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时间:2021-06-10 12:08:41 阅读 我要投稿





  A few days later, Duke and Bo drove a few miles out of town where there were no electrical wires. They used fishing line to secure 50 balloons to the lawn chair. The chair was secured to the truck. They filled up all the balloons. The balloons were actually lifting the truck off the ground a little. Bo put on his jacket, shook hands with Duke, and sat in the chair. He tied a rope to his belt and the chair, in case he fell out of the chair. All he had was a knife, an altimeter, his cell phone, a BB pistol, and a pair of binoculars. At 8 a.m., Duke took a picture of Bo sitting in the lawn chair. Duke then cut the rope holding the chair to the truck. The balloons lifted Bo so fast he almost fell out of the chair.

  Bo got up to 15,000 feet, where the air is thin. His heavy coat kept him warm. The wind carried him eastward at an average speed of 22 mph. He flew over the Cascade Range. When he got near the Ochoco Mountains, he started shooting the balloons. He made a soft landing near Paulina, about 200 miles east of Roseburg. Duke was waiting for him. When Bo got home late that night, he tried to tell his wife all about his journey. Still angry, she refused to listen to his story. She couldn’t believe that her husband could be so stupid. She told Bo to sleep on the sofa. The next day, he told his son about his interesting adventure. His son went to school and bragged about his dad to all of his schoolmates. Nobody believed him.


  One morning, a little snail named Mimi went out for a walk, but he accidentally, fell into the water, he shouted for help, but who could hear? There is no other snails near here.

  "Help! Help!" Mimi is still in distress, this time, has been and Mimi against the little snail nana heard cries for help. Nana thought: Mimi daily old and betray me, this time he fell down, I'm not going to save him! But, no, isn't it too narrow mind ah? Well, I must save Mimi, he is too poor.

  "Mimi, don't be afraid, I'll come and save you!" Nana yelled. Nana put a rope into the water, said: "Mimi, grab the rope, I pull you out!" Mimi answered and said, "well, thank you nana!" Mimi struggled to swim in the past, hold the rope, and nana was hard to m milla.

  Thank you, nana! "Mimi says," I've always against you, you can come and save me now, were indeed thank you very much. "" we are best friends." after they finish, they all laughed.


  Bo Jackson was sitting in his favorite chair, drinking a beer, and watching a football game. At halftime, a car commercial featured a few hundred helium balloons floating skyward. I could do that, Bo thought. I could strap a bunch of balloons to my lawn chair and float up into the sky.

  He told his wife. She asked him how many beers he’d had. He told her that he wasn’t joking. What was the problem, he asked. Blow up a bunch of balloons, tie them to his chair, and away he goes. How was he going to steer, she asked. The wind would steer him, he said. How would he know where he was going to land? When he saw a nice landing spot, he’d just shoot holes in the balloons with his BB pistol, he said. He told her not to be so negative.

  He went online and found out what wind patterns were in Oregon that time of the year. He called up his friend Duke, who was a pilot. In a few days, Bo had it all figured out. He called up a balloon store and ordered 50 balloons and a few helium tanks to fill up the balloons. His 6-year-old son asked if he could go with him. His wife promised to divorce him if he actually went through with this.
















  A few days later, Duke and Bo drove a few miles out of town where there were no electrical wires. They used fishing line to secure 50 balloons to the lawn chair. The chair was secured to the truck. They filled up all the balloons. The balloons were actually lifting the truck off the ground a little. Bo put on his jacket, shook hands with Duke, and sat in the chair. He tied a rope to his belt and the chair, in case he fell out of the chair. All he had was a knife, an altimeter, his cell phone, a BB pistol, and a pair of binoculars. At 8 a.m., Duke took a picture of Bo sitting in the lawn chair. Duke then cut the rope holding the chair to the truck. The balloons lifted Bo so fast he almost fell out of the chair.

  Bo got up to 15,000 feet, where the air is thin. His heavy coat kept him warm. The wind carried him eastward at an average speed of 22 mph. He flew over the Cascade Range. When he got near the Ochoco Mountains, he started shooting the balloons. He made a soft landing near Paulina, about 200 miles east of Roseburg. Duke was waiting for him. When Bo got home late that night, he tried to tell his wife all about his journey. Still angry, she refused to listen to his story. She couldn’t believe that her husband could be so stupid. She told Bo to sleep on the sofa. The next day, he told his son about his interesting adventure. His son went to school and bragged about his dad to all of his schoolmates. Nobody believed him.


  One morning, a little snail named Mimi went out for a walk, but he accidentally, fell into the water, he shouted for help, but who could hear? There is no other snails near here.

  "Help! Help!" Mimi is still in distress, this time, has been and Mimi against the little snail nana heard cries for help. Nana thought: Mimi daily old and betray me, this time he fell down, I'm not going to save him! But, no, isn't it too narrow mind ah? Well, I must save Mimi, he is too poor.

  "Mimi, don't be afraid, I'll come and save you!" Nana yelled. Nana put a rope into the water, said: "Mimi, grab the rope, I pull you out!" Mimi answered and said, "well, thank you nana!" Mimi struggled to swim in the past, hold the rope, and nana was hard to m milla.

  Thank you, nana! "Mimi says," I've always against you, you can come and save me now, were indeed thank you very much. "" we are best friends." after they finish, they all laughed.


  Bo Jackson was sitting in his favorite chair, drinking a beer, and watching a football game. At halftime, a car commercial featured a few hundred helium balloons floating skyward. I could do that, Bo thought. I could strap a bunch of balloons to my lawn chair and float up into the sky.

  He told his wife. She asked him how many beers he’d had. He told her that he wasn’t joking. What was the problem, he asked. Blow up a bunch of balloons, tie them to his chair, and away he goes. How was he going to steer, she asked. The wind would steer him, he said. How would he know where he was going to land? When he saw a nice landing spot, he’d just shoot holes in the balloons with his BB pistol, he said. He told her not to be so negative.

  He went online and found out what wind patterns were in Oregon that time of the year. He called up his friend Duke, who was a pilot. In a few days, Bo had it all figured out. He called up a balloon store and ordered 50 balloons and a few helium tanks to fill up the balloons. His 6-year-old son asked if he could go with him. His wife promised to divorce him if he actually went through with this.