

时间:2024-09-12 15:50:41 英语六级 我要投稿





  In the modern society, with competition becomes increasingly fierce, to find a job is too difficult for the young generation. Academic qualification, as a job a stepping-stone, is an essential factor during the job hunting.

  Some people think that the highly educated must be able to find a good job, because education can prove that a person has a good capacity. Therefore, it is commonly believe that a job seeker with a master degree must be easier to find a promising job than a undergraduate. However, now the company interviewers generally prefer to required a even higher academic qualification, like a doctor degree. Otherwise, the applicants, even though he or she has tremendous potential, will be refused relentlessly.

  As far as I am concerned, education should not be the single standard in an interview. As for the companies, it is not necessarily a good principle as well. Now the whole community often talk about working ability and efficiency. For example, some people may have high academic qualification, but actually his ability is very limited. So both the individual and the community ought to change their attitude on academic qualification. We should realize that it is the operational capability and service ability which can help you to find a good job.


  As is vividly depicted in the picture,before the circulation desk stands a student,who wants to find a shortcut to learning,with the librarian pointing it to him.On the lower part of the picture,we can see some English characters which read “' How To Do Well In School Without Studying' is over there in the fiction section”.

  As to me, I think there is no shortcut to success,and the English characters under the picture also mean that the shortcut to success only exist in the virtual world.Whether you can do well in school is based on the effort that you spend on study.That is to say,the more diligent you are,the better your study is.Diligent is momentous and fundamental to people what the soul is vital and significant to us.Had it not been for it,we could not have been success.The story of Ma Yun,founder of China’s online trading empire,best prove the significance of diligent in realizing personal ambition and creating value to the world.

  “The most crucial part of your life,”once wrote a distinguished professor, “is to cultivate the quality of diligent.”I was,and remains,the supporter of the idea that “There is no shortcut to learning.”


  a library is a building for a collection of books , magazines, periodicals and newspape rs . t he book s a re kept on the she lves in the stack room whereas the magazines , journals , etc . in the reading rooms . modern libr aries also have xerox rooms , and computer rooms .

  if you want to bor row books , you can go to the loan desk , look over the cor rect call numbers in the card catalog and ask the libra rian to take them out for you . or you’re allowed to enter the stack room to find books for your self, you can look up the bound volume of index for the a rticles rela tive to the subject , on which you a re going to write a thesis . if the library does n’t subscribe to the magazine which car ries the ar -ticle you want , you can bor row the magazine from othe r libraries by means of inter libra ry loan service . don’t forget to show your library ca rd or i .d . ca rd to the libra rian before you go into the reading room, whe re you can read magazines or newspape rs . i f you find a good ar ticle and want to keep it , you can have it duplica ted in the xerox room . besides , if you want to watch films or slides , you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio-visual room, whe re you can also listen to language tapes and mu sic tapes .


  some students of ten say“my spoken englis h is poor .” other s say“speaking englis h is very ha rd for me, so no need to try .”t his is what we call“ negative thinking .”in fact , a lot of chinese students can speak good english , but they don’t . their problem is a linguistic inferiority complex , in other words , they wor ry that they won’t be able to speak as well as other people , so they feel infe rior in their presence . this sickness has a cure , that is , building self-confidence to get rid of shyness .

  he re are some suggestion s for you .

  the first thing you can do is to speak english with good friends , with whom you can speak f reely without feeling shy . then , try your ability with teacher s and foreigners if possible . don’t be af raid of mistakes and don’t be afr aid to ask questions about things you don’t k now, as this is the way to acquire knowledge .

  thirdly , t ry to think in english and leave out mindtr an slation . not until you have done so can you be said to have a bet ter command of spoken english .

  fourthly , do more reading to expand vocabulary and learn to use the new words in your speech as much as pos sible .

  lastly , don’t get angry with your self when you come across something you cannot expr ess in english or the words you want to use suddenly escape your memory . this is unavoidable in the lea rning process . ju st keep constant practice . for example, in cet-set , a numbe r of candidates failed the first time and af ter half a yea r’s practice , they succeeded in the second round .

  to sum up , just as the old prove rb says“wher e the re is a will , there is a way , ”so no one should convince himself that he can’t do what other people have done . erase the negative notion and maintain a positive attitude . t her ein lies success . by then you can communicate with the world .










