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时间:2018-02-19 10:12:06 英语阅读 我要投稿


  故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主 要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。下面是小编整理的,希望能帮到大家!



  The Rio Carnaval is not only the biggest Carnival, it is also one of the most interesting artistic events on the globe. It is usually in February, the hottest month in Rio de Janeiro. This wild celebration officially starts on Friday and finishes on the following Tuesday. It could be interpreted an act of farewell(告别) to the pleasures of the flesh.

  Nevada’s Burning Man

  Burning Man has become somewhat controversial since it began in 1986. But one thing about Burning Man that’s not controversial is its popularity—this is not always to the delight of organizers. In fact, in 2011, they attempted to cap attendance at 50,000. Nearly 50% more people than that came in 2016 and the number is likely to keep growing in the future. It is a week-long annual event which takes place at the beginning of September.

  India’s Holi Festival

  Even if you’re not a fitness-minded person, you’ve probably heard of The Color Run, a race that is different from others primarily because of the colored powder runners cover themselves in. Over several days each March, Hindu Indians celebrate the arrival of spring and the departure of winter by throwing brightly-colored powder into the air and down onto themselves.

  Ethiopia’s Meskal Festival

  Although some of the festivals have religious origins, few of them prove themselves in obviously religious ways. Ethiopia’s Meskal Festival is unique in this respect, as you’ll see if you attend on 27th and 28th September, and celebrates the discovery of the so-called “True Cross”.

  21. What do we know about the Rio Carnaval?

  A. It is not the biggest in the world.

  B. It is usually celebrated globally.

  C. It is a five-day celebration in Rio.

  D. It suggests the beginning of the pleasures.

  22. What worries the organizers of Burning Man in Nevada?

  A. The activities held to delight people.

  B. The money needed to observe the festival.

  C. The debates about the meaning of the festival.

  D. The population taking part in the celebration.

  23. Which festival marks the end of winter?

  A. The Rio Carnaval. B. Burning Man.

  C. Holi. D. Meskal.

  24. What is special about Meskal among the festivals mentioned above?

  A. It is a world-wide festival.

  B. It is controversial since it began.

  C. Its symbol is the colored powder.

  D. It is full of religious atmosphere.

  答案 CDCD


  As an adult, I like nothing better than to sit on the beach reading. Give me a satisfying “beach read” and I’m happy for days. However, I’m sad to say it isn’t really a thing for kids. Most kids would rather take their boards out beyond their parents’ comfort zone than read. And who can blame them?

  But the truth is that even when kids are on vacation, they need the same sort of relax, and reading time that we adults look forward to. The trick is getting them to sit for 5 or 10 minutes to refresh their bodies and to enjoy the pleasure of reading.

  Books tend to be kind of heavy and they can get wet or filled with sand and are then pretty much ruined. Book chapters tend to be kind of long. Your child may refuse to read. And if your kids are anything like my daughter, they may hate to close a book in the middle of the chapter.

  You know what I’m going to say, right? Magazines won’t weigh you down. They can be thrown away if they get wet, and will provide just the right amount of reading for the times when my daughter is ready to sit under the umbrella and cool down for a few minutes. Literary magazines will allow your child to read wonderful fiction paired with beautiful illustrations. Discovery magazines deliver articles on all sorts of topics that will excite and interest your nonfiction lover.

  So don’t leave the beach read behind when you pack the beach bags. Slip a magazine or two in the pocket of the bag and when your child needs a few minutes of downtime, pull it out and get them to sit for 10 minutes or so.

  25. Who is the text most likely intended for?

  A. Parents. B. Kids. C. Travelers. D. Teachers.

  26. What does the author really want to say in Paragraph 3?

  A. Books become a burden for kids on holiday.

  B. Books are not the best choice for “beach read”.

  C. Kids don’t spend time reading books on holiday.

  D. It’s a pity to throw away the books ruined on holiday.