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ofo 共享单车是全球第一个无桩共享单车出行解决方案, 首创“单车共享”模式.用户只需在微信服务号或App输入车牌号,即可获得密码解锁用车,随取随用。以下是yjbys为大家提供的英语作文共享单车的利与弊2017,希望对大家有所帮助。
In the case of multiple bike sharing, it is difficult to meet the needs of a single one, but only in a variety of ways. This is the number of people who sign up, use multiple homes, and get a ride. The price is to pay the deposit. Taiyuan's existing bicycle is used all the time, except the local public bike in taiyuan city, I recently went into taiyuan's bike sharing bike, and I saw three: cool riding and a deposit of 299 yuan. Ofo, the deposit is 99 yuan; A: baibai, the deposit is 99 yuan. A total deposit of 500 yuan for the use of three bikes. The deposit is in its own right, just like a demand deposit in a bank. But this is much better than saving, in exchange for the use of multiple bikes, and more access to travel.
Of course, if you think about it, can you use the money to buy a bicycle for yourself? It isn't. Ride your own bike, and you don't have a place to store your car when you're running errands. And sharing bikes is easier to park, and there is no risk of losing a car. The deposit we paid was actually a bicycle parking, while also paying for the safety of the car.
As to the amount of the deposit, this account is not good. If you save time by using your bike, you will improve your efficiency, and you will be able to do well. At the same time, provide bicycle companies charge the amount of the deposit is different, the way on the bike, quantity, and other services also have many differences, in use process will form the competition, consumers can make a choice. Such accounts, as long as you can return for a car is convenient, put down the deposit, I don't feel love dearly, there is more a few, I will pay, because I like to ride a bicycle, also hope to have more convenient travel, if not a better way to do this is a reasonable choice.
As for another concern of the public, that is, the management and use of the deposit and bicycle enterprise credibility problems, I choose to trust, this trust is based on trust in government, all of us can think of, believe that the government will also be able to think of, believe that the government has the ability to manage. Even if something unexpected happens, it's no big deal. Of course, whether or not to buy such a service is to be based on actual needs and affordability.
Sharing the emergence of the bike, after all is for the life of the people provided a new convenient, no matter how many shortcomings, I still happy, enthusiastic support, hope for the healthy development of the new things.