英语听说 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-14 11:23:12 英语听说 我要投稿




  第一部分 听力理解




  例:How much is the shirt?

  A. £19.15. B. £9.15 C. £9.18.


  1. What do we know about the man?

  A. He is ill.

  B. His son may be ill.

  C. He will visit Dr. Maxwell’s office.

  2. How long is the woman’s flight delayed?

  A. 2 hours. B. 5 hours. C. 7 hours.

  3. What does the man think of his current book?

  A. It is relaxing. B. It is very heavy. C. It is exciting.

  4. What does the man mean?

  A. He hopes to meet the woman this afternoon.

  B. He hopes to see the woman tomorrow night.

  C. The woman can stay at home during the following two days.

  5. What did the man put in the coffee?

  A. Nothing. B. Some sugar. C. Some natural flavors.




  6. When will the wedding begin?

  A. At 10:00 B. At 10:30 C. At 12:00

  7. How is the woman feeling right now ?

  A. upset. B. excited. C. happy.


  8. Which of the following is true about the woman when she was a child ?

  A. Her grandpa used to take her fishing. B. She visited her aunt and uncle quite often. C. She seldom left her home.

  9. What will the two speakers do next ?

  A. Go fishing.

  B. Go hiking and have a picnic.

  C. Breathe the fresh air in the countryside.


  10. What is true about the woman ?

  A. She will major in medicine in college.

  B. She will major in art history in college. C. She hasn’t decided what to major in college.