自学考试 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-04 14:36:59 自学考试 我要投稿




  Greatsoccer player

  1Soccer is played by millions of people all overthe world, but there have onlybeen a few player who were truly great. How didthese players get great? Was itthrough training and practice? Or were greatplayers born not trained to begreat? Studies show that these great playersshare something in common.

  2First,theseplayers come from places that have had famous stars in the past so that ayoungboy can look up to and try to imitate (模仿). In the history of soccer,only six countrieshave ever won the World Cup—three from South America andthree from WesternEurope. There has never been a great national team---or areally greatplayer—from North America or from Asia.

  3Second, these players have years of practice inthe game. Alfredo di Stefano wasthe son of a soccer player, so was Pele. Mostplayers begin playing the game atthe age of three or four.

  4Finally, many great players come from the samekind of neighborhood (聚居区)—a poor, crowded area where a boy’s dream is notto be a doctor,lawyer, or businessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete orentertainer. Forexample, Liverpool, which produced the Beatles (甲壳虫乐队),had one of the best English soccer teams inrecent years, Pele practiced in thestreet with a “ball” made of rags (破布). And George best learnedthe tricks by bouncingthe ball off a wall in the slums (贫民窟) of Belfast.

  5Generally, all great players have a lot incommon, but that doesn’t explain whythey are great. Hundreds of boys played inthose Brizilian streets, but only onebecame Pele. The greatest players areborn with some unique quality that sets themapart from all the others.


  A. not rich neighborhoodB. still no clear reasonsC rare trulygreat playersD. a very popular gameE. long and earlier practiceF. famous star effect







  21There are millions of soccer fans in the world but only ____________.

  22Six countries from South America and Western Europe have ever won____________.

  23Most great soccer players have started their soccer practice whentheywere____________.

  24Many great players grew up in ___________.

  25George best practiced his soccer skills in ______________.

  A the poor area of Belfast

  B. three or four years old

  C from veryrich families

  D. poor neighborhood

  E. a few truly great players

  F. the world cup



  Babiesare good language learners

  It ishard to know what babies want. They cantalk, walk, or even point at what theyare thinking about. Yet new-born babiesbegin to develop language skills longbefore they begin speaking. And comparedto adults, they develop these skillsquickly. People have a hard time learningnew languages as they grow older.___________26____________.

  For along time, scientists have tried to explainhow such young children can learnthose grammatical rules and the sounds of alanguage.___________27______________. This might finally help children withlearningdifficulties as well as adults who want to learn a newlanguage.______________28_____________.

  Mostbabies go “goo goo” and “ma ma” by the timethey are six months old.____________29___________. For decades, scientistshave wondered how brains ofyoung children figure out how to communicate byusing language. With help fromnew technologies and research strategies,scientists are now finding that babiesbegin life with the ability to learn anylanguage. They come into contact withother people, listen to what they say andwatch their movements very closely.___________30____________. Studies showthat, up to six months, babies canrecognize all the sounds that make up allthe languages in the world.

  A. Itmight also help scientists to designcomputes that can communicate as people do.

  B.That is why they quickly master the languagesthey hear most often.

  C.But, babies have the ability to learn anylanguage easily.

  D.Most children speak in full sentences by theage of three.

  E.Adults suffer a lot from their work andhousework.

  F.Now, researchers understand better about thelearning of grammatical rules and thesounds.




  Ibegan to smoke when Iwas in high school. In fact, I remember the evening I wasat a girlfriend’shouse, and we were ___31____ a movie. The actors in the moviesmoked a lot. Myfriend found two cigarettes from her mother’s purse, and shegave on to me. Itwas my first time.

  Myparents didn’t careit too much because they both ___32_____, and my olderbrother did too. Mymother told me that smokers don’t grow tall, but I wasalready ____33___ thanmost of the boys in my class, so I was happy to hear that“fact”. The ____34___in school talked against smoking, but the cigaretteadvertisements were soexciting.

  Ireada book ___35___ how to stop smoking. The writer thought thatsmoking___36____time, and that cigarettes cost a lot of money. Ten yearslater,everyone began to hear about the ___37___ effects of cigarette smoke:lungdisease, cancer, and heart problems. After that, there was a health____38__ onevery pack of cigarettes. I didn’t pay much ___39___ to the reportsandwarnings. I felt healthy, and I thought I was taking good care of myself.

  Thentwo events changed mymind. First, I started to cough. I thought It was just acold, but it didn’tget better. Second, my brother got lung cancer. He gotsicker and sicker. I satwith him in his hospital room, and I decided to____40____. However, it wasvery hard to do so.

  A.quit E.teachers I.bad

  B.aware F. attention J.taller

  C.watching G.wastes K .warning

  D.named H.different L. smoked




  The___41___ (important)of music in our lives cannot be defined with words. It isthe air we breatheand the thoughts we think. It is the melodies that beat tothe tune of ourhearts. It is the ____42____ (universe) language that we can allunderstand andrelate to, even when our personal definitions vary. Music is avery ____43___(value) too throughout the world.

  Musicis the voice welong for when we can’t find ___44___ (word) to speak. Manypeople will agreethat there are songs that were ____45___ (write) just forthem. Songs cansometimes say things ___46____ (good) than we could have saidthem. They canexpress our emotions though we didn’t ___47____ (real) know wefelt that way.Music can put things into perspective.

  Thereare a lot oftopics to be ____48___ (discuss) when it comes to music. If you are___49___ (talk) about music, dead silence isn’t anoption. ___50____(play) music in the background at parties will help calm yourguests. Music setsthe mood and makes thing happier.



  Writean invitation letter to your friend for your birthday party based on the following information in about 120 words. Your name: jackYour friend’s name: tomTime: 6:30 p.m.---8:30 p.m., march 20thPlace:your homeActivities: sing, dance, play chess, etc.








