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国际货币基金组织(IMF)第一副总裁约翰?利普斯基(John Lipsky)称,尽管最近市场有所波动,且不断扩散的美国次级抵押贷款市场危机引起了人们的担心,但全球经济的前景仍然“非常有利”。
The outlook for the global economy remains “very favourable” despite recent market volatility and concerns about the unfurling US subprime mortgage market crisis, according to John Lipsky, the IMF’s first deputy managing director.
Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting in Australia of finance ministers from the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation economies, Mr Lipsky said yesterday the IMF would not revise its forecast that the world economy would grow 5.2 per cent his year.
He acknowledged that there were “downside risks” to the global economy based on high energy prices and financial market volatility, but said it should not be a surprise if investors in high-return investment funds suffered from the subprime problems.
“Now we see why [the funds] are high-return,” Mr Lipsky said. “It should not come as a shock it has caused some pain.”
Mr Lipsky added that the widening of global credit spreads was arguably more important to the economic outlook than the recent weakness in equities and said “the realignment of risk?.?.?.?is not necessarily unsettling”.
Questioned about the effect of the weak Japanese yen on the export competitiveness of neighbouring Asian countries, a subject of discussion during this week’s Apec meetings, Mr Lipsky said the IMF had been looking at Japan and would release its assessment in the coming days.
The IMF upgraded its world growth forecast last week by 0.3 percentage points to 5.2 per cent, saying stronger growth in big emerging market countries, particularly China, India and Russia, had brightened the economic outlook. It came despite a downgrade in projected growth in the US.
亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)昨日表示,他预计美国次级抵押贷款市场危机不会影响亚洲经济增长。亚开行在下个月发布最新经济展望时,可能会上调对亚洲地区的增长预测。主持本周APEC财长会议的澳大利亚财长彼得?科斯特洛(Peter Costello)表示,自10年前爆发危机以来,亚洲各国已经吸取了许多教训。
Haruhiko Kuroda, the Asian Development Bank president, said yesterday that he did not expect the US subprime crisis to damage Asian economic growth. The ADB is likely to increase its Asian region growth estimates when it publishes an economic update next month. Peter Costello, Australia’s treasurer and host of this week’s Apec meeting, said lessons had been learned since the Asia crisis 10 years ago.
“But you would be a fool if you thought there are no other economic challenges out there. You have got volatility on international stock markets. You have got volatility on currency markets and you have got record oil prices,” he said. “You have seen in recent days how events in far away places can affect your country in a significant way.”
Short people should pray for a return to the Seventies fashion of stack heels, for the power of jealousy depends on how tall you are, the British weekly New Scientist says.
Researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and University of Valencia in Spain asked 549 Dutch and Spanish men and women to rate how jealous they felt, and to list the qualities in a romantic competitor that were most likely to make them ill at ease.
Men generally felt most nervous about attractive, rich and strong rivals.
But these feelings were increasingly relaxed the taller they were themselves. The more vertically challenged the man, the greater his feelings of jealousy.
For women, what counted most in jealousy was the rival’s looks and charm, but these feelings were less intense if the woman herself was of average height.
This makes sense in evolutionary terms, says New Scientist, in next Saturday’s issue.
Taller men are most successful with women, and women of medium height enjoy the best health, fertility and popularity with men.
On the other hand, a woman of average height could in certain circumstancesfall afoul of the green-eyed monster if their rival were taller.
"Taller women are more dominant and have greater fighting abilities than shorter women," says the study, which appears in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.