英语阅读 百分网手机站


时间:2021-12-28 10:36:47 英语阅读 我要投稿



  Once upon a time, there were four mice that lived in a wall in the field.


  Summer was coming, and so the mice came out of the wall to collect berries, nuts, corn and straw. Everyone was working very hard, day and night.

  Everyone was working very hard, except, Frederick.

  “Why aren’t you working, Frederick?” his friends asked him. “oh,but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting the sunshine for the cold, dark winter.”

  A few days later his friends asked him again “why aren’t you working,Frederick?” “Oh, but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting colors for the long, grey winter.”

  A few days later his friends asked him again “why aren’t you working, Frederick?” “Oh, but I am.” Frederick told them. “I’m collecting words for the long, quiet winter.”

  Soon, the first snow came, and the four mice went back into the wall.

  They ate their berries and they ate their nuts and they ate their corn and they ate their straw. But time passed, and time passed, and soon there were no more berries, and soon there were no more nuts and soon there were no more corn and soon there were no more straw.

  Now the winter was cold and dark, long and quiet. The mice were sad and hungry. Then they remembered Frederick.

  “Hey, Frederick, can you show us what you collected for the winter.”

  “Ok,” said Frederick, “close your eyes. Here is my sunshine for the cold, dark inter.” And Frederick b

  began to tell his friends some stories, and the mice to feel warmer and warmer.

  “Great, Frederick! How about the colors and the words?”

  “Ok,” said Frederick, “close your eyes” and he told them about theblue skies, and he told them about the red poppies, and he told them about thegreen grass, and he told them about the purple berries, and he told them about theyellow corn of summer.

  “That’s wonderful, Frederick, thank you.” Said the mice. “We’ve learnedsomething about you”, they told him.

  What do you think they learned?


  China's Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player! He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men's singles (男单比赛) at the Guangzhou Asian Games.He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men’s singles (男单比赛) at the Guangzhou Asian Games. He beat (打败) Lee Chong Wei (李宗伟) of Malaysia (马来西亚). Lee was the world’s No.1 player. “Lee is one of the world’s best badminton players. We play hard. We have an exciting game. He is arespectable (值得尊敬的) player for me,” Lin says. Now he has a new goal. “I’ll try to get to the London 20xx Olympic Games. I’ll work hard,” he says.

  About Lin Dan

  Name: Lin Dan

  Birthday: October 14, 1983

  Nickname: Super Dan

  Height (身高): 178 cm

  Weight (体重): 72 kg


  1.( )Lin Dan tells the world he is the world true No.1 player now.

  2.( )He wins the gold medal in the women's singles at the Guangzhou Asian Games.

  3.( )Lee Chong Wei beat Lin Dan at the Guangzhou Asian Games.

  4.( )Lee Chong Wei is the world's best football players.

  5.( )Now, Lin Dan has a new goal. He will try to get to the New York 20xx Olympics Games.