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题目:下面每个句子中均有1 个词或短语画有下画线,请为每处画线部分确定1 个意义最为接近的选项。
1. Has she altered her mind?
A. gave up B. m a d e up C. alternated D. changed
2. H e succeeded because he is both diligent and intelligent.
A. ambitious B. lazy C. hardworking D. clever
3. Employees are entitled to an annual paid leave of fifteen days.
A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly
4. A n academic term lasts approximately three months.
A. actually B. nearly C. especially D. feirly
5. The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes’ capabilities now.
A. capacities B. strengths C. possibilities D. abilities
6. A cut in interest rates should help stimulate economic recovery.
A. promote B. encourage C. produce D. create
7. T hey agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.
A. complete B. determine C. unite D. solve
8. H e predicted that an earthquake was imminent.
A. foretold B. proposed C. promised D. identified
9. H o w do you account for your absence from the class this morning?
A. explain B. expand C. examine D. review
10. All three m e n were hot, dirty, and exhausted.
A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired D. exited
11. H e put forward a plan for improving their working conditions
A. lifting B. converting C. developing D. bettering
12. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease.
A. nicely B. apparently C. finally D. naturally
13.1 have several spare tickets.
A. thin B. extra C. attached D. prepared
14. Everyone can tell this poor m a n ’s longing for knowledge.
A. desire B. length C. pursuit D. objective
15. Christians believe that the soul lives forever.
A. heart B. m i n d C. spirit D. emotion
1. D alter 和 c h a n g e的意思相同,均 为 “ 改变”;give u p :放 弃 ;m a k e up o n e ’s m i n d : 下决心;alternate : 交换的、轮流的。
2. C diligent : 勤奋,等于 hardworking; ambitious:有志向的; la z y :懒惰的; clever:聪明的。
3. D annual:每年的、年度,等 于yearly; daily :每天的、日报; w e e k l y :每周的、周报; monthly:每月的、月刊。
4. B approximately: 大约,相当于 nearly; actually :实际上; especially:尤其地;fairly 是相当地。
5. D capabilities 和 abilities 都 表 示 “ 能力” ;capacity :容 量 、容 积;strengths:力量;possibilities:可能性。
6. B stimulate :刺 激、激起,和 encourage ( 鼓励)意思相近;p r o m o t e :提升;p r o d u c e :生产 ;create : 仓 ! | 造0
7. D settle 和 solve 都 表 示 “ 解决” ;complete: 完成; determine:决定、确定; unite:联合。
8. A predicted 和 foretold 都 是 “ 预言”的意思;p r o p o s e d :提议; p r o m i s e d :承诺;indentified : 证明、确认。
9. A account for :解释、 说明,等于 explain; expand: 扩展; e x a m i n e :检查; r e v i e w :复习。
10. C be exhausted 和 be tired 都 表 示 “ 疲劳” ;hungry:饿的;thirsty:渴的;exited:激动的、兴奋的。
11. D improving和 bettering 都 表 示 “ 改进、使变得更好” ;lifting :提升、 举起; converting:改变;developing: 发展。
12. C eventually :最终,等于 finally; nicely : 漂亮地; apparently:显然地; naturally:自然地。
13. B spare作形容词表示“ 剩余的、备用的” ,和 extra ( 额外的)词义相近。thi n :薄的;attached:依恋的; prepared准备好的。
14. A longing 是动名词形式,表 示 “ 渴望”,等于 desire; length:长度; pursuit:追求;objective:目标。
15. C soul等同于spirit ,表 示 “ 灵魂、 精神” ; heart : 心脏; m i n d : 思想; emotion是情感。