

时间:2024-09-15 18:09:37 英语四级 我要投稿
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  俗话说,兴趣是最好的老 师,语法学习是一个长期积累、不断提高的过程,在“任务”的心态之下,语法学习容易变成一种被迫的行为,很难持之以恒;而在“投机”的心态之下,语法学习 容易变成一种短期行为,妄图在短期内一蹴而就反而会遭遇“欲速则不达” 的困境。都是要不得的。因此,建议广大英语学习者在语法学习的过程中,要善于发掘或培养自身的兴趣,比如,平时喜欢阅读的,不妨多看看适合自身水平的英语 读物;喜欢听英语歌曲的,不妨多听听自己喜爱的歌手的曲目;喜欢观赏剧集的,找些原版的电影或肥皂剧作为工作学习之余的消遣。在这个过程中,不仅维系了爱 好,而且增进了学习的实效性。何乐而不为?



  语法到底是不是一种“规 则”?——曾经有不少学生这么问。个人认为,语法是规则,但又不完全是规则。为什么这么说?事实上,语言的运用总是遵循一定的规则,对于初学者而言,规则 是要去遵守的,比如不同时态的构成形式,各类句式的构成要素等等,如果缺乏对规则的了解,面对一个个零散的单词,就仿佛看着一堆杂乱无章的砖头,是不可能 建造起语言的大厦的。这也是为什么很多人面对长难句束手无策,想要表达自己的观点却搜肠刮肚写不出来的原因之一。从这个意义上说,语法是语言运用的规则。


  语言的掌握和运用,熟能生 巧是关键。正如“拳不离手,曲不离口”一样的道理。语法的规则和理论需要在实践中巩固、消化,乃至举一反三。曾经碰到过这样的学员,在PETS考试的前一 天发邮件给我,问stop to do与stop doing是什么意思?其实,这样的问题,在初学语法或者基础比较薄弱的学习者中间经常会出现,原因就在于对语法规则的机械记忆和生搬硬套,却忽视了这种 语法现象所折射出的规则的实质。实际上,随着语法学习的深入和英语水平的不断提高,学习者会发现并不需要刻意去关注语法规则,这并不是说规则消失了,而是 由于学习者已经熟练到感觉不到它的存在而已。从这个意义上说,语法不完全是规则。


  另外,在语法学习的过程 中,一本好的语法参考书是必不可少的。市面上比较常见的有《张道真实用语法》、《薄冰语法》、《朗文英语语法》等,此外还出现了诸如《英语语法的奥秘》、 《21世纪活用图解英语语法》等,也是相当不错的书,学习者应根据自身的实际水平结合书籍的特点加以选择。比如,《21世纪活用图解英语语法》这本书,从 编纂特色上看,贯彻了“文不如表、表不如图”的简洁原则;在内容方面,每个部分的设置均符合“由浅入深”的学习规律。同时,每个部分都配备有相应的测试题 目,兼顾了实战、活用及应试等各种需求。是一个不错的选择。


  1. if 引导的虚拟语气

  2. 倒装形式

  Were I you (=if I were you) , I would get up early in the morning.

  Had you arrived at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday(=If you had arrived…), you could have caught the train.

  Should it rain (=If it should rain), the crops would be saved.



  It is time that ...

  Would rather that .....

  (1) I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

  (2) John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.

  (3) I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.

  “It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中的虚拟语气

  1. It is necessary that we (should 可省略,下同)have a walk now.

  2.It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.

  3. It is required that nobody (should) smoke here.

  4. It is important that every pupil (should) be able to understand the rule of school.


  1. He’ll be busy this afternoon. If he ___ free, he ___ to the cinema with you.

  A. were to be; might go

  B. am going to be; will go

  C. will be; might have gone

  D. is; will go

  2. When Edison died, it was proposed that the American people _____ all power in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man.

  A. turn off

  B. turned off

  C. would turn off

  D. had turned off

  3. Had I known her name, _____.

  A. or does she know mine?

  B. and where does she live?

  C. I would have invited her to lunch

  D. she would be beautiful

  4. I'd rather you ______ by train, because I can't bear the idea of your being in an airplane in such bad weather.

  A. would go

  B. should go

  C. went

  D. had gone

  5. The victim ________ (本来会有机会活下来) if he had been taken to hospital in time.

  would have a chance to survive (06. 12 翻译)

  6. The professor required that ________ (我们交研究报告)。

  we hand in our research report(s) (06. 6 翻译)

  7. If Sept. 11 had never happened, the airport workers would not have been arrested and could have gone on quietly living in America, probably indefinitely. (06. 6 阅读)

  8. W: What would you do if you were in my place?

  M: If Paul were my son, I’d just not worry. Now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he is working hard himself, he’s sure to do well in the next exam.

  Q: What’s the man’s suggestion to the woman?

  9. A) Teaching her son by herself. C) Asking the teacher for extra help.

  B) Having confidence in her son. D) Telling her son not to worry. (07.12)

  11. You’d better take a sweater with you ________________ (以防天气变冷)

  in case it (should) turn cold. (08.12)

  12. If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary (就不会被大雨淋湿了). 09.6

  . wouldn’t have been caught by the rain

  13. You would not have failed if you __________________________(按照我的指令去做).

  had followed my instructions/orders (09.12)










