
新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词

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新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词

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新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词

  Unit1 SectionA单词


  00:00 03:02

  New Words

  fallacy [flsi]

  n.an idea or belief that is false but that many people think is true 谬论;谬见

  pact [pkt]

  n. an agreement between two or more people or organizations in which they promise to do sth. 协定;契约;盟约;条约

  shrewd [rud]

  a. 1 able to judge people and situations very well and make good decisions (人)精明的,机敏的

  2 well judged and likely to be right (决定和判断)准确的,英明的

  well-off [wlf]

  a. rich, or having enough money to live well 富裕的;有钱的

  dye [da]

  vt. change the color of sth. such as clothing or your hair using a particular substance 给…染色

  makeup [mekp]

  n. 1 substances that people put on their faces, including their eyes and lips, in order to look attractive or change their appearance 化妆品

  2 the people or things that combine to form a single group or whole 组成;构造;结构

  elite [lit, elit]

  a. of or relating to the best or most skillful people in a group 精英的;精锐的

  n. a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills (社会)精英;上层人士

  radiant [redint]

  a. 1 full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your face and makes you look attractive 容光焕发的;喜悦的

  2 very bright 灿烂的;明亮的

  counterpart [kantrpɑ:rt]

  sb. or sth. that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different place, time, situation, or organization 职务相当的人;职能相当的物

  pearl [p:rl]

  n. 1 wise remarks - used esp. when you really think that sb.’s remarks are slightly stupid 有见识的评说,智慧的结晶(尤为反话)

  2 a small round jewel that is typically white and shiny and that grows inside the shell of an oyster 珍珠

  banner [bn]

  a. excellent, extremely successful 极好的;非常成功的

  n. a wide piece of cloth with a message on it, often stretched between two poles 横幅;横幅标语

  situated [stuetd]

  a. be in a particular place; located 位于…;坐落于…

  expressway [ksprswe]

  n. a wide road with several lanes of traffic going in each direction, built for fast travel over long distances 高速公路

  venue [vnju]

  n. a place where an activity or event happens (事件的)发生地点;(活动的)场所

  luminous [lumns]

  a. 1 very bright 很明亮的;灿烂的

  2 shining in the dark 发光的;夜明的

  stereo [sterio]

  n. a machine for playing records, CDs, etc. that produces sound from two speakers 立体声响(设备)

  pedal [pdl]

  n. a part that you push with your foot in order to operate a bicycle, vehicle, or machine (自行车、车辆或机器的)脚踏板

  gum [ɡm]

  n. 1 口香糖

  2 the firm pink flesh in your mouth that your teeth are fixed into 牙龈;齿龈

  staple [stepl]

  n. 1 a regular and important part or feature of sth. 主要内容;基本特点

  2 订书钉

  a. forming the greatest or most important part of sth. 主要的;最重要的

  distort [dst:rt]

  vt. 1 change sth. such as information so that it is no longer true or accurate 歪曲;曲解

  2 change the way sth. looks, sounds, or behaves so that it becomes strange or difficult to recognize 使变形;使失真;使反常

  stump [stmp]

  v. be unable to find an answer or think of a reply to a question or problem 使困惑;难倒

  n. the part of a tree left above the ground after it has been cut through near the base 树桩;树墩

  obesity [obisti]

  n. a condition in which sb. is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health 过度肥胖;肥胖症

  explanatory [ksplnt:ri]

  a. intend to help you understand sth. 说明的;解释的

  underway [ndrwe]

  a. already started or happening 在进行中的

  inference [nfrns]

  n. an opinion you form about sth. that based on information you already have 推理;推断;断定

  analytical [nltkl]

  a. thinking about things in a detailed and intelligent way, so that you can examine and understand them 头脑周密的;善于分析的;分析的

  conversion [knv:rn]

  n. the process of changing sth. from one form, purpose, or system to another 转变;改造;转换

  premature [pri:mtr]

  a. 1 done too soon or too early (做事)过早的,过快的,草率的,仓促的,不成熟的

  2 happening too soon or before the usual time 过早的;提早的

  3 born before it should be (婴儿)早产的

  surpass [srps]

  vt. be even better or greater than sb. or sth. else 超过;胜过

  premise [prms]

  n. 1 a principle or statement that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on 前提

  2 the building and land that a business or organization uses (企业或组织使用的)房屋及土地,经营场所

  tactic [tktk]

  n. a particular method or plan for achieving sth. 方法;策略;手法

  flatter [flt]

  vt. praise sb. in order to get sth. you want, esp. in a way that is not sincere 奉承;阿谀;向…谄媚

  flattery [fltri]

  n. praise that is not sincere but is intended to get you sth. that you want 恭维;奉承;阿谀;谄媚

  discern [ds:rn]

  vt. 1 notice sth., esp. after thinking about it carefully or studying it (尤指仔细思考或研究之后)看出,察觉出,辨明

  2 see or hear sth., esp. sth. that far away or not very clear 看到;听到;辨认出

  crumble [krmbl]

  vi. stop existing or being effective 崩溃;瓦解;消失

  v. break sth. into very small pieces, or be broken into very small pieces 弄碎;(使)成碎屑

  flare [fler]

  vi. 1 suddenly become angry or violent 突然发怒;突然爆发

  2 suddenly burn or shine brightly 突然烧旺;闪耀

  3 become worse 恶化;加剧

  proposition [prɑ:pzn]

  n. 1 an offer or suggestion, esp. involving business or politics (尤指涉及商业或政治的)提议,建议

  2 a statement that people can examine in order to decide whether it is true 主张;观点;见解

  petitioner [ ptn]

  n. 1 sb. who writes or signs a written request that asks sb. in authority to do sth. 请愿人;请求者

  2 sb. who gives a court an offical document in which they ask it to take legal action 起诉人;(向法院)提出申请者

  axe [ks]

  n. 1 a situation in which a government, a company, or an organization decides totend sth. or to get rid of a worker or their job 撤销;取消;解雇

  2 a tool used for cutting down trees and cutting up large pieces of wood, consisting of a long wooden handle and a heavy metal blade 斧;斧头;长柄斧

  ingenious [ndinjs]

  a. 1 good at inventing things and solving problems in new ways (人)有独创性的

  2 cleverly made and well suited to its purpose (设备或计划等)别出心裁的,构思巧妙的

  muscular [mskjl]

  a. 1 having large, strong muscles 肌肉发达的;强壮的

  2 relating to muscles 肌肉的

  retort [rt:rt]

  vt. reply immediately in angry or humorous way to sth. that sb. has said 反驳;回嘴

  drip [drp]

  v. fall in drops 滴(水);漏(水)

  n. 1 the sound or action of a liquid falling in drops 滴答声;滴水声;滴下

  2 one of the amall drops of liquid that fall from sth. 液滴

  sarcasm [sɑ:rkzm]

  n. the activity of saying or writing the opposite of what you mean, or speaking in a way intended to make sb. else feel stupid or show them that you are angry 讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦

  disclosure [dsklo(r)]

  n. a secret that sb. tells people, or the act of telling this secret 被公开的秘密;公开;透露;披露

  Phrases and expressions

  make a pact

  reach an agreement 约好;达成协议

  in exchange for

  giving one thing and receiving another in return 作为(对…的)交换(或替代)

  set a date for

  choose a particular day for sth. 为…定日期

  appeal to

  1 try to get sb. to do or accept sth. by making them think it is a sensible or fair thing to do 诉诸;唤起

  2 have a character that makes a particular person interested; attract 吸引;感染

  make/draw an analogy between

  make a comparison between 在…之间做类比

  make sth. out of sb./sth.

  change a person or thing into sth. else 使…变成…

  give sb. the axe

  1 end a relationship abruptly 抛弃(恋人等);和某人一刀两断

  2 dismiss sb. from their job 解雇某人;开除某人

  be dripping with sth.

  contain or be covered in a lot of sth. 满是…;充满/充溢…



  1. hospitality n.友好好客

  2. pastime n. 消遣,娱乐

  3. revenue n. 税收,岁入

  4. routine 常规,惯例,例行公事

  5. scorn n. 轻蔑,鄙视

  6. shortage n. 短缺,不足

  7. smash n. 打碎,粉碎

  8. stability n.稳定(性),稳固

  9. stack n. 堆,一堆

  10. standard n. 标准

  11. surface n. 表面

  12. temperament n. 气质,性格

  13. threshold n. 开端,入口

  14. tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力

  15. transaction 处理,办理,交易

  16. trend n. 倾向,趋势

  17. transition n. 过渡,转变

  18. variation n. 变化,变动

  19. warehouse n. 货仓 way n. 方式

  20. access n. 入口,通路,接触

  21. accommodation n. 住宿,膳宿

  22. acknowledgement承认感谢致谢

  23. pattern n. 模式

  24. penalty n. 制裁,惩罚

  25. pension n. 养老金

  26. personality n. 人格,人性

  27. pledge n. 保证,誓言

  28. position n. 位置,职位,职务

  29. predecessor 前任,原有的事物

  30. premise n. 前提,假设

  31. prescription n. 处方

  32. preservation n. 保护,防护

  33. prestige n. 威信,威望

  34. priority n. 优先(权)

  35. prestige n. 威信,威望

  36. prospect n. 前景,可能性 rate n. 速度

  37. ration n. 比率

  38. reflection n. 反映,表现

  39. recession n. (经济)衰退不景气;撤退,退出

  40. reputation n. 名声,声望

  41. reservation n. 贮存,贮藏,预订

  42. illusion n. 错觉,假象

  43. ingredient n. 成分

  44. insight n. 理解,洞察力

  45. inspection n. 检查,视察

  46. instinct n. 本能,直觉

  47. integrity n. 正直,诚实

  48. intuition n. 直觉 lease n. 租约,契约

  49. legislation n. 立法,法律

  50. limitation n. 局限性缺点

  51. loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心

  52. luxury n. 奢侈,豪华

  53. manifestation n. 表现(形式)

  54. mechanism n. 机械装置

  55. minority n. 少数

  56. misfortune n. 不幸,灾难

  57. morality n. 道德,美德

  58. notion n. 概念,观念,理解

  59. obligation (法律上或道义上)责任

  60. occasion n. 场合

  61. opponent n. 敌人,对手

  62. ornament n. 装饰,装饰品

  63. admiration n. 欣赏

  64. advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者

  65. allowance n. 津贴

  66. ambition n. 野心,雄心

  67. analogy n. 相似,模拟,类比

  68. anticipation n. 预期,期望

  69. appreciation n. 感谢,感激

  70. array n. 陈列,一系列

  71. assurance n. 保证

  72. blame n. 责任

  73. blunder n. 错误,大错

  74. budget n. 预算

  75. capability n. 能力,才能

  76. cash n. 现金

  77. circulation n. (书报等的)发行量

  78. commitment n. 承诺,许诺

  79. compensation n. 补偿,赔偿

  80. consideration n. 考虑

  81. distinction n. 区分辨别

  82. emergency n. 紧急情况

  83. encouragement n. 鼓励

  84. essence n. 本质

  85. estimate n. 估计

  86. expenditure n. 开支

  87. extinction n .灭绝

  88. fashion n. 方式,样子

  89. flaw n. 裂纹,瑕疵

  90. fortune n. 财产,大笔的钱

  91. fraction n. 小部分,一点

  92. fuse n. 保险丝

  93. guarantee n. 保修单

  94. guilt n. 犯罪

  95. harmony 与…协调一致,和谐

  96. abnormal α.不正常的

  97. absurd α.荒缪的

  98. abundant α.丰富的

  99. acute α.敏锐的 锋利的

  100. aggressive α.侵略的 好斗的

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