对外汉语 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-08 12:32:47 对外汉语 我要投稿




  In a game, seckilling is used when players are fighting against each other or a monster......


  秒杀 seckill, split-second killing

  ① 游戏中的"秒杀"是指游戏者和游戏者之间或者游戏者和怪兽打斗时,对方异常强大,在游戏者还没有还手,逃跑的情况下,被"瞬间杀掉"。

  In a game, seckilling is used when players are fighting against each other or a monster, since the other party is extraordinarily strong and given that players are killed instantly, in a split second, before they are able to fight back or escape.

  ② 网络团购中的"秒杀"就是指买家在一定时间内抢购一种东西,看谁抢得快,商品价格不一定便宜。

  Seckilling in on-line group buying means that buyers snap one particular article up immediately. Fast buyers may not get the cheaper article.



  Aha, you are often seckilled when playing a game. Act faster next time!


  Let's go seckilling online!


  A: 程程,上个星期你的第一次网购体验,怎么样呀?

  B: 还可以,我在淘宝网上购了一件上衣和一条裤子,不到三天就给我寄来了,质量和款式都挺好的。

  A: 我给你的建议不错吧。

  B: 那是啊,现在我身边的'人,买什么都喜欢团购。

  A: 对了,你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?

  B: 嗯...一般一般吧,有时候没事干就打打游戏。

  A: 那你一定知道"秒杀"是什么意思了吧。

  B: 秒杀?嗯...好像是打仗的时候用的吧。

  A: 秒杀 means being killed instantly or seckillingly,it comes when players are fighting each other or a monster, since the other party is extremely strong and given that a player is killed instantly, in a split second, before being able to fight back or escape.

  B: 跑题了吧,这跟网购有关系吗?

  A: 其实网络购物中也有"秒杀"。

  B: 真的啊?

  A: 是啊,网络团购中的秒杀是指买家在一定时间内抢购一种东西,一旦买家多了,商品的价格自然就便宜下来了。但是,有时候"秒杀"其实是大家买得很快,但是价格不一定便宜,只是大家认为便宜罢了。

  B: 哦,是这样,我明白了,所以秒杀的时候也得小心,不要看别人买什么就买什么,说不定买贵了呢。



  Seckill, a term originating in virtual gaming, describing the situation wher players "PK" each other or a monster, since the other party is extraordinarily strong and given that a player is killed instantly, before being able to fight back or escape. People sometimes use one part of the word, "sec", to express the idea, while omitting the other part, "kill".