

时间:2023-05-25 08:35:52 赛赛 英语听说 我要投稿
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  Text 1

  M: How much do I need to pay?

  W: Let me see. Err...four dollars, and six dollars, and another six dollars. Thats 16 dollars, sir.

  M: OK, here is a 20?dollar bill.

  Text 2

  M: Hurry up, mom. The taxis come and is waiting downstairs.

  W: Just a second, honey. Ill get some food in the kitchen. The meals on the train are terrible.

  Text 3

  M: Has the latest Time magazine arrived yet? Todays already Wednesday.

  W: Sorry, its late. Maybe it will come tomorrow.

  Text 4

  W: I suppose you have bought some gifts for your family.

  M: Well, Ive bought a shirt for my father and two books for my sister. But for my mother, I havent decided what to buy yet.

  Text 5

  W: Good morning, Cress.

  M: Good morning, Miss Simon.

  W: Running a bit late, arent you? The bells already gone.

  M: Bus was late, madam.

  Text 6

  W: Hi, Mr. Brown. Are you fine back to the United States this July?

  M: Oh, Ive changed my plan of going back home. Im going to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games. And I will probably stay there until late September or early October.

  W: Wow, how exciting. But I can only watch the Games on TV.

  Text 7

  W: Excuse me, sir. Im a tourist here, which train will take me to the zoo, please?

  M: You need to get to platform 6, take the train on the first line and get off at Rocky Hill. Thats the third stop.

  W: Is that where the zoo is?

  M: Youre nearly there. After getting off the train, turn right and youll see a hill in front of you. Walk up to the top of the hill and youll see the sign pointing to the zoo.

  W: Many thanks. One ticket to Rocky Hill, please.

  Text 8

  W: Are you finished packing?

  M: Almost. Ill just have to check my temp one last time.

  W: OK, err, dont forget your camera. You need to take some pictures for your grandpa.

  M: Yes, Ive put it in, mom.

  W: All right, then. Oh, what about shoes and clothes? You may need another pair of shoes and an overcoat.

  M: Mom, its just a camping trip, not a travel abroad. Ill get back in no more than 24 hours.

  W: All right, then. I was just trying to be helpful. Im sure youll have a great time.

  Text 9

  W: I wish those people across the street will turn their music down. Its so loud.

  M: I know, darling. I just cant sleep. They are only allowed to play music up until 10:30 on week nights, and its already 11:30.

  W: I have a really important meeting tomorrow morning. And Ill have to go and see the doctor in the afternoon. If they dont be quiet soon, Ill never get to sleep.

  M: We should go up to their house and ask them to turn it down.

  W: Well, I really dont want to talk to them. They are not very friendly people.

  M: Anyway, we can at least try. If they dont listen, well just pick up the phone and call the police.

  W: That sounds like a good idea. Lets get dressed.

  Text 10

  Welcome to Happy Go, your fantastic shopping heaven. Are you annoyed by the quality of your sleep? Do you count from one to one thousand, but still found yourself awake? Dont worry, try Dreamer. It can help you fall asleep fast and wont affect your memory. Just take one piece half an hour before going to bed, youll get a good sleep at night and a sharp mind during the day. Also, you can ask your doctor if Dreamer is right for you. For more information, please call 8008668877 or visit happygo.com. If you call us within 24 hours, you can get Dreamer free for 7 nights. Dont wait, because your dream misses you. Your Dream, Our Dreamer!

  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  1.How much does the man need to pay?

  A.$6. B.$16. C.$20.

  2.Where are the speakers going?

  A.A shop.

  B.A restaurant.

  C.The railway station.

  3.When will the magazine probably arrive?

  A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.

  4.Whom did the man buy the books for?

  A.His father. B.His mother. C.His sister.

  5.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Teacher and student.

  B.Mother and son.

  C.Driver and passenger.

  第二节 (共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)



  6.When did the man plan to go back home at first?

  A.In July.

  B.In September.

  C.In October.

  7.What are the speakers talking about?

  A.Playing games on TV.

  B.Flying back to Beijing.

  C.Watching the Olympic Games.


  8.Which train will take the woman to the zoo?

  A.The train on platform 1, line 3.

  B.The train on platform 6, line 1.

  C.The train on platform 6, line 3.

  9.Where are the signs that point to the zoo?

  A.On the right of the hill.

  B.On the top of the hill.

  C.On the way to the hill.

  10. Whom is the woman talking to?

  A.A tourist.

  B.A train passenger.

  C.A ticket seller.


  11. What has the man already packed in?

  A.A camera.

  B.A pair of shoes.

  C.An overcoat.

  12. What is the man preparing for?

  A.A camping trip.

  B.A travel abroad.

  C.A visit to his grandfather.

  13. How does the man feel about his mother?

  A.She is very helpful.

  B.She worries so much.

  C.She is too strict.


  14. What are the speakers complaining about?

  A.The loud music.

  B.The strict rules.

  C.The busy week.

  15. When does this conversation probably take place?

  A.In the morning.

  B.In the afternoon.

  C.In the evening.

  16. What are the speakers going to do next?

  A.To visit the doctor.

  B.To go to their neighbors.

  C.To call the police.

  17. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A.Husband and wife.

  B.Doctor and patient.

  C.Musician and audience.

  第三节 (共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)



  1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.A

  18.(kind of)medicine 19.half an hour 20.free




  1.what may robert do next friday?

  a. he tray probably go to the woman’s party with his wife,

  b.he may stay at home.

  c.he may hold a little party.

  2.what can we learnfromthe dialogue?

  a.the woman dialed the wrong number.

  b.the woman dialed the number correctly.

  c.the man was wanted on the phone.

  3.what does the woman mean?

  a.she will not stay at home.

  b. it is too late.

  c. it looks like rain and she will not have a swim.

  4.where did sara work before he got the new job?

  a.in an advertising firm. b. in a school.c. in a library.

  5.what time does the train arrive?

  a.at 10:15.b.at 10:00.c.at 8:45.




  6.what are the two speakers talking about?

  a.a book.b.a story. c.a character.

  7.what sloes the woman think about the persons in the story?

  a. they are poor. b.they are active. c. they have no life.

  8.what does the man think about the books he read written by that writer?

  a. good. b. bad. c. some good,some bad.


  9.what should the students do before morning reading?

  a.do morning exercise.b.hand in homework.c.do their homework.

  10.when can they buy something to eat before lunchtime?

  a.at about 9:00.b.at about 9:40.c.at about 10:30.


  11.what is the man going to do this friday night?

  a. to go on a journey.b. to go to the concert. c.to work as a writer.

  12.why iss the woman buying the tickets?

  a.because the man,doesn’t have much money.

  b.because the man left his money a at home.

  c.because slit is the man’s boss.

  13.what can we knowfromthe conversation?

  a.the conversation happens at theendof the term.

  b.the man gets a part-time job while studying.

  c.the two speakers think the concert is fun.


  14.what is the dialogue mainly about?

  a.american tv is not interesting.

  b.some of the shows are pretty violent.

  c.people like newspapers because they are interesting.

  15.what does the woman think of the people she met?

  a.they are like the people in the shows.

  b.they are differentfromthe people on tv,

  c.they are not as kind as those on tv.

  16. what kind of newspaper attracts people?

  a.newspapers with much violence.

  b.newspapers with much exciting news.

  c.newspapers with traditional(传统的)culture(文化)about the old west.


  17.the bermuda triangle lies .

  a.in the atlantic ocean

  b.in africa

  c.in the ocean

  18.where is its furthest western point up to?



  c.as fast as the coast of africa.

  19.there are __________ about the cause of these disappearances.

  a. various opinions b. not any opinion c. agreements

  20.what have disappeared in this area?

  a.boats and planes.

  b.planes and ships.

  c.only ships.



  1. Hi, Amy. Let‘s fly the kite.

  2. This is a woman.

  3. Look, this is my brother.

  4. Show me ABC.

  5. Spell theword name, N A M E, name.

  二、根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符,符的在图片下面的括号里打 “√”,不符的打“×”。

  1. Look, this is my grandpa.

  2. Hi, Mr. Wang! Hi!

  3. CDE, draw a tree.

  4. ABC, look and see.

  5. Hi, I’m Mike, I‘mfromCanada.

  6. AAA, say OK.

  7. DDD, drink some tea.

  8. Chen Jie, Let’s watch TV.

  9. How many crayons do you have, John?

  I have 17.

  10. How many kites can you see?

  I can see 10.


  1. How many jeeps can you see?

  I can see 12.

  2. How many elephants can you see?

  I can see 13.

  3. I can see 15 ants on the desk.

  4. How many hamburgers do you have? 5.

  5. How many kangaroos can you see?

  I can see 20.


  1. Hi, I‘m Bai Ling. I’mfromChina.

  2. ABC, look and see.

  3. Hi, I‘m Mickey. I’mfromAmerica.

  4. This is the teacher, and this is the student.

  5. Who‘s that woman? She’s my mother.

  6. EFG, have a seat.

  7. EFGHI, say “goodbye”.

  8. Go to school.

  9. Show me ten.

  10. ABCDE, read after me.


  一、A B A B A

  二、X√√XX √X√XX

  三、12 13 15 5 20

  四、10 2 6 9 3 1 7 8 5 4