

时间:2024-09-29 05:14:32 英语四级 我要投稿
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  Today, the sharing of bicycles has become more and more affecting people's lives. Some people say that the sharing of bicycles has made it easier for many citizens to "start the first kilometer and the last kilometer" to solve the problem. Some people say that the sharing of bicycles is everywhere, affecting the city's appearance and even disturbing the travel of others.

  Reports of "subject" Shared cycling civilization caused everybody's debate, at the same time, invite the municipal government, civilization create guidance head, bicycle, head of the company, as well as the Yangtze river net friends and representatives of citizen volunteers, face-to-face dialogue, together to solve. "Sharing means everyone has it and everyone has it." We each user only to use, no property of bicycle, we can't as his own, the vehicle lock up, or in their own home, have more very person will lock damage, to brush paint, the car become their property. This kind of behavior is not desirable, imagine that you sit light rail travel to hankou north, this is you and 2 km away from the destination, then you have keen to share the bicycle can ride, if everyone Shared cycling into their own, excuse me, this time you have Shared a bike ride? "Everyone is for me, I am for everyone", only this way, the sharing of a bike can be the most effective.

  "Sharing is both a Shared benefit and a Shared responsibility." Shared cycling to operating profit enterprise, so enterprises need to solve the problem of its new costs, the fear is that in normal use Shared cycling in a car accident, this time operating enterprise shall provide the corresponding insurance measures, this is responsibility. Sharing bikes to solve the traffic problem of "microcirculation" in cities is also responsible for the way cities are allocated on the road and planning for parking lots. Each of us is a direct beneficiary, and we are more responsible for parking our cars according to the rules. By working together, we can create a new civilization in the city.

  The advent of sharing bikes, in a sense, is the use of social resources to solve our traffic jams, drive fewer cars and ride bikes. At the same time, it was convenient for everyone to travel, and the last bus couldn't arrive. It also offers a number of jobs, including bike production, bike sharing and bike maintenance. As long as you work together to minimize the negative impact, sharing a bike will be a good project that benefits more than the bad.


  关于“共享单车文明课题”的报道引起了大家的热议,同时邀请市文明办文明创建指导负责人,单车运营公司负责人,以及长江网网友及市民志愿者代表,面对面对话,共同求解。“共享,意味着人人拥有,人人便利。”我们每个使用者只有使用权,没有自行车的产权,我们不能据为己有,把 车辆锁起来,或者放在自己家里,更有甚者将车锁破坏,重新刷漆,将车变成自己的财产。这种行为是不可取的,试想一下,你坐轻轨出行到了汉口北,这是你离目的地还有2公里,这时候你是不是特别渴望有共享单车可以骑,如果大家都把共享单车变成自己的,请问,这时候你还有共享单车骑吗?“人人为我,我为人人”,只有这样,共享单车才能最大化地被共同实用。












