英语词汇 百分网手机站


时间:2018-01-16 10:09:55 英语词汇 我要投稿





  take/follow one's advice 接受某人的建议

  give advice on 就……提出建议

  advice sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

  the day after tomorrow 后天

  after all 毕竟,终究

  against one's will 违心

  above all 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的

  by accident 偶然,无意中

  be active in 对(于)……很积极

  add up to 合计为

  admit one's mistake 承认错误

  at the age of 在……岁时

  achieve one's aim 实现目标

  in the air 在空中,悬而未决

  in the open air 在户外,在露天里

  at the airport 在机场

  the fire alarm 火警

  be filled with anger 满腔怒火

  be angry at sth. 因某事而生气

  be angry with sb. 生某人的气

  make an announcement 通知

  one after another 相继地,按顺序地

  one another 相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间)

  each other 相互(指两者之间)

  give no answer 没有回答

  be anxious about 为……而担心

  be anxious to do sth. 急于做某事

  live apart 分开住

  apart from 除了

  make/offer an apology to sb.for sth. 因某事向某人认错或道歉

  argue with sb. about sth. 与某人争论某事

  lay sth. aside 把......放在一边

  ask sb. for advice/help 请某人指点/帮助

  be astonished at sth. 惊讶于……

  at one time 以前,曾经

  pay attention to 注意

  take a correct attitude towards sth. 对……抱正确的态度

  attract one's attention 引起(注意,兴趣等)

  lie/swim on one's back 仰卧/仰泳

  a bad cold 重感冒

  two pieces of baggage 两件行李

  keep/lose one's balance 保持/失去平衡

  at the ball 在舞会上

  have/take a cold bath 洗冷水澡

  be killed in battle 阵亡

  on the beach 在海滩

  make the bed 整理床铺

  begin with 以……开始

  at the beginning of 在……起始,开始

  from beginning to end 自始至终

  come into being 形成……局面;产生

  a safety belt 安全带

  Second thoughts are best. 三思而后行

  do/try one's best 尽力,尽最大的努力

  make the best of 尽量利用,善用

  all the best 一切顺利,万事如意

  in bold 黑体的,粗体的

  be born in a peasant's family 出身于农民家庭

  make a bow 鞠躬

  use one's brain 动动脑子

  break the record 打破纪录

  take a deep breath 深吸一口气

  hold one's breath 屏息;憋住气

  out of breath 上气不接下气

  brush one's teeth 刷牙

  burst into tears 突然哭起来

  a burst of laughter 突然一阵大笑

  but for 要不是

  a call for help 呼救声

  keep calm 保持镇静(别慌)

  keep quiet 保持安静(别吵)

  keep still 保持不动(别动)

  keep silent 保持沉默(别说话)

  a summer camp 夏令营

  go camping 去野营

  cannot help doing 情不自禁……

  play cards 打牌

  take care of 照顾,保管

  medical care 医疗护理

  in that case 假若那样的话

  in case 以防万一

  rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨

  catch up with 赶上(或超过)

  by chance 偶然

  free of charge 免费

  in charge 主管,在掌管之下

  in the charge of 由……负责

  take charge 掌管,负责

  cheer up 高兴起来

  in one's childhood 童年时

  make a choice 挑选,选择

  at Christmas 圣诞节时

  go to church 去做礼拜

  cigarette end 烟头

  give sb. a clap 为……鼓掌

  get close to 接近

  a table cloth 一块桌布

  a suit of clothes 一套衣服

  children's clothing 童装

  collect stamps 集邮

  come about 产生,发生

  come across (偶然)遇见或发现

  come up 走过来;长出,发芽,上升;抬头

  in common 共同,共有

  compete in a contest 参加比赛

  give a concert 举办音乐会

  on condition that 条件是

  congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人

  on the contrary 相反地

  out of control 失控

  have a conversation with sb. 与……谈话;交谈

  in/during the course of 在……期间/过程中

  be covered with 被……覆盖

  be cross with sb. at sth. 因某事和某人发脾气

  cross out 划掉

  be cruel to sb. 对……残忍

  cubic meter 立方米

  by hand 用手

  hand out 分发

  on the one hand...;on the other hand 一方面……;另一方面……

  a handful of 少量的

  live a happy life 过幸福生活

  do harm to 损害,伤害

  a good harvest 一个好收成

  keep one's head 保持镇静

  in good health 身体好

  learn/know sth. by heart 记住某事

  keep a tight hold on sth. 紧握某物

  catch/take/get hold of 握住,抓住

  hold one's head high 趾高气扬

  the summer holidays 暑假

  on holiday 度假

  in honour of 为(向)……表示敬意,为了纪念……

  have high hope for sb. 对某人抱很大希望

  in the hope of doing sth. 怀着……的希望

  be in hospital 住院

  an hour or so 大约一小时

  a medical team 医疗队

  medical examination 体检

  take/have some medicine 吃药

  meet the needs of 满足……的需要

  meet with a storm 遇到风暴

  go to a meeting 去开会

  have a meeting 开会

  hold a meeting 举行会议

  in memory of 为纪念

  have no mercy on sb. 对……一点儿也不怜悯

  without mercy 毫不留情地,残忍地

  at the mercy of 在……支配下,任由……摆布

  Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

  take a message for sb. 给某人捎个信儿

  Mid-autumn Day 中秋节

  millions of 上百万的,许许多多的

  change one's mind 改变主意

  Mind the wet paint! 当心油漆未干!

  make up one's mind 下决心

  the minister of foreign affairs 外交部长

  miss an opportunity 错过机会

  make a mistake 犯错误

  by mistake 错误地

  in modern times 在现代

  small money 零钱

  have no money with sb. 某人身上没(带)钱

  make sb. our monitor 选某人为我们的班长

  on the early morning 一大早

  at the top of the mountain 在山顶上

  join the navy 参加海军

  if necessary 如果有必要的`话

  in need of help 需要帮助

  take on a new look 呈现一片新面貌

  hit sb. on the nose 打某人的鼻子

  make/take notes 做笔记

  have nothing to do with 与……无关

  put up a notice 张贴通知

  pay no notice to sb. 对某人毫不在意

  be in operation 运转着,实施中

  place an order for sth. 订购某物

  out of work 失业了

  a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

  the Summer Palace 颐和园