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英语阅读高考冲刺题 经历感悟(6)

时间:2017-06-11 14:25:56 英语阅读 我要投稿

英语阅读高考冲刺题 经历感悟




  答案 (1)Proud as these two moneybags are,they are afraid to see me.

  (2)We wouldn't lose heart even if we should fail ten times.

  (3)We are determined to fulfill the task whatever happens.

  (4)Much as I love this dictionary,I will not buy it.

  (5)No matter how difficult it may be,we are determined to carry the research to the end.












  答案 (1)The streets in New York are just as crowded as those in London.

  (2)He looks younger than he is (for his age).

  (3)The more you read,the more knowledge you can get.

  (4)He is as old as I.

  (5)This book is no more interesting than that one.
