英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-18 09:03:12 英语词汇 我要投稿




  1. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)

  2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)

  3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)

  4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)

  5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)

  6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)

  7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)

  8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)

  9. The new hospital is (location) in one of the new estate.

  *10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new

  bicycle. (happiness)

  答案:1. practises 2. professional 3. quickly 4. rain 5. rainy, rain 6. really 7. really, real 8. real, really 9. located 10. unhappy


  1. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)

  2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)

  3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)

  4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)

  5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).

  6. Don’t to him! (listening)

  7. It is a suitable (locate) for the new post office.

  8. Thank you for giving me so present! (love)

  *9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago.


  *10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is

  _________ (rainy)

  答案:1. quickly, quick 2. rainy 3. runner 4. reciting 5. library 6. listen 7. location 8. lovely 9. realized 10. rained, raining


  1. I didn’t ______ you were going to get ready for the

  picnic. (real)

  2. The recitation by class 5 is ________ wonderful (real)

  3. The teacher asked us to ______ this part of the text.(recitation)

  4. The recitation _______ by Tom is really wonderful. (recite)

  5. Alice is a good (library), she is in charge of many books.

  6. Sometimes, to be a (listen) is a good way. 7. The horn is (loudly) enough to be heard a mile off.

  8. He has a great (lovely ) for knowledge and truth. *9. He _____ his pipe and usually smokes with it. (lovely) *10. It is __________ to swim in a swimming pool than in a river. (save)

  答案:1. realize 2. really 3. recite 4. recited 5. librarian 6. listener 7. loud 8. love 9. loves 10. safer


  1. He was out of (lucky) and failed the examination.

  2. The library has employed ten __________, six men and four women. (library)

  3. I’m trying to ________ Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? (location)

  4. That music is too _____. Please turn it down. ( loudly)

  5. Everything in the garden is ______ (love).

  7. The other day the school received an official letter. (medicine)

  *9. We ________ carefully but heard nothing. (listener)

  *10. _________, Peter failed to pass the English test yesterday. (luck)

  答案:1. luck 2. Luckily 3. lucky 4. luck 5. lovely 6. luck 7. medical 8. meeting 9. listened 10. Unluckily


  1. he could get rid of the unhealthy habits. (lucky)

  2. Air is a ________ of gases. (mix)

  3. I want you to ________ the names of all the plants in their correct order. (memory)

  (lucky). B: Thank you.

  5. What is the purpose of your visit?(mainly)

  6. I like all music, but I’m interested in jazz. (main)

  7. Why don’t you complain to the ? (manage)

  8. Why did the patient refuse to take the ? (medical)

  *9. the company while his father was away. (manager)

  *10. We’ve had fivestill haven’t solved the problem. (meet)

  答案:1. Luckily 2. mixture 3. memorize 4. luck 5. main

  6. mainly 7. manager 8. medicine 9. managed 10. meetings


  1. A: Will you me at the station?(meeting) B: Sorry, I won’t.

  2. What a (an)_______girl she is! She passed the exam at last. (luckily)

  3. We have had a _________ to say that your father is ill.


  4. He passed the test and smiled __________. (happy)

  5. –Why can’t I see the cursor on the screen, Daddy?

  --Your little brother broke your ______ yesterday. (mice)

  6. China Daily is a __________ newspaper. (nation)

  7. -What’s your __________?

  --I am French. (nation)

  8. The one whose job is carrying messages is called a _______. (message)

  *9. After the car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Lee both lost their ________. (memorize)

  *10. She put the sugar into the coffee and ___________ them up with a spoon. (mixture)

  答案:1. meet 2. lucky 3. message 4. happily 5. mouse 6. national 7. nationality 8. messenger 9.memories 10. mixed








