自学考试 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-04 14:36:31 自学考试 我要投稿


  第二部分 非选择题(共80分)



  Have a safe trip

  1Peoplevisit other countries for many reasons. Some travel on business; otherstravelto visit interesting places that are only found in other countries, suchas theTaji Mahal (泰姬陵) in India, or the temples of Thailand.

  2 Whereveryou go, and for whatever reason, it is important to be safe. Atourist canattract a lot of attention from local people. While the majority ofpeople youwill meet when traveling are sure to be friendly and welcoming, therearedangers—theft being the most common. Just as in your home country, donotexpect everyone you meet to be friendly and helpful.

  3As youprepare for your trip, make sure you have the right paperwork. You don’twantto get to your destination only to find you have the wrong visa, or worse,thatyour passport is about to expire (期满,失效). Also,make sure you travelwith proper medical insurance, so that if you are sick orinjured during yourtravels, you will be able to get treatment. If you want todrive while you areabroad, make sure you have an international driver’slicense.

  4 Buy aguidebook and read about the local customs of the country you are goingto. Doas the romans do, and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.Besides,learning in advance can help you understand the local culture betterwhen youare there. Also, try to learn a few basic words and phrase----don’tassume thatthe local people will speak you language.

  5 When youget to your destination, use official transport. Always go to bus andtaxistands; don’t accept rides from strangers who offer you a lift. If there isnometer(表)in the taxi, agree on a price before you get in. if you preferto stay in cheaphotels when traveling, make sure you can lock the door of yourroom from theinside. If you are traveling with valuables such as jewelry, or alot of cash,you should ask about a safe(保险箱) forstoring them in.


  A. Dangers in travelingB. Benefits from travelingC Reasons fortravellingD. Transport during travelingE. Important papers fortravelingF. Learning customs before travelling







  21 Ifonetravels in a foreign country, the local people probably will givehim____________.

  22 inourhome country, there are also_____________.

  23peoplewith international drivers’ licenses can _________________.

  24 wewillhave less troubles in others countries if we can _________________.

  25whenyou are carrying much money with you, it’s better to __________________.

  Atake a taxi

  B drive abroad

  C ask for a safe

  D a lot of attention

  E unfriendlypeople

  F follow their customs



  Friendshipof American Style

  Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistryclass at an American university.Yaser was an international student fromJordan. He was excited to get to know anAmerican. Yaser hoped that he and Stevewould become good friends.

  As first, Steve seemed very friendly. Healways greeted Yaser warmly beforeclass. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser.___________26____________. Butafter the semester was over, Steve seemed moredistant. One day Yasser decidedto call Steve. Steve didn’t seem veryinterested in talking to him. Yaser washurt by Steve’s change of attitude.

  Yaser is a little confuse. He is an outsiderto American culture.________27_________. Americans view the word “friend” in avery general way.Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friendsand neighborhoodfriends. __________28____________. When the shared activityends, the friendshipmay fade. Now Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates,their friendship haschanged.

  In some cultures friendship means a stronglife-long bond between two people. Inthese cultures friendships developslowly, since they are built to last. _________29__________.American societyis one of those rapid changes. Studies show that one out offive Americanfamilies moves very year.

  People from the United States may at firstseem friendly. Americans often chateasily with strangers. They exchangeinformation about their families, hobbiesand work. They may smile warmly andsay,” have a nice day” or “see you later.”Schoolmates may say,” let’s gettogether sometime.”_____________30_____________.

  A.However,American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just asquickly.

  B.Americansdo value friendship, but they won’t trust you completely.

  C.Thesefriendships are based on common interests.

  D.Hedoesn’t understand the way Americans view friendship.

  E.ButAmerican friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship.

  F.Heeven invited Yaser to have lunch with him.



  The History of English

  The history of the English language beganover 1500 years ago in the north ofEurope. Around the fifth century A.D.,tribes (部落) ofpeople ____31_____asthe Angels, Saxons and Jutes traveled west from Germany andDenmark _____32_____the North Sea. They settled in Britain, and by the lateseventh century, theystarted _____33_____ an early form of English.

  In the late eighth century, the Vikingsattacked England. Fighting ____34____for almost two hundred years, during thistime, many Latin, Danish, and Norsewords entered the English language. Latingave English words like kitchen andcup. From Danish and Norse, Englishborrowed words___35___ skin and leg. Manywords of similar meanings from the Norselanguage became integrated intoEnglish, for example, wrath (English), anger(Norse); sick (English), ill(Norse).

  In 1066, the Normans conquered England.French became the language of thewealthy and powerful, and English was spokenmostly by ____36___ people. In thelate fourteenth century, English became thefirst language again. By this time,many words used in English ___37_____ fromFrench or Latin, and a lot of theearly words no longer ___38____.

  In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,people became_____39____ in theclassics. At this time, words from Latin andGreek were included in the Englishlanguage. A lot of words, or parts of words,from those languages are used inmodern English.

  Today, English has loaned words from many ofthe world’s languages. You can____40_____ find that a word used in English mayfirst come from your nativelanguage.

  A.poorer E.came I like

  B.existed F.popular J. known

  C.easily G.interested K. speaking

  D.probably H.across L. continued




  Technology is the application(应用) of knowledge toproduction. Thanks tomodern technology, we have been able to increase _____41___(great) theefficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helpedcut downtime and expense while ____42____ (increase) overall output. Thishas_____43___(mean) more production and a higher standard of living.

  Willmankind continue to livelonger and have a ____44____ (high) quality of lifethan before? To large extent,the answer ____45___ (depend) on technology andour ability to use it widely.If we keep ___46___ (make) progress as we haveover the past fifty years, theanswer is definitely yes. The advancement oftechnology depends upon researchand ___47_____(develop).

  Therefore,when we need new____48____( skill) on techniques in medicine, people will startdeveloping newtechnology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow orinefficient,new machines will be ____49___ (invent). Technology responds to ourneeds in____50___ (help) us maintain our standard of living.



  Withthe coming of internet, more and more people make online friends. Canpeople find true friends online? What’s your opinion? Please give atleast two reasons to support your idea.








