

时间:2024-09-17 08:38:40 基础英语 我要投稿
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  1. I can’t [couldn’t] say.


  A:Will we win? 我们会赢吗?

  B:I can’t say. 我说不准。

  A:When will the meal be ready? 饭什么做好?

  B:I couldn’t say. 我说不准。

  A:Do you think he will come on time? 你认为他会准时来吗?

  A:I couldn’t say. 我不知道。

  2. I’ll say!

  用于强调肯定或表示同意,意为:当然是! 当然可以! 确实如此! 我正想说呢! 如:

  A:Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?

  B:I’ll say! 当然啦!

  A:Does he come often? 他常来吗?

  B:I’ll say! Nearly every day. 可不!差不多每天都来。

  A:Did the children enjoy themselves at the party? 孩子们在晚会上玩得高兴吗?

  B:I’ll say! 当然玩得高兴啦!

  3. I must say.


  But he doesn’t study hard, I must say! 但是我得说他学习并不用功。

  Well, that’s clever, I must say! 嗯,依我看,那很灵巧。

  Well that’s daft, I must say. 依我看,那也太蠢了。

  That’s some consolation, I must say. 真是的,那也算安慰。

  4. I say.

  1)用于引人注意,意为:喂! 我说! 如:

  I say, can you lend me five pounds? 我说,能借给我五英镑吗?

  I say! Did you say what he just did? 喂! 你看到他刚才做了些吗?

  2)表示惊讶、感兴趣、恼怒、遗憾等,意为:是吗! 好哇! 好家伙! 哎呀! 如:

  I say! What a huge cake! 好家伙! 好大一块蛋糕!

  I say! He’s late again. 哎呀,他又迟到了。

  A:My husband is ill today. He can’t come. 我丈夫今天病了,他不能来了。

  B:I say! I’m sorry to hear that. 哎呀,太遗憾了。

  5. I wouldn’t say no.

  用来表示同意或不反对,意为:我同意;我不反对;好的;好哇! 如:

  A:Have another drink? 再来一杯吗?

  B:I wouldn’t say no. 好,再来一杯。

  A:Fancy some coffee? 要来点咖啡吗?

  B:I wouldn’t say no. 好哇。

  A:Let’s go out for a walk, shall we? 我们出去走走吧,好吗?

  B:I wouldn’t say no. 好吧。


  I wouldn’t say no to a cup of coffee. 好吧,就来杯咖啡。

  6. Say no more.

  (1) 用于打断对方的说话以便插入自己的'意见,意为:你别说了。如:

  Say no more! How much do you want to borrow? 别再说了,你想借多少吧?

  Say no more! When shall we start? 别再说了,我们什么时候出发?

  Say no more, I’ll go at once. 别说了,我马上就去。


  A:He came home with lipstick on his face. 他回家时脸上还带着口红印呢。

  B:Say no more! 我明白了!

  A:I saw him leaving her room at 10 in the morning.


  B:Say no more. 我明白了,别再说下去了。

  7. That’s to say


  He’s 15, that is to say, he’s very young. 他15岁,也就是说,他很年轻。

  They left two weeks ago, that’s to say, on July 5. 他们是两周前离开的,也就是说是7月5日离开的`。

  He didn’t go, that’s to say, it’s not recorded that he did. 他没去,换句话说,他去了这个事实无案可查。

  I often wish I could read─that is, read easily. 我常常想,要是我能读,也就是说能流畅地读,那就好了。

  注:That’s (to say) 是习语,即使在过去时句子后,也不用 That was (to say)。

  8. You can say that again.


  A:It is an interesting book. 这是本有趣的书。

  B:You can say that again. I’ve never read such an interesting book before. 你说得很对,我以前从未读过这么有趣的书。

  A:She was very beautiful. 她很美。

  B:You can say that again. In fact she was Miss England 1978. 你说得很对,事实上她是1978 年英格兰小姐(即英格兰选美冠军)。

  A:His wife is rather difficult to talk to, isn’t she? 他妻子是一个不太容易交谈的`人,是吗?

  B:You can say that again; she doesn’t seem to be interested in anything but her own affairs. 你说得完全对,她似乎除自己的事外,对什么都不感兴趣。

  9. You don’t say (so).

  表示惊奇或怀疑等,意为:是吗? 真的吗? 如:

  A:She was graduated from college at sixteen. 她16岁就大学毕业了。

  B:You don’t say. 真的吗?

  A:He’s going to get married. 他要结婚了。

  B:You don’t say. He’s only 16 years old. 真的`吗? 他才16岁呀!

  A:And how much do you get, Jim? 吉姆,你赚多少钱?

  B:Two and a half a day. 每天两块半。

  A:You don’t say. 不会吧。

  10. What do [would] you say?

  用于询问对方的看法,意为:你说呢? 怎么样? 如:

  My wife thinks I’m too fat—what do you say? 我妻子认为我太胖,你说呢?

  We’ll go on holiday together. What do you say? 我们一起去度假吧,怎么样?

  Let’s have a rest, what would you say? 我们休息一会儿吧,怎么样?


  What would you say to a drink? 来一杯怎么样?

  What do you say to playing tennis? 打打网球怎么样?

  11. You said it.


  A:Let’s go home. 我们回家吧。

  B:You said it. I’m tired. 好,我同意,我很累了。

  A:The food was awful. 这食物很糟糕。

  B:You said it. 一点不假。

  A:He seems to be in love with the girl. 他似乎爱上这个女孩了。

  B:You said it. 你说得很对。










