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(And moreover, can you teach Chinese “yisi” to your American friends or students?)
中国的“东西”(Chinese “Dongxi”)
“语言这东西不好学,得下苦功夫才行。”Upon hearing this,one of his students stood up and asked:“先生,刚才您讲到语言这东西,我们不懂,您能不能讲一讲它的用法。”
Then, the teacher explained:“A desk是件东西,a blackboard是件东西。an animal是件东西。清楚了吗?” The student seemed to understand it and repeated loudly:“这是一件东西,那是一件东西,他也是一件东西。”
“Tom不是件东西!”the teacher corrected。“Oh,I see.”The student continued to make his sentences:“我懂了,汤姆不是个东西,你也不是个东西,我们大家都不是东西。”The whole class almost laughed to death and the teacher got very angry:“你真是个糊涂的东西!”
The student was very surprised this time:“我又是个东西了吗,先生?”“是啊,”the teacher scolded,“你就是一个典型的,死心眼的,不开窍的东西!”“啊!我真的又是个东西了,多么美妙的汉语啊!”the student sighed.
这儿的东西很贵。(goods/products/items for sale)
真不是个东西!(a bad guy;son of bitch)
不要脸的东西!(disgusting person)
他还算是个东西。(a nice guy)
不管他是什么东西,我们都不怕。(any kind of person)
不管东西南北中,都要拥护中央。(east and west)
上街买东西。(things for sale)
1. 凤姐 笑道(1):“老太太别高兴,且算一算帐再揽事……”
2. 贾母 笑道(2):“依你怎么样呢?”
3. 凤姐又 笑道(3):“我还有一句话呢……”
4. 凤姐 笑道(4):“老祖宗只把他哥儿交给两位太太,一位占一个罢,派每位替出一分就是了。”
5. 贾母因问平儿:“你难道不替你主人做生日?还入在这里头?”平儿笑道(5):“我那个私自另外的有了,这是公中的,也该出一分。”贾母 笑道(6):“这才是好孩子。”
6. 凤姐又 笑道(7):“上下都全了;还有二位姨奶奶,他出不出,也问一声……”
7. 凤姐也悄悄地 笑道(8):“你少胡说!一会子离了这里,我才和你算帐!……”
8. 尤氏 笑道(9):“你这么个阿物儿,也忒行了大运了……你怎么谢我?”凤姐笑道(10):“别扯臊!我又没叫你进来,谢你什么?”
(1) warn with a chuckle (给“老祖宗”提醒,当然要笑着说了)
(2) ask (是“征求人家的意见”了)
(3) continue (“笑面虎”接着说……)
(4) urge (“只用……就行了”,这是催促的了。)
(5) reply (丫头回主母的话,当然要“笑嘻嘻地”了)
(6) approve (这个丫头很懂事,主子满意,就“赞许的”笑了)
(7) remark (大观园实际的“一把手”发话,总要作出和气的样子的,“笑着说……”)
(8) counter (“笑面虎”,果然是一等一的高手,心里不悦,脸上还笑着,“回去在算帐!”)
(9) tease (是尤氏与“姐姐”开玩笑了)
(10) chuckle (咯咯的笑声,大概是凤姐最知名的特点了罢)
10个“笑”,竟然没有用到一个 smile,或者 laugh。翻译用词的多样性可见一斑。
《红楼梦》问世不久,就获得了广大读者的注意和喜爱。当时很快从北京传到南方。《红楼梦》故事成为当时人们谈话的中心,大量地被改编成说唱和戏 剧在民间演出。中国出现了许多研究《红楼梦》的“红学家”。《红楼梦》在世界上也影响深远,不断地被翻译成英、法、日、俄、德等多种文字,介绍到国外去, 深受各国人民的喜爱。英、美、日等国也出现了许多《红楼梦》研究专家。《红楼梦》的确是世界文学宝库中的一部辉煌巨著。
①A Dream of the Red Mansions won the attention and love of a wide reading public soon after it was brought into the world, first in northern China and then in the south. ②For a time, the novel was on the lips of everyone and many adaptations, either in the form of a talking and singing opera of other dramatic forms, were put on the stage. ③Furthermore, many experts have emerged in China who make a career of studying this novel and are dubbed “Red Mansion experts”. ④The book has also gained influence worldwide. ⑤Having been translated into many foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, Russian and German, it has been introduced to and accepted by people in various parts of the world. In countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan there have also emerged “Red Mansion experts”. Indeed, there is every reason to say that A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature.
本段介绍《红楼梦》在国内外的传播与影响。为使段意集中、凝练,译文分别用A Dream of the Red Mansions(句①),the novel(句②),The book(句④),it(句⑤)所指相同、形式不同的词作主语,与原语中反复出现的主题词“红楼梦”相吻合。同样,译文述说的《红楼梦》的传播与影响,先 国内后国外,最后采用that分句,即 A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature,几乎逐词译出,而其中主题词A Dream of the Red Mansions又与段首词遥相呼应。