同等学历 百分网手机站


时间:2017-05-26 14:47:34 同等学历 我要投稿


  1、There are many kinds of metals, ______.

  A. each having its special properties   B. having its special properties

  C. one has its special properties   D. each has its special properties

  2、Both Lily and Lucy ______ to the party yesterday.

  A. invited   B. was invited

  C. had invited   D. were invited

  3、Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship ______ with all kinds of goods.

  A. loading   B. being loaded

  C. to be loaded   D. having loaded

  4、So little ______ about stock exchange that the lecture was completely beyond me.

  A. did I know   B. I had known

  C. I knew   D. was I known

  5、______ the first to use nuclear weapons.

  A. At no time China will be   B. Never China will be

  C. Will China never be   D. At no time will China be

  6、I thought her nice and honest _______ I met her.

  A.first time  B.for the first time

  C.the first time  D.by the first time

  7、He made another wonderful discovery, _______ of great importance to science.

  A.which I think is  B.which I think it is

  C.which I think it  D.I think which is

  8、_______, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

  A.However late is he  B.However late he is

  C.However is he late  D.However he is late


  1、A 本句考察独立主格结构。B没有主语;逗号不能连接两个独立完整的句子,因此排除C、D;只能选A。句意为“金属有很多种,每一种都有它的特性。”

  2、D 由both … and … 连接两个单数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。

  3、B 本句为现在分词的被动做watch 的宾语补足语。因为宾语和宾补是动宾关系,而且表示动作正在进行,所以用现在分词的被动式;watch 也可以跟无to不定式做宾补,表示动作已经结束。Do you hear someone calling you? 你听见有人叫你吗?(现在分词做宾补,表示动作正在进行。)Yes, I did. I heard him call me several times.是的.,我听见他叫了我几次了。(不定式做宾补,表示动作已经结束)。

  4、A so+(形容词/副词)结构放在句首,后面的部分要用倒装形式,故B项和C项可以排除;句子中的know的宾语事后面的stock exchange而非前面的I,D项可以排除。句意为:我对于股票交易知之甚少,无法听懂讲座。so … that … 如此……以至于……, be beyond sb. 超出某人理解的范围,非某人所能理解。

  5、D 考查倒装句的应用。以否定词开头的倒装句基本结构:否定词+情态动词/助动词+主语+表语/动宾结构。部分倒装仅仅将系动词、助动词或情态动词提前,而完全倒装则将谓语动词全部提前。

  6、C “第一次”英语为“the first time”.the first time I met her相当于一个时间状语从句when I first met her.for the first time作为第一次。

  7、A 关系代词which在定语从句中作主语,代表the discovery.of great importance = very important。

  8、B whatever, wherever, whenever, whoever, however引导让步状语从句,意思是“无论(做什么,在哪儿,在什么时候,谁,如何)”,加强语气,要用陈述句的语序。








