翻译资格 百分网手机站


时间:2017-05-23 08:36:54 翻译资格 我要投稿


  C. advertisements D. adult jokes

  100. The unwanted e-mail problem can be solved if ______

  A. the government takes action

  B. a new technology is adopted

  C. more people are aware of the problem

  D. joint efforts are made and new technology is used

  Section 3: Cloze Test (20 points)

  In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing words that are missing from thecontext. You are to put back in each of the blanks the missing word. Write your answers onthe ANSWER SHEET. The time for this section is 20 minutes.

  Insurance is the sharing of (1) . Nearly everyone is exposed (2) risk of some sort. Thehouse owner, for example, knows that his (3) can be damaged by fire; the ship owner knowsthat his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die by (4) and (5) hisfamily in poverty. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire or every vessel lostat sea. ff these persons each put a (6) sum of money into a pool, there will be enough to (7)the needs of the few who do suffer (8) , In other words the losses of the few are met from thecontributions of the (9) . This is the basis of (10) . Those who pay the contributions are knownas (11) and those who administer the pool of the contributions as insurer.

  The (12) for an insurance naturally depends on how the risk is to happen as suggested(13) past experience, ff the companies fix their premiums too (14) , there will be morecompetition in their branch of insurance and they may lose (15) . On the other hand, if theymake the premiums too low, they will not have (16) and may even have to drop out (17)business. So the ordinary forces of supply and (18) keep premiums at a proper (19) to bothinsurers and those who (20) insurance.


  91.D[分析] 细节题型。

  见第二段第一句:The convenience and efficiencyof electronic mail are threatened by _______unsolicited commercial electronic mail.从第三段得知unsolicited commercial electronic mail指的是unwanted messages;因此选项D为答案。

  92.B[分析] 是非题型。

  见第三段第一句:The receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic mail may result in costs torecipients who _____,or for the time spent accessing,reviewing,and discarding such mail,orfor both.三个划线部分分别是选项A、C、D的内容,因此只有选项B为答案。

  93.B[分析] 细节题型。

  见第三段第二句:The receipt of a large number of unwanted messages also decreases theconvenience of electronic mail and creates a risk that wanted electronic mail messages, bothcommercial and noncommercial,will be lost, overlooked, or discarded amidst…因此选项B为答案。

  94.C[分析] 词义题型。

  本文第三段主要谈及unsolicited commercial electronic mail带来的害处,且根据上下文,pornographic应与or前面的vulgar(粗俗的)近义:因此选项A. decent正派的,有分寸的、B.instructional指导的,教育的,D.commercial商业的,贸易的,均不符合题意,只有选项、C.sexual(性的)符合题意,是答案。pornographic色情的,色情作品的。

  95.A[分析] 细节题型。

  见第四段第一句:The growth in unsolicited commercial electronic mail imposes significantmonetary costs on providers of Internet access services,businesses,and educational andnonprofit institutions that…因此选项A是答案。

  96.B[分析] 词义题型。

  见第四段最后一句:Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefullydisguise the source of such mail.根据前面提及的unsolicited commercial electronic mall会带来许多危害,可推断出发送人当然不希望人们知道他们的地址了;因此选项B.hide(隐藏,掩饰)是答案。disguise隐瞒,掩饰:reveal展现,揭示,deliver递送,陈述;post邮递,张贴,揭示。

  97.A[分析] 词义题型。

  从第五段第一句:Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully includemisleading information in the messages' subject lines in order to induce the recipients to viewthe messages.得知:这些人故意在邮件主题栏中使用一些会误导的信息来_______收件人观看信息,四个选项中A.cheat(欺骗,骗取)用在划线部分最符合题意。选项B(介绍)和C(提供)都不如A的意思恰当。

  98.B[分析] 细节题型。

  第四段第二句是个对比句:While some senders…provide simple and reliable ways for recipientsto reject (or‘opt-out’of)receipt of…,other senders provide no such‘opt-out’mechanism…从中得知‘opt-out’应是reject的近义词;而‘opt-out’ mechanism应是前半句中提到的simple and reliableways for recipients to reject receipt of……;因此选项B最符合题意。

  99.C[分析] 推断题型。

  从第六段得知:发送这些unwanted messages的人利用电脑程序自动从国际互联网站或在线服务来收集大量的e-mail地址……,由此推知:他们会向这些地址发送unwanted messages,目的当然应是发送广告了,因此选项C是答案。

  100.D[分析] 细节题型。
