we find among the vertebrates,or backboned animals.


  Mr. and Mrs. Firth had a long courtship. They dated for nine years before they got married.

  Although he often had the opportunity,Mr. Tritt never stole money from a customer. This would have endangered his position at the bank,and he did not want to jeopardize his future.

  ③反义对照在表示对照的上下文中,常包含有意义相反的词语或概念,这些意义相反的概念可以互为线索,帮助我们猜度词义。常有以下一些信号词:although,but,however,though,whereas,while, yet,on the contrary,on the other hand等。

  例:Chimpanzees(猩猩) in the wild use simple objects as tools,but in laboratory situations they can use more sophisticated items.

  Most dentists-offices are drab places,while Emilio’s new office is a bright,cheerful place.


  People gathered to look. Three fine streams of hot water sprouted from holes in the jacket(套,壳) of the radiator.

  A man is watering his lawn just as an attractive,well dressed girl walked by. As he ogles her,he accidentally turns the hose on his ugly,dowdy wife.


  The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area.

  Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.


  Robert is considered peremptory administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.

  When Mark was in pedantic mood,he assumed the manner of a famous professor and gave long lectures on boring, insignificant topics.


  An apple falls down instead of up because of gravity.

  An atomic clock is so precise that it can be used to check the accuracy of predictions based on Einstein’s relativity theories.



  1、 生词较多


  2、 难句看不懂


  3、 无法判断句子隐含意思


  4、 时间不够



  1、 扩充词汇量


  2、 熟悉6级阅读文章常用的语法现象


  3、 熟悉6级文章推理思路


  4、 学会对6级不同考试题目的理解:





  Many people believe the glare from snow causes snowblindness. Yet…这里根据表示转折的关联词Yet,预测到下面可能出现的是主题句,又必然要否定本句中许多人的观点,即snowblindness(雪盲)可能由 glare from snow以外的其它原因引起。原文紧接着的是:Yet,dark glasses or not,they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes,and even snowblindness,when exposed to several hours of “snow light”.


  The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather,a man’s eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing hour after hour,the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and more fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is obscured,and the result is total,even though temporary,snowblindness.





  (1) 判断推测句中omnivorous一词的大意

  She has a wide interest and is an omnivorous reader.


  (2) 根据前文,判断下文

  Laziness is a sin, everyone knows that. Nevertheless…

  A) laziness can actually be helpful

  B) laziness is a sign of mental illness

  C) laziness is immoral and wasteful

  D) you must be careful when you see someone lazy


  (3) 判断作者观点

  Which of the following statements was written by someone who prefers small cars to large ones?

  A) Their excellent gas mileage and even their improved interior design notwithstanding,today’s compact cars simply fail to provide the feel a traditional motorist yearns for.

  B) They lack some of the size and even the character of the full-sized autos we were accustomed to; but today’s compacts more than make up for this with their excellent gas mileage.




  (1) 句子的归纳

  A) Microwave ovens have eliminated many of the inconveniences previously associated with the preparation of meals.

  B) Many foods can go directly from the freezer to the microwave oven without being defrosted.

  C) Many microwave ovens can be pre-set to cook food while you are away from the kitchen.

  D) The microwave oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a meal.

  题中四句话都提到微波炉的好处,其中B、C、D 分别从方便、解冻、定时三个不同的方面具体讲述微波炉不同于传统炊具的优势,而A则从整体上覆盖了上述三句的内容,故A是对B、C、D的概括,上述分析、寻找最具概括意义之选项的过程即为归纳过程。推而广之,我们可用之于段落和短文主题的归纳。

  (2) 段落大意的归纳

  Although most universities in the United States are run on a semester system, which offers classes in the fall and spring, some schools observe a quarter system comprised of fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters. The academic year, September to June, is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each beginning in September, January, and March, the summer quarter, June to August is composed of shorter sessions of varying length. Students may take advantage of the opportunity to study year around by enrolling in all four quarters, Most students begin their programs in the fall quarter, but they may enter at the beginning of any of the other quarters.

  A) Universities in the United States

  B) The Academic Year

  C) The Quarter System

  D) The Semester System

  本段由四个句子组成,各句大意分别为:1)有些学校实行四学期制;2)学年从9月至下年7月,前三个学期各长11周,夏季学期最短;3)学生可于任何学期注册入学;4)但大多数学生秋季入学。通过上述四句大意的归纳,可知本段落主要讲述美国大学的一种学期制,即Quarter System,答案为C。


  The establishment of the Third Reich influence events in American history by starting a chain of event, which culminated in war between Germany and the United states. The complete destruction of democracy, the persecution of Jew, the war on religion, the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis, and especially, the plans of Germany and her allies, Italy and Japan, for world conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of another world war. While speaking out against Hitler‘s atrocities, the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality. The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them. In 1937 the President was empowered to declare an arms embargo(禁运)in wars between nations at his discretion.

  American opinion began to change somewhat after president Roosevelt‘s “quarantine the aggressor” speech at Chicago (1937) in which he severely criticized Hitler’s policies. Germany‘s seizure of Austria and the Munich Pact for the partition of Czechoslovakia (1938) also aroused the American people. The conquest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 was another rude awakening to the menace of the Third Reich. In August 1939 came the shock of Nazi-Soviet Pact and in September the attack on Poland, the outbreak of European war. The United States attempted to maintain neutrality in spite of sympathy for the democracies arrayed against the Third Reich. The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted “cash and carry” exports of arms to belligerent nations. A strong national defense program was begun. A draft act was passed (1940) to strengthen the military service. A Lend Lease Act (1941) authorized the President to sell, exchange, or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States. Help was given to Britain by exchanging certain overage destroyers for the right to establish American bases in British territory in the Western Hemisphere. In August 1941, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter that proclaimed the kind of a world which should be established after the war. In December 1941, Japan launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor. Immediately thereafter, Germany declared war on the United States.

  1.One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was ___.

  A.Nazi barbarism

  B.The pacts with Italy

  C.German plans for conquest

  D.The burning of the Reichstag

  2.The Neutrality Act of 1939 ___.

  A.restated America‘s isolationist policies

  B.proclaimed American neutrality

  C.permitted the selling of arms to belligerent nations

  D.was a cause of our entrance into World War Ⅱ

  3.An event that did not occur in 1939 was the ___.

  A.invasion of Poland

  B.invasion of Czechoslovakia

  C.passing of the Neutrality Act

  D.establishment of the University of Leipzig in Germany

  4.The Lend Lease Act was blueprinted to ___.

  A.strengthen our national defense

  B.provide battleships to the Allies

  C.help the British

  D.promote the Atlantic Charter

  5.The Neutrality Act of 1939 favored Great Britain because ___.

  A.the British had command of the sea

  B.the law permitted us to trade only with the Allies

  C.it antagonized Japan

  D.it led to the Lend Lease Act



  Culture is the total sum of all the traditions, customs, beliefs, and ways of life of a given group og human beings. In this sense, every group has a culture, however savage, undeveloped, or uncivilized it may seem to us.

  To the professional anthropologist, there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist there is no intrinsic hierarchy among languages.

  People once thought of the languages of backward groups as savage, undeveloped forms of speech, consisting largely of grunts and groans. While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans, it is a fact established by the study of “backward” languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today. Most languages of uncivilized groups are, by our most severe standards, extremely complex, delicate, and ingenious pieces of machinery for the transfer of ideas. They fall behind our Western languages not in their sound patterns or grammatical structures, which usually fully adequate for all language needs, but only in their vocabularies, which reflects the objects and activities known to their speakers. Even in this department, however, two things are to be noted: 1. All languages seem to possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion, either by putting together words already in existence or by borrowing them from other languages and adapting them to their own system. 2. The objects and activities requiring names and distinctions in “backward” languages, while different from ours, are often surprisingly numerous and complicated. An accidental language distinguishes merely between two degrees of remoteness (“this” and “that”); some languages of the American Indians distinguish between what is close to the speaker, or to the person addressed, or removed from both, or out of sight, or in the past, or in the future.

  This study of language, in turn, casts a new light upon the claim of the anthropologists that all culture are to be viewed independently, and without ideas of rank or hierarchy.

  1.the language of uncivilized groups as compared to Western languages are limited in ___.

  A.sound patterns


  C.grammatical structures

  D.both A and B

  2.The author says that professional linguists recognize that ___.

  A.Western languages are superior to Eastern languages

  B.All languages came from grunts and groans

  C.The hierarchy of languages is difficult to understand

  D.There is no hierarchy of languages

  3.The article states that grunt-and-groan forms of speech are found ___.

  A.nowhere today

  B.among the Australian aborigines

  C.among Eastern cultures

  D.among people speaking “backward” languages

  4.According to the author, languages, whether civilized or not, have ___.

  A.the potential for expanding vocabulary

  B.their own sound patterns

  C.an ability to transfer ideas

  D.grammatical structures

  5.Which of the following is implied but not articulated in the passage?

  A.The study of languages has discredited anthropological studies.

  B.The study of language has reinforced anthropologists in their view that there is no hierarchy among cultures.

  C.The study of language is the same as the study of anthropologists.

  D.The study of languages casts a new light upon the claim of anthropologists.










