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届高考英语阅读改错提升训练题集 体育运动(2)

时间:2017-06-11 14:11:00 英语阅读 我要投稿

2016届高考英语阅读改错提升训练题集 体育运动

  New Rochelle was __5__ by Dan O'Brien,Yonkers by Les Beck.The gym was fully __6__ to capacity,and the volume of noise made it __7__ to hear.The game was well played and __8__ competed.Yonkers was leading by one point as I __9__ there were but 30 seconds left to play.

  Yonkers,in __10__ of the ball,passed off—shot—missed.New Rochelle recovered—pushed the ball up court—shot.The ball __11__ tantalizingly around the edge and off.The fans shrieked.

  New Rochelle,the home team,__12__ the ball again,tapping it in for what looked like __13__.The noise was deafening.From the clock,I realized the game was __14__.I hadn't heard the final buzzer because of the noise.

  Seeking help in this disorder,I __15__ the timekeeper,a young man of 17 or so.He said,Mr.Covino,the buzzer rang as the ball rolled off the rim __16__ the final tap­in was made.

  I was in the unenviable __17__ of having to tell Coach O'Brien the sad news.“Dan,” I said,“Yonkers __18__ the game.” His face clouded over.The young timekeeper came up,saying,“Sorry,Dad,__19__ ran out before the final basket was tapped in.” __20__ like the sun coming out from behind a cloud,Coach O'Brien's face lit up,“That's okay,Joe,my son,you did what you had to do.I'm proud of you.”


  officiate vt.行使

  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。“我”是一名教练,可在一次比赛中所发生的事情让“我”印象深刻。

  1.A.played B.thought C.rooted D.studied

  答案 C [从前一句可知,作者是球队的教练,因此选C。root for表示“全力支持”。]

  2.A.accident B.event C.occurrence D.incident

  答案 D [a dramatic incident意为“戏剧性的小事”。accident指“突发的事故”;event指“大事”;occurrence指“异常情况”。]

  3.A.changed B.proved C.continued D.supported

  答案 A [从最后一段可知,Coach O'Brien对球赛的胜败态度的转变也影响了作者自己。]

  4.A.playing B.refereeing C.watching D.explaining

  答案 B [B项照应了前一句中的提示“referee”。]

  5.A.coached B.acted C.surrounded D.shocked

  答案 A [从最后一段可知,Dan O'Brien是New Rochelle的教练,应选A。]

  6.A.untreated B.unsafe C.crowded D.legal

  答案 C [考查形容词的用法。根据上下文可以推断体育馆的人很多,选C。untreated意为“未处理的'”;unsafe意为“不安全的”;legal意为“合法的”。]

  7.A.surprising B.impossible C.exciting D.timely

  答案 B [从前一空和“noise”可推知B比较合理。]

  8.A.continuously B.closelyC.easily D.happily

  答案 B [从后一句可知,双方几乎势均力敌,所以选B。]

  9.A.discovered B.remained C.accessed D.added

  答案 A [当作者发现“Yonkers was leading by one point”的时候还剩30秒比赛结束。A项符合题意。]

  10.A.search B.pride C.honour D.possession

  答案 D [本题考查的是词组in possession of,意为“控制”,是“passed off—shot—missed”这一系列动作的前提。]

  11.A.ran B.rolled C.walked D.wandered

  答案 B [球投到篮里的时候,是roll(滚动)比较合乎题意。]

  12.A.refused B.removed C.recovered D.examined

  答案 C [根据“New Rochelle recovered—pushed the ball up court—shot.”可知答案应该是C。]

  13.A.failure B.victory C.mistake D.bravery

  答案 B [B项既照应了上文“tap in”(托进或拨进篮筐),也照应了下面的“as the ball rolled off the rim__16__ the final tap­in was made”,故选B。]

  14.A.over B.last C.dilemma D.unfair

  答案 A [从下面可知,球赛应该over(结束),但没听到当时停止的信号。]

  15.A.entered B.left C.approached D.seperated

  答案 C [到计时员那儿去问,所以应该是approach(走近)。]

  16.A.if B.before C.and D.after

  答案 B [从下文可以推知,哨声是在最后一个进球之前吹响的,应选B。]

  17.A.situation B.position C.condition D.state

  答案 B [由于作者是裁判,再加上胜败已成定局,此时处于不值得羡慕的位置,故选B。situation指“形势”;condition指“条件”;state指“状况”。]

  18.A.won B.lost C.defeated D.loss

  答案 A [根据上下文可知赢了比赛,应选A。]

  19.A.way B.money C.strength D.time

  答案 D [句意是“在最后一个球投中之前时间就已经到了”,所以应选D。]

  20.A.Actually B.Luckily C.Finally D.Suddenly

  答案 D [因为Coach O'Brien的态度是在儿子的几句话后快速改变的,因此D比较符合语境。]

  维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)


