小升初 百分网手机站


时间:2017-11-10 18:28:58 小升初 我要投稿

























  I. 听辨单词(Words)

  1—5 CBDCA

  II. 句子理解(Responses)

  6—10 BCDAC

  III. 对话理解(Dialogues)

  A) 11—15 CABDB

  B) 16—20 BCDBC

  IV. 短文理解(Passages)

  A) 21—25 BACDB

  B) 26. Mary 27. The Grand Hotel 28. 6:30 p.m. 29. A friend 30. 724-5936


  I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)

  A) 31—35 ACDBD

  B) 36—40 ACCDB 41—45 CBDCD

  C) 46—50 ADBDA

  II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

  A) 51—55 CBCAB

  B) 56—60 CDAAC

  C) 61. 30 minutes. / Half an hour. 62. 12:43 p.m. 63. 10.

  D) 64. the Earth 65. photos from his / her trip to France 66. 因此,我认为它是个很酷的网站名字。

  E) 67. Every two years. 68. Raising money for charity. 69. “为什么不在娱乐的同时还帮助别人呢?” 70. The Big Hair Day.

  III. 完形填空(Cloze)

  A) 71. Year 72. interesting 73. with 74. sports 75. great 76. also 77. the 78. but 79. be 80. waiting

  B) 81. lives 82. come 83. has 84. to see 85. are 86. doesn't know 87. tells 88. Don't give 89. eating / to eat 90. tries

  IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation)

  91. How 92. are there 93. doesn't do 94. knives; pencil-boxes 95. What does; like 96. something important 97. Do; or 98. Ask her 99. Are there any 100. Which

  V. 翻译(Translation)

  101. I think that shop is closed at this time of the day.

  102. Anna wants to know more about Chinese history.

  103. She looks both young and beautiful.

  104. Do the Greens often stay at home watching TV?

  105. That red watch isn't the same as this black one. / That red watch is different from this black one.

  VI. 智力测试(IQ)

  106. Likely / Possible (可能的).

  107. Yes, I do, because she likes places that don't contain the letter “o”.

  108. 19. (The number represents the alphabetic position of the first letter of the person's name. Sophia begins with the 19th letter of the alphabet.)

  109. 12.

  110. Because she is short, and she can't reach the number 10. The number 8 is the highest number she can reach, so she goes to the 8th floor and walks up to the 10th one.

  VII. 写作(Writing)

  A) One possible version:

  Peter: Hello, 884-5226.

  Tom: Hello, this is Tom. I'm interested in buying your mountain bike. How old is it?

  Peter: It's one year old, and it's in good condition.

  Tom: What colour is it?

  Peter: It's red.

  Tom: Why do you want to sell it?

  Peter: Because I want to buy a motorbike.

  Tom: How much is it?

  Peter: I want $55 for it.

  Tom: Oh, that sounds great!When can I come and see it?

  Peter: Is tomorrow evening OK for you?

  Tom: Yes, that's fine. Bye.

  Peter: Bye.

  B) One possible version:

  Mega Sports Centre is the best sports centre in town. It is opposite Golden Lion Hotel in King Street. We have got friendly, experienced staff and lots of sports activities for everyone.
There is a bowling alley, two basketball courts and two swimming pools. You can also play snooker and table tennis in Mega Sports Centre's games room.
There is also Mega Café — a great place to relax at the end of the day.

  For more information, call us at 882-5442.


  1.本题总分为: A) 10分; B)15分。按四个档次给分。


  3.A部分作文词数少于50或多于100的, 从总分中减去2分; B部分作文词数少于70的, 从总分中减去2分。



  第四档(很好):A) 9—10分; B) 12—15分


  第三档(好):A) 6—8分; B) 9—11分


  第二档(一般):A) 4—5分; B) 5—8分


  第一档(差):A) 1—3分; B) 1—4分





  Part I. Words

  Listen to the sentences. Choose the word you hear in the sentence. Each sentence will be read only once.

  1. Come to Mr Smith's clothing sale.

  2. Sally's aunt gives her twelve pencils.

  3. Polly's family are always happy to help.

  4. What time is the talk show tonight?

  5. Don't speak with your mouth full.

  Part II. Responses

  Listen to the sentences. Choose the right response to each sentence. Each sentence will be read only once.

  6. Would you please give the book to me?

  7. How's your English class?

  8. Excuse me. Can I sit here?

  9. Do you know the man near that house?

  10. Do you watch TV a little or a lot?

  Part III. Dialogues

  A) You will hear five mini-dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue. Each dialogue will be read twice.

  11. M: Look, Kate. What's that under the desk?

  W: It's a watch. It's a new one. Is it yours, Jack?

  M: No. Mine is old. Whose is it?

  W: I think it's Paul's. Let's go and ask him.

  12. M: Look at all the shoes.

  W: I like those black ones.

  M: Where?

  W: Next to the red ones.

  M: Oh, between the red ones and the brown ones?

  W: No, behind the blue ones.

  13. W: Hello.

  M: Hello, Susan. This is Mike. Would you like to come to my birthday party?

  W: I'd love to. Your birthday is on Wednesday, isn't it?

  M: Yes, it is, but I'm having the party on Thursday. It's in my house.

  W: That sounds great. Thank you.

  14. W: I want to buy a present for Sue.

  M: What about a pencil-box?

  W: Good idea!This one is nice. It's small and she likes green.

  M: I think she will like that big orange one.

  W: No, this is better. I'll take the small one.

  15. M: This is a beautiful place. Let's come here again tomorrow!

  W: Don't we have to go shopping tomorrow?

  M: We can do that in the morning, and come here in the afternoon.

  W: OK. Let's bring Joe and Linda with us.

  B) Listen to the following dialogue. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue. The dialogue will be read twice.

  M: Can I help you?

  W: Yes, I hope so. I left my bag on the bus this morning.

  M: Which bus?

  W: Oh, the 8:40 bus from London.

  M: What does the bag look like?

  W: It's a middle size white bag. Ah, it's a round one.

  M: Any marks on it?

  W: Em... yes, my name is on it.

  M: What's your name?

  W: Jane Smith.

  M: OK, Jane. What do you have in your bag?

  W: Er... all my books from school, and some pens. Here is my ID card, so I didn't lose it. Oh, my keys are in it, too.

  M: OK, can you come down to the station at a quarter past nine tomorrow morning? You can look at what we've got here.

  W: That's fine. Thank you. Bye.

  M: Bye.

  Part IV. Passages

  A) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice.

  I have a pen pal named Betty. She often writes to me from England. She lives in a tall building in the city.
Every morning, she has to make her bed and feed her cat. She never walks to school.
She always takes the school bus. After school, she usually waits for her twin brother.
They have to take another bus to go to their music lessons. My pen pal loves music.

  Today is her birthday. I have a present for her. She's eleven years old this year.

  B) Listen to the phone message. Complete the form of the phone message. The message will be read twice.

  Hi! This is Martin. I'm sorry I can't speak to you right now. Please leave a message.

  Hello, this is Mary speaking. I am calling to tell you that the party tonight is at the Grand Hotel. That's G-R-A-N-D. It's near Ely's ice cream shop.
I think you know where it is, right? I'll meet you there at half past six. Besides, bring one of your friends, please. And call me back if you have any questions.
My phone number is 724-5936. Bye.








