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women ar e playing an increasingly impor tant role in society today . in many count ries , more and more women ar e acting as worke rs , farmers , scientists and even leaders . we can say tha t almost all jobs which men can do are done pe rfectly by women . women ar e no longer looked down upon by society . with the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well . hu sband and wife ar e now equal in the family . they cope with problems of daily life togethe r , and shar e happiness with each other . also, you can hardly find out that in today’s families , women a re being busy with dinner s , wher eas men a re comfortably sit ting in armchairs, reading newspapers .
in spite of these changes , the libera tion of women has not been completely r ealized . a number of men still jealously gua rd their rights , and rega rd women as incapable creatures . few women a re allowed to at tend inter national meetings dominated by men . t hat ’s really the problems we should solve immediately .
本文是一篇说明文, 文中三段中每一段的第一句均为该段的.主题句, 其余为支撑句。本文构思清楚, 段落主题明确, 层次感强, 是一篇很好的短文。
everywhere you go , you’ll see people , male or female , old or young , wea ring jeans . indeed , jean s have grown mor e and mor e popular since the first pair was born . in newspape rs and magazines or on tv you often come acros s such ads as “buy these jeans they a re cheap . buy them — they are hardwea ring . buy them — they ar e comfortable .”i think there is no cheating in these ads .
in the first place, jeans are so cheap that almost everyone can afford to buy a pair , especially for students and wageea rners . no one would not pay less and get more .
that jeans wea r well and was h well is their second superiority to other kinds of trousers . wher ever you go and whateve r you do , you’ll find jeans your good companion . made of pure cotton , jean s ar every comfor table . what is more, they produce a good image and make you look casual , spor ty , tough , elegant , and sophistica ted .
modern fashions come and go quickly , but , thank s to levi strauss , jeans always r emain people’s first choice .
本文是一篇说明文, 是一篇三段式作文。第一段说明牛仔裤流行的现象, 并以三句广告词说出流行的原因, 即三大特点———价廉、耐穿和舒适。第二段中有三小段, 分述上述三大特点, 并加上评论。在最后一小段中自然地补充了牛仔裤其他特点, 使论述内容更加丰富。结尾段只有一句, 但简练且总结性强。
most of us are inclined to feel tha t it is difficult to spend our leisur e properly . when we have holidays , we usually feel bored and do not k now what to do . many people just sit in a sofa watching tv, while many othe r people stay in bed to venture their dr eamland .
actually , having this feeling is quite natural since , in our daily life, we do things mor e or less in accordance with an unwrit ten daily routine in our mind . for instance, a student goes to school in the morning , takes lunch at noon , goes home in the evening and does homework at night ; while a clerk gets to the office in the morning , takes tea in the afternoon , goes back home in the evening and r eads newspaper at night .
gradually and accordingly we get used to the routine in our mind . and once we have holidays , we need not car ry out this routine . so we a re at a complete loss .
how to spend our leis ure ? her e a re some helpful s uggestions but the su bject ma tter is to have recreation !
if you a re an active person , you can go on a picnic, or play some spor ts games . the fr es h air and the fascina ting scenery in the count ryside may r ef resh you and the amusing games may make you happier .
for those who a re not so active and like to stay at home , they may listen to light music or read novels . indoor games such as ches s , cards , t able tennis and hobbies such as gardening and keeping pets ar e also enjoyable .
in this way , we will feel relaxed , happier and more energetic . when holidays a re over and we begin to work again, we can do much bet ter with a light heart .
本文为一篇议论文。文中, 作者的`观点是人们因为习惯了每天的生活常规, 而一旦空闲反而不习惯。因此, 作者提出了休闲的建议, 并认为只有充分休闲放松, 才能精力充沛地重新投入工作和学习。