英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-28 08:37:16 英语词汇 我要投稿


  7. You have more pens than I, but mine__________ are better than yours.

  8. She made up her mind__________ to join the working team to serve the people in poor village.

  9. Mobile phones must be kept off during__________ the meeting.

  10. Mr. Green is poor________. He doesn’t have much money.

  11. She wanted to be a teacher, but she became a doctor instead__________.

  12. My brother often flies__________ kites on Saturday morning.

  13. The baby is crying. It’s time to feed__________ her some food.

  14. Last night, Chinese football team was against__________ Japanese team. We beat them with the score of 2—0.

  15. Mary, would you please tell me your new address__________ so that I can write to you?

  16. Father got up late this morning and miss__________ the 6:00 train.

  17.-Who lives farthest in our class?

  -Li Lei does. He lives at 1east_________ 20 miles away from our school.

  18. Don’t quarrel with her. That’s a waste_________ of time.

  19. It is said that Sudan-I (苏丹一号) is bad for people’s health__________.

  20. He got up very late. So he hurried to school without_________ breakfast.

  21. –Let’s go and play tennis.

  -I’d love to. But my tennis shoes are w__________ out.

  22. Edison n_________ gave up trying out his ideas no matter how hard it was.

  23. Beethoven’s music was so beautiful that all of us lost o_________ in it

  24. ―C________ your mistakes, and you’re still a good boy,‖ Mr. Li said to Jack.

  25. I like black and red. But my f_________ colour is blue.

  26. Don’t spit in p________ places. It is bad manners.

  27. He stood up and greeted us with a smile when we e________ the room.

  28. Don’t be afraid to talk with foreigners. It’s a good c________ to practice your spoken English.

  29. Many new kinds of cars were on d_________ in the modern museum last week.

  30. He didn’t want to go to the party and left an e__________ saying that he had something else to do.

  II. 词形转换


  1. His sister sings well. She has a _________ (please) voice.

  2. We feel sorry that Chen Yifei, a famous __________ (paint), died when he was fifty-nine.

  3. Liu Xiang got the _________ (one) in his competition of the 2004 Olympic Games.

  4. Please make a _________ (shop) list before you go out to buy things.

  5. I’m really glad to have you all here, so please help _________ (you).

  6. When he saw the boy was in danger, Edison rushed out and carried him to _________ (safe).

  7. I think English is very useful. Are you _________ (interest) in it?

  8. The _________ (shelf) in his study are full of science books.

  9. The Greens live on the _________ (nine) floor of the tall building.

  10. His sudden _________ (die) made all his friends surprised and sad.

  11. Another two pupils _________ (success) swam across the Qiongzhou Channel on June 2, 2005.

  12. Mr. Wu will never forget his _________ (enjoy) journey to Guilin last summer.

  13. I don’t think Bill’s spoken English is ________ (bad) than Jim’s.

  14. Could you tell me how much you paid for this _________ (wool) sweater?

  15. The computer is regarded as an important __________ (invent) in the 20th century.

  16. Helen had an accident yesterday. Luckily, she didn’t hurt _________ (she).‖

  17. It was very cold outside and there were few _________ (run) on road this morning.

  18. Li Lei is _________ (terrible) ill. Please take him to the hospital at once.

  19. The farmers are singing and dancing _________ (happy) for the harvest.

  20. China is one of the _________ (large) countries in the world.

  21. When there was a knock at the door, the man downstairs was just falling _________ (sleep).

  22. Thanks to space satellites, the world __________ (it) is becoming a much smaller place.

  23. The man goes to the doctor to clean his _________ (tooth) every two months.

  24. As a ________ (library), she works to serve readers.

  25. The more exercise you take, the __________ (health) you’ll like.

  26. _________ (like) his brother, Tom is more interested in history.

  27. Our way of learning English is a lot better than _________ (they).

  28. What a _________ (rain) day! We have to stay at home.

  29. Everyone should make a contribution to __________ (improve) the environment.

  30. I’m afraid he’s made the wrong _________ (decide) on that matter.


  I. A). 1. afford 2. camera 3. join 4. return 5. queue 6. island

  B). 1. hard/ difficult 2. waster 3. without 4. neither 5. anything

  6. safety 7. dirty 8. weak 9. taller 10. stay

  C). 1. past 2. spring 3. last 4. laughed 5. uncle 6. lend

  7. blowing 8. slowly 9. happening 10. borrow 11. angry 12. shopping

  13. Pardon 14. breakfast 15. moment

  D). 1. open 2. pass 3. except 4. lying 5. vegetables 6. hundred

  7. quietly 8. fell 9. twice 10. protect 11. worth 12. lending

  13. twentieth 14. widely 15. polluting 16. best 17. Internet

  18. worries

  19. months’ 20. instruction 21. magazines 22. hardly 23. cheap

  24. quarters 25. lives 26. earlier 27. rains 28. spoken

  29. plastic

  30. else

  E). 1. third 2. moon 3. caught 4. prefers 5. Maybe 6. hottest

  7. mine 8. mind 9. during 10. poor 11. instead 12. flies

  13. feed

  14. against 15. address 16. missed 17. least 18. waste 19. health

  20. without 21. worn 22. never 23. ourselves 24. Correct

  25. favourite

  26. public 27. entered 28. chance 29. display 30. excuse II. 1. pleasant 2. painter 3. first 4. shopping 5. yourselves

  6. safety 7. interested 8. shelves 9. ninth 10. death

  11. successfully 12. enjoyable 13. worse 14. woolen 15. invention 16. herself 17. runner 18. terribly 19. happily 20. largest 21. asleep 22. itself 23. teeth 24. librarian

  25. healthier 26. Unlike 27. theirs 28. rainy 29. improving

  30. decision








