It's very representative of Guangdong: 很有广东的代表性
It's sweet and salty. 又甜又咸。
This is much better for a dessert kind of thing. 这个更像是甜品。
The other ones I'd like to eat with a meal. 前面吃的那些我觉得更像是主食。
We don't want to ruin your perfect body with so many calories. Spencer我不能让你吃那么多卡路里,毁了你完美的身材 (不知道的朋友:Spencer是拥有6块腹肌的健身达人)
I'll work out later today and could use the energy. 没关系,我今天会锻炼,可以多补充点能量
最后,吃冰皮月饼 snow skin mooncake
Saved the most dessert-like mooncake for last. 我要把最像甜点的月饼留到最后。
Oh My God, this is good! : 天啊,这个好吃
This is amazing! 这个太好吃了
I think we've got a winner. 我觉得冰皮月饼赢了!
It's a new invention. It's a trendier mooncake.这是比较创新的,是比较新潮的月饼。
Spencer觉得冠军是:snow skin mooncake
You could sell a lot of these in the summer time. 在美国,夏季应该会很畅销(Spencer, 但这是中秋月饼......)
Let's start exporting these mooncakes to the U.S. 我搞一点出口到美国吧!发财
Jenny最爱老字号月饼 Old-school mooncake
I'm more old-fashioned/old-school when it comes to mooncakes: 我吃月饼的口味比较传
My favorite is the pork mooncake: 我最喜欢鲜肉月饼
I don't know what they do to the meat inside. But it tastes so good. 我也不知道他们怎么弄的肉馅儿,总之是在太好吃了
Maybe there's a lot of MSG. 可能是加了很多味精
coconut 椰蓉
five-nuts 五仁
I also reallly love the coconut paste mooncake from an old store: 我还很喜欢上海老字号的一家椰蓉月饼
Five-nuts is good too: 五仁也很好吃啊
Why did so many people make fun of it? 为什么大家前两年都黑五仁呢?
Maybe it tastes too nutty. 可能果仁味太重了
stores with history
a historic establishment
an old establishment
People love to go shop there out of tradition. 大家喜欢这些老字号的历史积淀、去那里是一种传统
Some placed will be commemorated. It has official status. 有些老字号有纪念意义、受到官方认证
Macy's in Manhattan 曼哈顿的梅西百货,大家可能听过
Ben's Chili Bowl in D.C. 这是Spencer老家华盛顿的一家小饭馆儿
Chili is like stew with beans and meat. Chili是一种用豆子和肉炖出来的菜。
It's been there for decades. It's commemorated as an historic site. 它已经开了几十年了,已经被认证为历史景点了
I once tried it, and I didn't think it was good. But it still has history. People go there and support the business. 我试过一次,不觉得好吃。但老店历史悠久,大家还是会去捧场
Mid-Autumn Festival is a big family holiday: 中秋是家人团圆的节日
People get together and reunite. 大家在这一天团聚
The moon is at its fullest and roundest. 这一天月亮最圆满
You guys are truly like family to us: 开言就像一个大家庭,你们就是我们的家人
We hope you're together with your loved ones: 希望大家在中秋都和自己至亲至爱的人在一起
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!