英语阅读 百分网手机站


时间:2018-03-29 09:25:13 英语阅读 我要投稿





  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、CD)中,选出最佳选项’s East Village form 7:00-10:00 pm.

  ziyuanku.comEnjoy live music, libations and tasty bites from your favorite San Diego restaurants at a Night Out So They Can Read hosed by author & former professional basketball player R. Michael Anderson! Walk through an inspiring Children’s Art Show sponsored by IDW Publishing and get to know the stories of kids who are impacted by the Story Tent programs. Participate in a brief group quiz competition to find out if any of us is smarter than a 5th grader and then get your holiday shopping done early at out Silent Auction tables.

  Ticket Information:

  General Admission $ 50.00

  VIP Ticket $60.00

  It includes entrance to VIP Mixology Class presented by St. Petersburg Vodka at 6:30 pm

  Kids (under 12)—free with a paying adult

  We’ll have a Story Tent with volunteers, books and prizes for kids to enjoy during the event!

  Group Discount Package----Buy 3 Get 1 Free $150.00

  Buy three tickets, get the fourth one free! Selecting “1” for your quantity will give you 1 group package(4 tickets)

  Event Schedule:

  6:30 pm VIP Mixology Class

  7:00-9:30 pm A Night Out So They Can Read

  9:30-11:00 pm After Party featuring lasers, loud music and dancing!

  21. The host of the event used to work as_____.

  A. a travel agent B. a writer

  C. a basketball player D. a 5th grader

  22. Which of the following activities is NOT included in the event?

  A. Going shopping online.

  B. Taking a group quiz competition

  WWW.ziyuanku.com C. Attending a Children’s Art Show

  D. Enjoying music and delicious bites.

  23. If a couple with their two grown children attend the event, they will pay_____.

  A. $100 B. $ 150 C. $ 160 D. $ 200

  24. Where is the text probably taken from?

  A. A newspaper B. A textbook

  C. A travel brochure D. A news report


  My husband and I just got back from our one-month honeymoon in Bali. It’s been such a fun month. Icing on the cake was on New Year’s Eve. We landed in the Doha airport at 11:40 pm, and were determined to do something more fun and different, even though we were a little sleepy.

  The idea is getting huge bags of chocolates and passing them out to strangers in the Doha airport, along with a lively and cheerful “Happy New Year!” At first, we got rejected, and the staff looked at us strangely(they have strict rules on not accepting gifts—even tiny ones). Passers—by thought we were crazy and trying to sell something, but we persevered(坚持不懈).

  We ended up meeting at least 80 strangers and listening to different heart-opening stories. And among them were two Swedish women, who looked terribly exhausted in the Bali airport. And when we shared the chocolates in Doha, we learned that their entire purse, with ATM cards and money in it, had been stolen in Bali, and they had no money on them. We were moved and gave them money to spend the night in the business class waiting room and they were so relieved!

  —people from around the world.

  It was a lively New Year’s Eve, but in a different way. Throughout the night, my hear opened, with even more fearlessness… as I wanted it to. It was such a perfect way to usher in(开启)the New Year!

  25. What do the underlined words “Icing on the cake” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

  A. A piece of cake B. The hardest time.

  C. The worst thing D. What’s better

  26. What did other people think of the author at first?

  A. Childish and innocent B. Generous and kind

  C. Creative and courageous D. Strange and crazy.

  27. What happened to the two Swedish women?

  A. They lost their purse B. They were seriously ill

  C. They stole others’ luggage D. They has no place to spend the night

  28. What is the passage mainly talking about?

  A. The honeymoon in Bali B. Spreading love in Doha.

  C. How to spend New Year’s Eve D. Passengers in the Doha airport.


  Making decisions when shopping in often tough. Even if you’re satisfied with the first dress you try on, would you go on looking for alternatives, comparing styles and prices, until you drop dead?

  According a recent Wall Street Journal column, psychology researchers have studied how people make decisions and concluded there are two basic styles. “Maximisers” are people who want the best. They like to take their time and weigh a wide range of options—sometimes every possible one—before choosing. “Satisficers” would rather be fast than thorough. They are people who want good enough.

  Schwartz and his colleagues followed 548 job-seeking college seniors at 11 schools from October through their graduation in June. They found that the maximisers landed better jobs. Their starting salaries were, on average, 20 percent higher than those of the satisfivers, but they felt worse about their jobs.

  There is no right choice. “The maximiser is kicking himself because he can’t examine every option and at some point has to just pick something,” Schwartz says. “Maximixers make good decisions and end up feeling bad about them. Satisfivers make good decisions and end up feeling good.”

  Faced with so many choices in our lives, we need to learn how not to waste time and energy on our decision-making, says Jane C. Hu in SLATE online magazine. Hu suggests, decrease your range of options. Once you’ve arrived at a decision, stick with it. Just accept that no decision is ever completely perfect, and remind yourself that it is the best you can do at the moment.