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She was not on the train which arrived just now. 她不在刚才到达的那列火车上。(关系代词which指train,在从句中用作主语)
He never got back the money which he had lent him. 他从未收回他曾借给他的那笔钱。(关系代词which指money,在从句中用作宾语)
The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge hole in her side. 船碰在一座冰山上,船帮被撞出一个大洞。
She gave me this jumper, which she had knitted herself. 她送给我这件羊毛衫,这是她亲手织的。
This machine, which I have looked after for twenty years, is still working perfectly. 这台机器我已经照管了20年,现在仍然没一点儿毛病。
He may be busy, in which case I’ll call later. 他可能忙,如若如此,我以后再来拜访。
I may have to work late, in which case I’ll telephone. 我可能得晚点下班,那样我会打电话的。
He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home. 他发脾气了,这时我就决定回家了。
He was appointed Lord Chancellor, in which post he spent the rest of his life. 他被任命为大法官,在这个职位上度过了他的后半生。
The postman comes at 6.30 in the morning, at which time I am usually fast asleep. 邮递员早晨6点30分来,这个时候我通常还睡着大觉呢。
It was derived from Posidonius, for which reason much of its information may well have been out of date. 它源于鲍森杜尼尔斯。由于这个原因,它的大部分信息很可能已经过时。
He is studying economics, which knoweledge is very important today. 他学经济学,这种知识现今很重要。
He spoke in Greek, which language I could only follow with difficulty. 他说希腊语,我听起来很吃力。
■ 关系代词which有时可用于指人。原则上说,which用于指事物,不用于指人。但以下情况属于例外:
1. 用于在指人的名词之后,指不强调性别的婴儿:
He was the last child which was born. 他是最后出生的孩子。(which指小孩)
2. 当不是指具体的某人,而是指人的属性(如职业、身份、地位、职务、品质、特征等)时,则也用关系代词 which而不用 who。如:
They accused him of being a traitor, which he was. 他们指控他是叛徒,他真是叛徒。
She talked like a native, which she hardly was. 她说起话来像是个本地人,其实她不见得是。
■ 在非常正式的文体中,代词that后可以接一个修饰它的定语从句,这个定语从句通常用which来引导。如:
They say the only real knowledge is that which can be measured. 据说唯一真实的知识是可以检验的知识。
在现代英语中,that which通常用what来代替。如:
We have that which (=what) we need. 我们需要的东西都有了。
That which (=What) many people say is not always true. 很多人说的话并不表示一定是真的。