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时间:2017-06-22 12:57:37 英语阅读 我要投稿


  罗密欧与朱丽叶,英文原名为The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,简写为Romeo and Juliet,是英国剧作家莎士比亚著名的悲剧,因其知名度而常被误称为莎翁四大悲剧之一(实为麦克白、奥赛罗、李尔王及哈姆雷特)。但罗密欧与朱丽叶这个悲剧故事并不是莎士比亚的原创,而是改编自阿瑟·布卢克(Arthur Broke)1562年的小说《罗密欧与朱丽叶的悲剧历史》(The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet)。


  罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet

  Verona, Italy, two families of mutual hostility. Caplet their family is headed by the father of Juliet and Romeo headed by the father of the family Montt. A violent clash between two families, casts a shadow over the city. Romeo is a day indulging in the fantasy of youth and love. Encouraged by friends in Latin America Mok Chiu, Romeo participated in the fancy dress party held by Caplet home. To Lai Li Ye Juliet's mother married a young man she has chosen and sponsored by the party, but the opposite has been true. Juliet met in a dance Romeo, two Selections of Falling Love at First Sight. Romeo at the end of the ball home after sneaking into the backyard and Juliet Caplet God, they love each other to talk to the screen for him. With the help of the priests, two secret to the result of marriage. Father hope to eliminate the long-standing hatred between the two families. Juliet's cousin, Thailand and China is a brutal killing of a good guy, he has found his duel with the requirements of Romeo, Romeo's hopes for peace were rejected. Romeo crazy to beat Thailand and China have aroused the anger Mok Chiu asked. Romeo in the deterrent, not kill the child Mok Chiu Thailand and China, but Thailand and China has the opportunity to kill a child Mok Chiu. This tragedy occurred, angry Romeo killed Thailand and China, was punished by expulsion. Romeo and Juliet meet and leave in the middle of the night, but now they want Juliet Juliet's father married a young man she does not love. Father in the planning, pretend to take poison Juliet commit suicide, but the priest's letter did not reach the hands of Romeo. Romeo received the news arrived at the church, on Juliet woke up and had to drink a toxic drug Romeo, Juliet has also shot himself. The feud between two families that led to a younger generation of romantic tragedy.




