- 相关推荐
1.Have you everstopped to think how your life would change if the world ran out of oil? Take alook at your day. The roof of your home is probably made waterproof by an oilproduct,bitumen. The same product is used for the road surface outside yourhome. Before you leave to go to work or school,just examine your surroundings.Is the room warmer than the cold air outside? Oil,or electricity from oil-fedgenerators may be keeping you comfortably warm. If you are comfortably cool ina tropical climate,your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fedgenerators.
2.In the kitchenand the bathroom you will probably see some plastic fittings such as tiles andworking surfaces; polystyrene cups; curtains made from synthetic materials;disinfectants and detergents. All owe their origin to the oil known aspetroleum (Latin/Greek 'petra',rock,andLatin 'oleum',oil),found deep in the earth. Look inside the medicine cupboardfor more petroleum products,medical paraffin and petroleum jelly. Cosmeticssuch as face creams,lipsticks and hair preparations are often based onpetroleum.
3.When you'reout,notice the fields and gardens. Fertilizers and insecticides made frompetroleum can improve crop production. Recently protein feeds for animals havebeen developed by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock. As you head foryour bus,train or car,all of which use petroleum products in the form of fuelto move them and lubricants to keep them in working order,take a look in themirror. What are you wearing today? A polyester shirt or dress,nylon socks orstockings,and acrylic sweater-a raincoat of PVC (polyvinyl chloride)? All ofthese are based on petroleum products.
4. Scientists predict that the world's knownoil resources will run out early in the next century. But long before then theworld will have to decide on its priorities. Can we afford to use so much ofour limited petroleum supplies for private motoring? Should airlines compete onsimilar routes allowing planes to fly long distances with empty passengerseats? What alternative energy resources can be developed? 4、科学家预言世界上已探明的石油资源将在下个世纪初用尽。但远在那时候以前,世界就必须确定石油是优先考虑控制使用的物资。石油储量既然有限,我们还能把那么多的石油用于私人汽车吗?难道航空公司还应该为了在类似的航线上竞争而允许他们的客机有空座的长途飞行吗?能开发出什么样的替代能源呢?
5. There is an oldEnglish saying,"Necessity is the mother of invention," which meansthat when you are faced with a need you will discover some way of fulfillingit. Already scientists are proposing some fascinating solutions. There is onesuggestion that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds walking thestreets in major cities could generate energy. One company has presented anidea in which metal strips inserted in pavements and roads operate fly wheelsby means of a piston action using hydraulic fluid. They say the human andwheeled traffic in a busy city center could provide enough energy to light thestreets of an entire town or power the heating system for a hospital or school.Some people are developing sophisticated versions of the windmill. Engines canrun on alcohol,so surplus sugar cane could be used to produce energy. An airship powered by energy from the sun has been suggested. Such "sunship" would have a large enough surface area to carry the enormous numberof solar cells necessary to move any appreciable load. Such "sunship" might travel at over one hundred kilometers an hour. In such circumstances,ofcourse,the tropical parts of the world would have a head start in the race tofind new energy sources.
21.And All That Jazz
1. Have you everheard the expression, “— and all that Jazz”? When people say that today, it’sslang which means much the same thing as et cetera or “and so forth.” You mayuse it yourself. Jazz, it seems, has had quite a few meanings. Through the historyof jazz, it has meant many different kinds of music to many different people.
1. 你听过这种说法吗,“像爵士乐一般,诸如此类的东西”? 现在人们把它用作俚语,意思和“等等”,“以此类推”类似。你自己可能就用过这个词。爵士乐似乎有多种含义,纵览其发展史,对不同人群来说爵士乐意味着不同的音乐形式。
2. It’s interestingto know that jazz was first spelled a different way — jass. At that time, itreferred to the old New Orleansstyle of music. This music came from the Negro religious songs and songs ofcelebration. One major part of the music was its beat, of course. Another, andsometimes more important part, was the way in which the music was played. Itwas like a conversation. You can’t always tell what’s coming next during a talkwith some friends. The New Orleansmusicians were like that. They took a tune and played what came into theirminds, just as you say what comes into your mind in a conversation.
2. 有趣的是,爵士乐(jazz)最初拼写为——jass,它是一种古老的新奥尔良风格的音乐,发源于黑人的宗教和庆典音乐。其主要特征当然是它独特的节奏,而另一个特征也许更为重要,那就是像谈话一样的演奏方式。和朋友聊天时,你不可能总是去想下一个话题是什么。新奥尔良的音乐人们就是这样演奏的——先定个调,然后演奏出心中涌出音符,就像聊天时随口说出那些涌入脑中的话。
3. These earlymusical groups were very small in comparison to the big bands that formedlater. At times two rival groups of musicians would stage a “cutting session.”It was a sort of musical fight. Whichever group could outlast the other was thewinner. If they both lasted as well, the better group would probably be chosenby the audience. Of course, the battle had advertising value too.
3. 较之后来的乐队,早期的音乐组合规模比较小。有时两个互相较量的乐队会登台进行一场“淘汰赛”,就像音乐擂台,能够唱到最后的乐队就是胜者。如果不分胜负,就会由观众选出表现更好的乐队。当然,这种擂台赛也非常具有广告价值。
4. This music laterbecame known as Dixieland, a term you have probably heard before. There aredifferent styles of Dixieland. We have mentioned the New Orleans style, which was popular at theend of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. As the fame ofthe music spread up the Mississippi River, a style called the Chicago style developed. Later, we hear ofthe New Yorkstyle. If you get a chance to listen to these types of music carefully, you canhear the difference.
4. 后来这种音乐被称作“迪克西兰爵士乐(Dixieland)”,这是人们所熟知的。当然,迪克西兰爵士还有许多不同的风格。上面提到的新奥尔良风格在十九世纪末和二十世纪初非常流行。当这种音乐风格蜚声密西西比河流域时,另一种芝加哥风格的爵士乐悄然出现了,后来还有了我们所熟知的纽约风格。当你静听这些爵士乐时,一定能品味出它们之间的不同。
5. We’ve talkedabout the early days of jazz, but just what is it? Generally, it consists ofthe beat we mentioned before. It should have some “make it up as you go along”music, too. This is the reason for many arguments among jazz lovers. When Swingcame along near the 1930s, we saw big bands playing music that had already beenwritten out for them. Some argued that this was not really jazz. At any rate,the King of Swing, Benny Goodman, certainly pleased many people with his bigband. His jazz (or Swing) really hit the big time in 1938. In January of thatyear, his orchestra played a jazz concert in New York’s Carnegie Hall. The concert hallusually booked operas and symphonies. On that evening, it was treated to theblare of trumpets and the crashing, jumping music of the Goodman orchestra.Luckily, the concert was recorded; so it can still be heard.
5. 以上我们谈到了爵士乐的早期发展,但它到底是什么? 一般来说,爵士乐应该包含上文提到过的独特节奏,还有那种“一边演奏一边即兴发挥”的演奏形式。但这也造成了爵士乐迷之间的很多争论。当摇摆乐(Swing)在二十世纪三十年代出现时,许多大型乐队演奏的音乐是事先创作好的,因此有人质疑它不是真正的爵士。但不论怎样,班尼•古德曼(BennyGoodman) 的确用他的大型爵士乐队让众多观众获得愉悦的感受,他的爵士(或摇摆乐)在1938年取得了巨大成功。那年的1月,他的管弦乐队在纽约的卡耐基音乐厅举行了一场爵士音乐会;通常这座音乐厅只举办歌剧和交响乐音乐会,而那天晚上,整个音乐厅流淌出小号的嘟嘟声以及古德曼乐队演奏出的强烈而具跳跃性的音乐。幸运的是,这场音乐会被录了音,直到现在我们仍然能幸运地欣赏到它。
6. From the Goodmanorchestra came many great musicians, some of whom formed their own orchestras.Perhaps two of the best known are Harry James and Gene Krupa. Goodman himselfplayed at the World’s Fair in Brussels, Belgium, andalong with James and Krupa achieved life-long fame.
6. 从古德曼乐团走出了许多伟大的音乐人,其中一些还组织了自己的乐团。他们之中最著名的是哈里•詹姆斯和吉恩•克鲁帕二位。古德曼本人曾在比利时布鲁塞尔的世界博览会上演奏,与詹姆士和克鲁帕一样获得终身的盛誉。
7. Now we come tothe 1940s,when a music called “BeBop” was invented. It didn’t last too long, butit was fun. This was very strange music, unlike much of what had gone beforeit. Many of these musicians did not like Swing or Dixieland; so they thoughtthat they had to do things in a completely different way. Sometimes the musicthey played did not really sound like music at all, but at least they werebeing “different.”
7. 现在,让我们来到二十世纪四十年代。此时一种叫“比波普(BeBop)”的爵士乐出现了,尽管它流行的时间不长,但却非常有趣。它曲风独特,与以前的大不相同。这种类型的音乐人不喜欢摇摆乐或迪克西兰风格,因此他们决心创造一种完全不同的音乐。有时他们演奏的甚至不能称之为音乐,但至少他们做到了与众不同。
8. From all thesekinds of music, we come to the present. Today we still have Dixieland, and atype of big-band Swing, although that term is not used so much. We have thesmall groups of jazzmen with us, too. They play the modern jazz that grew fromthe music of the early 1940s and 1950s. There are many different styles andindividuals playing this kind of jazz today.
8. 经历种种不同的音乐形式,我们来到现代。尽管这些名词已经淡出人们视线,但今天我们仍然听迪克西兰和大乐队演奏的摇摆乐,在我们身边仍有许许多多的小型爵士乐队。他们演奏的现代爵士发源于二十世纪四十年代早期和五十年代的音乐,它形式多样,直到今天仍然有人在演奏。
9. Jazz is anAmerican art form. It is considered art by many, and it developed only in America.In the past few decades, it has become popular all over the world. Famous jazzmusicians from Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington to Chuck Mangione and WyntonMarsalis have performed all over the world, from Europe to Asia to the Middle East. Jazz has come a long way from the original New Orleans marchingmusic.
9. 爵士是一种纯美国的艺术形式。尽管被普遍认可,但它发展成熟于美国。在过去的几十年中,它在全世界流行起来,著名的爵士音乐家,从路易斯•阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong)、艾灵顿公爵(Duke Ellington)到查克•曼卓林(Chuck Mangione)和文顿•马沙利斯(Wynton Marsalis)等都曾经进行全球巡演,从欧洲到亚洲,再到中东。现在的爵士乐已经得到了长足的发展,已不再是最初的新奥尔良风格的进行曲。
Wordsand Expressions
big time n.第一流,最高级,欢乐时刻,愉快的时光
swing [swiŋ] v.摇摆,摆动,回转,旋转n.秋千,摇摆,摆动
trumpet ['trʌmpit] n.喇叭
crashing ['kræʃiŋ] adj.绝对的,非凡的,彻底的
22.The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系 <原20>
1.Most people haveheard of the Tower of Babel story in theBible. According to this story,long ago all people spoke the same language.Later,however,they were punished by speaking a great number of differenttongues. Today,there are literally thousands of different languages (defined asmutually unintelligible tongues) around the world,though many are related toone another. Indeed,the two largest language families,the Indo-European (thelanguage family with the largest number of speakers) and Sino-Tibetan(containing the Chinese languages,Thai,Vietnamese,and Tibetan) include hundredsof languages with over half the world's population.
2.Because there are so many languages withinthe above two super-categories of language families,linguists have furtherdivided these linguistically rich and geographically diverse families intosub-groups,one of which,the Germanic language group,has the second-largestnumber of speakers (Chinese being first). Within this group of over 500,000,000speakers is the world's foremost international language,English,foremost interms of its geographic spread and number of second-language users.German,spoken by just over 100,000,000 people,is one of the world's ten-largestlanguages in terms of population. As English and German speakers constitute themajorities in several of the world's most economically,militarily,andtechnologically developed countries,it is important to be familiar with thisparticular language grouping.
3.Linguists furtherdivide the Germanic languages into three groups,two extant and one extinct.East Germanic languages are no longer spoken; Gothic is an example of thissmall and historic grouping. Afrikaans,Dutch,English,Flemish,and German are themore important languages within the West Germanic grouping. The Scandinavianlanguages of Danish,Icelandic,Norwegian,and Swedish comprise the North Germanicgrouping. Though these languages cannot be easily understood among theirdifferent speakers,the similarities in vocabulary are striking.
4.Take for example the two largest languageswith this group,English and German. The word Haus in German is house inEnglish,with nearly the same pronunciation. Some names of German family membersare instantly recognizable to English listeners and readers: Mutter,Bruder,andOnkel for the English mother,brother,and uncle (all German nouns arecapitalized in print). Other German family members are easily learned:Vater,Schwester,and Tante for the English father,sister,and aunt. Thus,thosewho know English and want to study German find their first year of learningvocabulary to be relatively easy. The same is true,of course,for those who wantto learn Dutch or Danish from an English or German background; these manysimilarities are due to the single common parent language of all the Germanictongues,even though this "grandfather" language no longer exists.
4.就拿日耳曼语系中英语及德语两大语言来说吧,德文的Haus 就是英文的house,发音几乎完全相同。一些德语家庭成员的称呼如:Mutter,Bruder 和Onkel,懂英语的人很快地就知道这些字指的就是mother,bother 和uncle(德文的名词一律大写)。其它有关家庭成员名称的德语说法也很容易学:像Vater,Schwester 和Tante 在英文里指的就是father,sister 和aunt。因此懂英语而想学德语的人,会发现初学词汇的第一年是很容易的一件事。当然,具有英语和德语背景的人要学丹麦语和荷兰语也同样是件易事。这些相似处乃因所有日耳曼语系皆源自共同的母语,尽管这个“爷爷级”的语言已不复存。
5.Speakers andwriters of the Germanic languages account for a great deal ofthe world's outputin everything from economics to literature to military to scienceandtechnology. Hardly an aspect of modern life does not benefit fromthecontributions made by those using these languages,as in theInternet,Hollywoodentertainment,Dutch (Phillips) and Scandinavian consumergoods design(Ericsson,maker of cellular phones,is a Swedish company,as areVolvo and Saab),and even the Nobel prizes (awarded by both Norwegian andSwedish institutes).More than one-third of the world's economic productionoriginates in thesecountries,too.
6.For any speaker of a language outside theGermanic language grouppreparing to choose a useful second language for thefuture,English is probablythe best bet. German,too,is very useful in the fieldsof medicine,economics,military,and science and technology. Being able tocommunicate with others inthis far-reaching linguistic group will offer theuser immeasurable benefits.
1. Petroleum is a result of thedeposition of plant or animal matter in areas which are slowly subsiding. Theseareas are usually in the sea or along its margins in coastal lagoons ormarshes, occasionally in lakes or inland swamps. Sediments are deposited alongwith the organic matter and the rate of deposition of the sediments must besufficiently rapid for the organic matter to be preserved by burial beforebeing destroyed by decay. As time goes on the organic material is buried deeperand hence is exposed to higher temperatures and pressures. Eventually chemicalchanges result in the generation of petroleum. Ultimately the subsidence willstop and may even reverse.
2. As the great weight of theoverlying rocks and sediments pushed downward, the organic material wassqueezed out of its original sedimentary mud into adjacent sandstones. Smallglobules of oil collected together in the pores of the rock and eventuallymigrated upwards through layers of porous rock. Indeed, some of it eventuallyreached the surface and collected in large pools of tar, which arecalled“seeps”or“shows”. However, some petroleum did not reach the surface.Instead, its upward migration was stopped by an impervious or impermeable layerof rock. It lay trapped in porous reservoir rocks, such as sandstone orlimestone, far beneath the surface.
3. Four prerequisites arenecessary for oil and gas to accumulate in commercial quantities in an area:(1)Theoil originates in a source bed, and a marine shale, once a black mud rich inorganic compounds, is thought to be a common source rock. (2)The oil thenmigrates to a permeable reservoir rock, and to do this it may travel for longdistances both vertically and horizontally. Oil cannot move through the tinyopenings of the shale source beds rapidly enough to be extracted profitably.(3)A nonpermeable layer must occur above a reservoir bed. Since oil is lighterthan water, it tends to move upwards through openings and cracks until itencounters impervious beds that it cannot penetrate. The oil may then accumulatebeneath the impervious layers. Some gas occurs in solution within the oil, andif enough is present it separates out to occupy the uppermost region of such atrap. (4)A favorable structure must exist to concentrate the oil, andanticlines, salt plugs, and faults are common examples.
4. Traps
4. 圈闭的类型
5. A trap is the place where oiland gas are barred from further movement. Geologists have classified petroleumtraps into two basic types: structural traps and stratigraphic traps.Structural traps are traps that are formed because of a deformation in the rocklayer that contains the hydrocarbons. About 80 to 90 percent of the knownpetroleum reserves occur in structural traps.
5. 圈闭是阻止石油和天然气进一步运移的地方。地质学家把油气圈闭分成了两大基本类型:构造圈闭和地层圈闭。构造圈闭是由于含有碳氢化合物的岩层变形而形成的圈闭。大约80%~90%的油藏都发现于构造圈闭之中。
6. An anticline, the simplest andcommonest form of petroleum accumulation, is an upward fold in the layers ofrock, much like an arch in a building. A porous and permeable reservoir rockmust be sealed above by an impermeable cover bed which is fine-grained,relatively impermeable bed such as clay, shale marl, or salt. Petroleummigrates into the highest part of the fold, and its escape is prevented by anoverlying bed of impermeable rock.
6. 背斜圈闭是一种最常见的简单石油储集类型,其岩石向上折起,形状就像拱形的建筑物。在多孔渗透性储集层之上必须要有细粒不渗透的盖层封闭,如粘土、岩层、泥灰岩或盐。石油运移进入褶皱的顶部,其上面的不渗透岩石便阻止了石油溢出。
7. Fault traps are also common.Again, there must be a porous and permeable reservoir rock that is sealed aboveby a fine-grained, relatively impermrable bed. But the real trap is provided bythe fault, which prevents further updip migration either by the fine-grainedmaterial in the fault itself or by the brining of a fine-grained relativelyimpermeable bed on the other side of the fault to the position that truncatesthe reservoir.
7. 断层圈闭也是很常见的。断层圈闭同样也必须具有多孔可渗透储集层和相对来说渗透性较差的细粒盖层。但真正的圈闭是由断层所形成的。由于产生了断层,存在于断层中的一些细粒物质会使石油不能再继续向上运移:另外,当断层切过储油层时,断层另一侧不渗透细粒物质层也会在储油层被切断的地方将油层封住,使石油无法继续向上运移。
8. A salt dome formed when a massof salt flows upwards under the pressure resulting from the weight of theoverlying sediments. The salt dome bows up sedimentary beds and seals offdisrupted beds and so provides traps over and around the sides of the dome.
8. 上覆沉积物的重量所产生的压力使大量的盐向上蠕动,形成了盐丘。盐丘将沉积岩层向上拱成穹形,并封闭了断开的岩层,这样就在盐丘的上面和周围形成了圈闭。
9. The trapping mechanism ofstratigraphic traps is from stratigraphic rather than structural causes. Inthese, the essential features remain a porous and permeable reservoir rocksealed by a fine-grained relatively impermeable rock, but the configuration ofthese to form a trap arises from the particular sedimentary process and natureof the resulting sediments. The most obvious forms if stratigraphic trap arefossil coral reefs. In these, the voids in the reef reservoir contain thepetroleum which is prevented from leaking out by the clay or shale in which thereef is enveloped. These voids are not like the pore spaces in sandstonereservoirs, but more solution cavities and fractures. Production rates tend tobe much higher than from sandstone reservoirs. The frictional resistance tofluid movement tends to be much less, so there is better communication throughthe reservoir and it can be produced with fewer wells.
9. 地层圈闭主要是由地层的因素而不是由构造的因素所造成的。地层圈闭的基本特点依然是多孔可渗透储层被细粒相对不透水层所封闭,但是形成储油构造的那些地层圈闭的形状和结构,则由特点的沉积过程和沉积物的性质所决定。地层圈闭的最明显的形态是古珊瑚礁,礁体储层空间含有石油,而礁体被粘土或页岩所封闭,因此,油就跑不掉。这些空间和砂岩储油层中的空隙不同,有更多的溶洞和裂隙,其产油率也要比砂岩储油层高得多。由于有了溶洞和裂隙,流体运动的摩擦阻力要小得多,因此石油在储集层中更加易于流动。因而,开采时所需要的井数也比较少。
Words and Expressions
subside [səb'said]v.下沉,沉淀,平息
lagoon [lə'gu:n] n.泻湖,礁湖
marsh [ma:ʃ] n.湿地,沼泽,沼泽地
sediment ['sedimənt]n.沉淀物,沉积
subsidence ['sʌbsɪdəns] n.沉淀,陷没,下沉
globule ['glɔbju:l] n.小球,水珠
pore [pɔ:, pɔə] n.毛孔,小孔,气孔
seep [si:p] v.渗出,渗漏
impervious [im'pə:vjəs] adj.密封的,不可渗透的
impermeable [im'pə:mjəbl]adj.不能渗透的,不渗透性的
prerequisite ['pri:'rekwizit]n.先决条件adj.首要必备的
opening ['əupniŋ]]n.口子,穴,通路
anticline ['ænti,klain] n.背斜
salt plug n.盐栓;盐柱
bar from 禁止(接近〔做)…)
stratigraphic trap 地层圈闭
arch [a:tʃ] n.拱门,拱形
fine-grained ['faɪn'greɪnd] adj.有细密纹理的
marl [ma:l] n.泥灰,泥灰土,泥灰砖vt.撒泥灰土
updip [ʌp'dip] 上倾,沿倾斜向上的
brining [b'rɪnɪŋ] n.盐浸处理
truncate ['trʌŋkeit] v.截去(园锥等的)尖端,把…截短
bow up 忍无可忍而反抗
seal off v. 把…封锁起来
disrupt [dis'rʌpt] v.使中断,使分裂
arise from 起于,由…出身
coral reef n.珊瑚礁
cavity ['kæviti]n.洞,空穴
frictional ['frɪkʃənəl] adj.摩擦的,摩擦力的
resistance [ri'zistəns] n.反抗,抵抗,抵抗力,阻力
10.The Dress Code forOffice Life
1. Every office has a dress code,but in today’s casual workplace,they aren’t always written. Instead it is up to each individual to figure outwhat’s acceptable and what’s not. This actually makes it harder to dress appropriately,but fortunately most offices also send out a few signals.
1. 每个办公室都有其着装之道,但在当今较随便的工作场合中,着装规则并不总是明文写出。这就需要每位职员自己弄清楚什么是可以接受的,什么是不被接受的。这实际上增加了得体着装的难度,但好在大多数办公室也发出一些信号。
2. Start by taking a cue from others. Doeseveryone wear conservative suits? Then you’d best follow suit. Are jeans anddenim shirts the norm? Then it’s okay to go causal, although you may want to dressup a little the first few weeks when the boss is sizing you up. This is especiallytrue if the boss doesn’t dress down as much as everyone else does.
2. 先从别人身上寻得一些线索。是每个人都穿保守的套装吗?那你最好也穿套装。牛仔裤和斜纹棉布衬衫是众人常穿的吗?那着装随便些是不成问题的,可在最初几周内老板还在品评你时,你可能需要着装上心些。特别是如果老板并不像他人那样着装随便时,你更需上心些。
3. Don’t buck the system. The more conservativeyour work place is, the riskier it is, in fact, to do this. Clothes areespecially important in button-down environments, and while this may leave you chompingat the bit to reveal the real you, the risk usually isn’t worthwhile.
3. 不要违反潮流。事实上你工作的地方越是保守,你违反潮流所带来的危险也就越大。衣着在一丝不苟的环境中非常重要。你也许不愿受约束而想展示你的个人风格,但为此冒险通常是不值得的。
4. Dress-Down Fridays
4. 轻松着装的星期五
5. Nowadays in many companies there is a relativelynew office custom of dress-down Fridays. Yet people still seem to be unsure howto interpret it. Plus, even dress-down days have their unwritten rules.
5. 当今在许多公司有一个比较新的办公室习俗:在星期五轻松着装。但对其如何界定人们似乎还不大有把握。况且即使是着装轻松的日子仍有其不成文的规定。
6. Many people want to know if they actuallyhave to dress down. Some people are uncomfortable doing so or don’t think theylook their best in casual clothes. Let’s face it — a formal suit does stand outwhen everyone else is wearing sneakers and jeans, so you won’t to ignore the custom entirely. On the otherhand, if you like how you look dressed up, then do a little of both. Wear jeansor casual pants and a nice shirt and a jacket or a blazer. This way you won’tstand out, and you will still feel comfortable.
6. 很多人想知道他们是否真的要随意着装。有些人对随意着装并不习惯,或认为他们穿便装不能显示出最好的精神面貌。说实话,如果别人都穿胶底帆布鞋和牛仔裤,你一身西服革履的确有些太显眼,所以你恐怕不应该全然忽视这一习俗。但在另一方面,如果你喜欢看上去精神利落,那就两者都兼顾一些。下身穿牛仔裤或休闲裤,上身穿件讲究的衬衫配夹克或宽松的外衣。如此着装你便不会太突出,自己还依然感到舒服。
7. Don’t err too far in the other directioneither. Nowhere do dress-down days mean that you can come to work in your grubbiestclothes. Some clothes are never meant to be seen by your fellow workers. Officecasual typically means careMly tailored, well-made casual clothes. Leisuresuits, sweats, or exercise clothes are best left at home 一 or in your lockerat the gym.
7. 但也不要走到另一个极端。轻松着装绝不意味着你可以穿皱巴不洁的衣服就来上班。有些衣服是绝不应让你的同事看到的。办公室便装往往指的是精心裁剪、做工讲究的便装。休闲衣、棉线衫、或运动服最好留在家里一或锁在体育馆的衣柜里。
8. Dressing Up for Work
8. 为工作精心着装
9. Dressing up for work can just as hard as dressingdown. Dressy office Occasions include dinner with a client,dinner atthe boss’ s house, a banquet,aclient’s party,or an officeholiday. For women especially, dressy clothes for business occasions are notthe same as dressy clothes for purely social occasions. For work-relatedevents, it ’ s better to skip the low-cut or slinky dress. Wearing it mayforever change your image in ways you won’t particularly like. Opt instead forconservatively cut clothes in conservative colors. Skip anything with frills orlace (except for a top under a suit) — and skip the bright red minidress.
9. 为工作精心着装与轻松着装一样不易,需要精心着装的办公场合包括与客户共同进餐,在老板家吃饭,参加宴会、客户举办的晚会或办公室节日等等。特别是对于女职员,为生意场合精心着装与为纯粹社交场合精心着装并不一样。在与工作相关的场合中,最好不要穿开领很低或质地柔软包身的裙子。穿了也许会永远地改变你在他人心目中的形象,那肯定也是你所不希望的。选择式样、颜色保守的衣服。不要穿那些有花边或饰带的东西(除非是套服内的上衣)——也不要穿鲜红的超短连衣裙。
Wordsand Expressions
denim ['denim] n.粗斜纹棉布
size up v.估计…的大小(或多少),<口>品评,符合要求
buck [bʌk] n.<美口>元,雄鹿,公羊 v.冲撞,晃动
button-down ['bʌtəndaun] adj.〈美〉守旧的,温文尔雅的
chomp at the bit跃跃欲试、急不可耐
blazer ['bleizə] n.颜色鲜明的运动夹克,宣布者
grubby ['grʌbɪ] adj.生蛆的,污移的,邋遢的,卑鄙
tailored ['teiləd] adj.剪裁讲究的
banquet ['bæŋkwit] n.宴会
low-cut adj.低胸的,矮帮的
slinky ['sliŋki] adj.偷偷摸摸的,体态富于曲线的
particularly [pə'tɪkjuləlɪ] adv.独特地,显著地
opt [ɔpt] vi.选择
conservatively [kən'sə:vətiv] adv.保存地,适当地
frill [fril] n.装饰v.装饰
lace [leis] n.饰带,花边,缎带,鞋带 vt.扎带子vi.缚带子
minidress ['mɪnɪdres] n.超短连衣裙
11.Smoking and Cancer <原11>
1. Americans smokesix thousand million cigarettes every year (1970 figures). This is roughly theequivalent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18years of age or more. It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke comparedwith 34% of American women.
2. Since1939,numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine whethersmoking is a health hazard. The trend of the evidence has been consistent andindicates that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conductedstudies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking,particularlycigarette smoking,is associated with shortened life expectancy.
3. Cigarette smoking is believed by mostresearch workers in this field to be an important factor in the development ofcancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related tocancer of the bladder and the oral cavity. Male cigarette Smokers have a higherdeath rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers arethought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke sodeeply.) The majority of doctors and researchers consider these relationshipsproved to their satisfaction and say,"Give up smoking. If you don'tsmoke-don't start!"
4. Some competentphysicians and research workers-though their small number is decreased evenfurther-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. Theyconsider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer maypossibly be explained by other factors in the complex human environment-atmospheric pollution,increased nervous stress,chemical substances inprocessed food,or chemical pesticides that are now being used by farmers invast quantities to destroy insects and small animals. Smokers who developcancer or lung diseases,they say,may also,by coincidence,live in industrial areas,oreat more canned food. Gradually,however,research is isolating all otherpossible factors and proving them to be statistically irrelevant.
5. Apart from thescientific statistics,it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobaccoactually does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporizedchemicals,minute particles of ash,and other solids. There is alsonicotine,which is a powerful poison,and black tar. As the smoke is breathedin,all these components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs. One point ofconcentration is where the air tube,or bronchus,divides. Most lung cancerbegins at this point.
6. Smoking alsoaffects the heart and blood vessels. It is known to be related to Beurger'sdisease,a narrowing of the small veins in the hands and feet that can causegreat pain and lead even to amputation of limbs. Smokers also die much moreoften from heart disease.
7. While all tobaccosmoking affects life and expectancy and health,cigarette smoking appears tohave a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. However,nicotineconsumption is not diminished by the latter forms,and current researchindicates a causal relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of themouth and throat. Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking tosome extent safer,but they can only marginally reduce,not eliminate thehazards.
中石油职称英语考试阅读精讲:A World without Oil10-07