英语四级 百分网手机站


时间:2017-06-20 14:43:22 英语四级 我要投稿





  四级试卷的听力部分调整: a、取消短对话 b、取消短文听写 c、新增3篇短新闻,而其余考试内容不作变动。


  a 短篇新闻3段 单选) 7题(每题1分)

  b 长篇对话2篇 单选) 8题(每题1分)

  c 听力篇章3篇 单选) 10题(每题2分)



  step 1


  step 2

  关注新闻/长对话/短文的开头和结尾部分,中间部分也需要关注:转折对比句(but, however, infact, actually, on the contrary),特殊逻辑句(因果逻辑句,条件结果句,观点 + 例子,总述 + 分述),观点句(think, believe, hold, maintain, suspect…),结论句(to sum up, all in all, in a word…)

  step 3包含改写词的选项可能是答案(近义词之间的改写(例如: rise– on the increase);同源词之间的改写(例如: beauty -- beautiful);上下义词之间的改写(例如: fruit – apple/pear))



  recession:n. 经济萧条

  competition: n. 竞争

  legislation: n. 立法

  bankrupt v. 使破产adj. 破产的

  budget n. 预算

  asset n. 财产

  loan: n.贷款

  advertising: n.广告

  appreciate: v. 感激,欣赏, 升值

  depreciate: v. 贬值

  currency: n. 货币

  the Stock Exchange: 股票市场

  be on the increase: 正在增加

  be on the decrease: 正在下降

  recovery: n. 复苏(economic recovery: 经济复苏)

  predict: v.预言

  prediction: n. 预言(make a prediction about…/预言…)

  forecast: n. 预报(make forecasts about…/对…进行预测)

  tough economic times: 艰难的经济时期

  value: n. 价值 v. 重视, 给…估价(value…at…/给…估价为…)

  sales: n. 销售额

  budget: n. 预算

  unemployment: n. 失业,失业人数

  billion: n. 十亿

  approve: v. 批准,赞同(approve of…/赞成)

  approval: n. 批准,赞成

  demand: v./n. 要求, 需求

  property:n. 财产(public/private property:公共财产/私人财产),所有权(literary/intellectual property:著作权/知识产权)

  expense: n. 费用(at public expense/用公款;at the expense of…/以…为代价;cut down on expenses/缩减开销)

  financial: adj.财政的,金融的(financial difficulties/财政困难;financial support/财政支持; financial market/金融市场; financial crisis/金融危机)

  loss: n. 损失,亏损(be at a loss/不知道所措; suffer heavy losses/亏损严重)

  profit: n. 利润(gross/net profit: 毛利/纯利; profit and loss/盈亏; ), 益处 v. 受益(profit from/从…中受益)

  critical: adj. 批评性的(be critical of…/批评…),关键的(be critical to…/对…很关键)

  business: n. 商业(go out of business/停业;be on business/在出差), 企业(big business/大企业; launch a business/开办公司); 难事(口语)(be quite a business/是一件难事)


  witness: n. 目击证人

  explosion: n. 爆炸

  blast: n. 爆炸v. 炸(blow up)

  motive: n. 动机

  tradition: n. 传统

  culture n. 文化

  snack: n. 快餐(eata snack/吃快餐)

  poll: n. 民意调查(conduct a poll/进行民意调查)

  smash: v. 猛撞(smash into),摧毁(smash…into pieces/把某物击碎)n. 巨大的成功(hit/ to be asmash/获得巨大成功)

  warn: v.警告(warnsb. about/against/ of…/提醒某人提防…; warn s. not to do../提醒某人不要…; warn sb. off computer games/告诫某人远离电子游戏)

  campaign: n. 运动(launch a campaign for/against…/发起一项支持…/反对…的运动)

  strike: v. 击打,碰撞,(疾病,灾难)侵袭,打动,达成(strike a deal/达成交易; strike a balance between…and …/在…和…之前取得平衡),罢工(strike for a pay increase/罢工要求涨工资; be on strike/正在罢工

  community: n. 团体(business community/商业界; scientific community/科学界),社区(virtual community/虚拟社区; local community/当地社会


  program: n. 课程(a graduate/undergraduate training program/研究生/本科生培训课程), 程序

  curriculum: n.课程(be on the curriculum/被列入课程)


  witness: n. 目击证人

  explosion: n. 爆炸

  blast: n. 爆炸v. 炸(blow up)

  motive: n. 动机

  tradition: n. 传统

  culture n. 文化

  snack: n. 快餐(eata snack/吃快餐)

  poll: n. 民意调查

  (conduct a poll/进行民意调查)

  recycling: n. 回收利用(recycling of plastics/glass/paper: 回收利用塑料/玻璃/纸)

  the waste dischargeof the factories: 工厂排放的废物


  the World Health Organization(WHO): 世界卫生组织

  emergency: n. 紧急情况(in an emergency/在紧急情况下, take emergency measures/采取紧急措施)

  monitor: v. 监控

  infectious disease: 传染性疾病

  high blood pressure:高血压

  obesity: n. 肥胖

  overweight: adj. 肥胖的(= obese)


  marathon: n. 马拉松

  finals: n. 决赛

  semi-finals: n. 半决赛

  gold medal:金牌

  silver medal: 银牌

  bronze medal: 铜牌

  run a race with sb.: 和某人赛跑

  come first/second in a race: 在赛跑中获得第一/第二名

  a road race/car/bicycle/swimming race:公路赛/赛车/自行车赛/游泳比赛

  relay: n. 接力赛, 转播节目(a live relay:直播节目;a recorded relay:转播节目)